The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 2408 The state gives “husband” for free (15)

An Xiang...

The man who expressed his admiration for her the first time they met and drugged her the first time they met?

Oh, no, they want to drug themselves.

He and Xie Shaoting are actually good brothers?

Leng Su's eyes lingered on the name "Anxiang" for a long time, and an intriguing smile appeared on his face.

That night, Xie Shaoting tossed and turned and fell asleep.

When he woke up the next day, Leng Su was no longer there, but there was a prepared breakfast on the table, and the clothes, shoes and socks he needed on the sofa.

She even left him 10,000 yuan in cash, a room key card, and a note with her phone number on it.

Looking at these essential items, Xie Shaoting felt mixed.

He didn't know if Leng Su knew anything, but she carefully made him afraid...

The heart in his chest was beating uncontrollably again, and the inexplicable emotion seemed to be getting stronger and stronger.

Even, he couldn't help but have a question in his heart.

Is she really the scumbag that men say when she is so outstanding and good?

[Congratulations, Xie Shaoting's favorability value has increased by 10 points, and the current total favorability value is 30 points. 】

After spending a short time with Leng Su, Xie Shaoting refreshed his understanding of her again and again.

She looks like an ordinary woman, immersed in her career and working hard.

But in fact, she is different from other women.

A woman can do it, she can do it.

If a man can do it, so can she.

She knows how to work, manage the company, do laundry, cook and clean housework, and is as meticulous as dust.


"Ring ring ring."

Just when Xie Shaoting was panicking, a sudden ringtone interrupted his thoughts and brought him back to his senses.

"Hello? An Xiang, where have you been these two days? I've been looking for you."

"Where are you now? Why are you so noisy like that? Have you been drinking?"

Hearing An Xiang's uncomfortable reaction on the other end of the phone, Xie Shaoting's heart suddenly lifted.

After repeated questioning by him, An Xiang hesitated to reveal his location.

When Xie Shaoting rushed to a KTV, he saw this scene...

In the private room, An Xiang drank so much that the empty wine bottles were poured all over the floor.

He was crying while drinking, looking heartbroken.

Seeing this, Xie Shaoting hurriedly stepped forward, snatched the wine bottle from the other party's hand, and glared at An Xiang angrily.

"What happened to you?"

"Why did you make yourself look like this after not seeing each other for two days?"

The wine bottle in his hand suddenly disappeared. An Xiang raised his head in confusion. After seeing Xie Shaoting's face clearly, he immediately fell into Xie Shaoting's arms and tightly hugged Xie Shaoting's waist with both hands.

"Ooooo, Shaoting, am I ugly?"

"Am I really that bad?"

"Tell me, why can't she like me?"

"What's wrong with me?"

"I said, as long as she is willing to give me a chance, I will do anything for her."

"Whether you want me to have plastic surgery or let me work hard to become better, I'm willing to do it."

Upon hearing An Xiang's words, Xie Shaoting's heart immediately "thumped".

He patted An Xiang's back and comforted him: "An Xiang, you are good enough, really."

"You are handsome, well-educated, gentle and considerate, and can take care of others. The food you cook is particularly delicious. You are already outstanding!"

PS: [Daily request for votes]

There will be another chapter later, Life and Death at Speed, wait a moment

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