The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 2407 The state gives “husband” for free (14)

However, what Xie Shaoting never expected was that after he struggled all night, Leng Su never mentioned a word at all.

She finished her shower and walked up to him in her sexy pajamas.

Under his blank gaze, he handed him the nightgown in his hand.

"Wear this first after you take a shower. My assistant will bring you clothes tomorrow morning."

After saying that, she didn't ask anything else, just walked past him and walked to another room.

Xie Shaoting stared at her back for a long time, then he clenched the nightgown in his hand, stood up and walked into the bathroom nearby.

The sound of "pattering" water sounded in my ears.

While Xie Shaoting was taking a shower, a sudden knock on the door scared him and made him tremble.

He quickly turned off the shower and stared at the bathroom door warily.

"The room is ready for you. It's the one opposite my room. The door is still open. You can go in and rest by yourself after taking a shower."

"I'm a little tired today, so I won't entertain you. I'm going to bed first."


Xie Shaoting was stunned for a while. It took him a while to react, and he nodded in agreement.

Listening to the distant footsteps outside, Xie Shaoting couldn't help but have a look of annoyance on his face.

Yes, just now, when the knock on the door rang, he maliciously speculated whether Leng Su was going to break into the bathroom and do something to him...

Xie Shaoting finished the bath absentmindedly, dried himself and put on his bathrobe.

As soon as the bathroom door opened, Xie Shaoting saw the disposable slippers placed at the door.

Entering the guest room, you immediately saw the neatly made and clean big bed, the soft and comfortable brocade quilt, and the charger and water bottle on the bedside table. so attentive.

[Congratulations, Xie Shaoting's favorability value has increased by 10 points, and the current total favorability value is 10 points. 】

Xie Shaoting had to admit that as he came into contact with Leng Su, he became less and less disgusted with her.

It was undeniable that she was really outstanding, even better than the girls he knew around him.

And she's very understanding, like what happened tonight.

She seemed to see his embarrassment and didn't even ask a word.

She didn't chase him away or use harsh words. She even invited him into her house in a very gentlemanly manner and tidied up the guest room for him to stay.

Not to mention asking him for the money he promised during the day...

The more Xie Shaoting thought about it, the more he thought Leng Su was good. The more he thought about it, the more he felt that he was too shameless.

[Congratulations, Xie Shaoting's favorability value has increased by 10 points, and the current total favorability value is 20 points. 】

At that time, Leng Su was lying on the big bed, holding his mobile phone and looking at the survey results sent by his assistant.

She didn't know what Xie Shaoting was thinking, but she was very happy to hear that his favorability points were rising.

The information sent by the assistant clearly recorded everything about Xie Shaoting from childhood to adulthood.

The Xie family is not a very powerful family, but Xie Shaoting's mother does not seem to be simple.

Through this information, Leng Su discovered that the genetic match between her and Xie Shaoting was not as simple as it seemed...

However, the information investigated is limited, and the specific operations behind it and who is behind it are not known.

In addition to this, Leng Su also discovered a crucial figure through this information... An Xiang!

He is actually Xie Shaoting's classmate? Brothers? good buddies?

According to the information, An Xiang and Xie Shaoting have known each other for many years, and the relationship between them has always been very good...

PS: [Daily request for votes]

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