
That's not right. She and him have only known each other for less than a month. She hasn't even seen him in human form.

They are not that familiar with each other. Why does she look like she has identified him? ? ?

Thinking of this, Jun Mo became curious. He was just about to ask Leng Su why.

But when he turned around, he found that Leng Su had fallen asleep...

Her eyelids were slightly closed, her breathing was steady, and her slightly open mouth and nose were gently inhaling and exhaling.

After knowing each other for more than a month, this was the first time Jun Mo saw Leng Su's sleeping face. She was so peaceful and gentle, without the sharp edges when she was awake.

At this moment, her body was slightly curled up, just like a newborn little snake. She subconsciously shrank into a small ball, looking like she was protecting herself.

Her hand was still gently on his snake body, and a steady stream of spiritual power was constantly transmitted from her palm to his body, helping him repair the injuries of his internal organs and limbs.

Looking at Leng Su's slender, curved, and slightly trembling eyelashes, her fair, smooth, and tender skin, her small, straight nose, and her delicate, moist red lips...

For some reason, although her appearance was still the same, without any changes, Jun Mo found that his heart seemed different from before.

Before... there seemed to be only the strong and the weak between him and her.

He was always so angry with her that he wanted to bite her to death.

But at this moment, he actually felt that she was particularly attractive and beautiful in front of him.

Even in his mind, he couldn't help but think of her in the daytime, so vivid and charming.

"Pudong phudong phudong."

Jun Mo found that his snake heart seemed a little strange, and his heartbeat speed was a little uncontrollably accelerated.

[Congratulations, Jun Mo's favorability value increased by 10 points, and the current total favorability value is 60 points. 】

In the dark, Jun Mo always felt that something seemed to have changed and seemed to have not changed...

Just like that, Jun Mo actually stared at Leng Su infatuatedly, forgetting to practice and forgetting everything around him.

Leng Su was still pretending at first, but later she found that someone had fallen for her beauty and couldn't extricate herself, so she fell asleep at ease.

In the next few days, when the Leng family was busy getting along with Leng Su and showing off their fancy ways to pamper her, the entertainment industry also caused quite a stir because of Leng Nie's Weibo.

And Leng Su also took advantage of the influence of the Leng family in Country Z and Leng Nie's one-handedness in the business world to become a female star that everyone in the entertainment industry is scrambling to cooperate with.

In just three days, Leng Nie received countless invitations to TV dramas, movies and major variety shows that hoped to cooperate with Leng Su.

On this day, Leng's father and mother had to go back together because they had something to do at home.

Even the eldest brother of the Leng family received a notice from the army yesterday and had to leave in a hurry.

After learning that he could finally be alone with Xiao San, Leng Nie was so excited!


The opportunity to show off his treasure finally came.

Early in the morning, Leng Su just woke up, and Leng Nie came to her room with more than 30 kinds of breakfast.

The coffee table in the living room was full, and Leng Su looked helplessly at Leng Nie, who looked like a husky and asked for praise.

"Little Second Brother, aren't we just having breakfast today? Why did you buy more than the previous few days when everyone was here?" Leng Su wondered.

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