The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 2447 Cultivation of Immortality: “Unscrupulous” sister VS “Rogue” brother (27)

After passing through the illusion and confusion, they came to a simple hall.

In the darkness, the invisibility charms on Leng Che and his secret guard both failed, and their figures were suddenly exposed to the sights of Leng Su and Murong Yu.

Leng Su's face was calm, and he didn't seem to be surprised at all by the appearance of the two of them.

On the other hand, when Murong Yu saw these two people, there was an obvious look of astonishment on his face, but he quickly restrained himself in time.

Obviously, when the situation developed to this moment, Murong Yu finally understood what Leng Su meant by "he will find it himself"...

It turned out that Leng Che had never left, but had been following them.

Thinking of this, Murong Yu's eyes dimmed, and there was an obvious hint of wariness in his eyes as he looked at Leng Che.

He moved his steps calmly and blocked Leng Su with his body, trying to protect her.

After taking in his series of reactions and actions, Leng Su's heart warmed slightly, and she silently reached out and took the hand of the man in front of her.

His palm felt warm, and a soft and warm little hand was holding his big palm obediently.

Murong Yu subconsciously glanced sideways, and his dark eyes suddenly crashed into a pair of bright star eyes with strong love.

When their eyes met, Murong Yu looked obviously stunned...

This was the first time that he saw such bright and unabashed admiration in Leng Su's eyes.




The violent beating of the heart keeps ringing...

Murong Yu felt his heart tremble violently, and his heart gradually became uncontrollable.

[Congratulations, Murong Yu's favorability value has increased by 10 points, and the current total favorability value is 80 points. 】

"He is not Che'er..."

In order to avoid a fight later, Murong Yu was wary of Leng Che, so Leng Su thought about it and decided to tell him the truth.

"how come……?"

Murong Yu's pupils shrank, and his eyes were full of shock and disbelief.

Seeing the heavy look on Leng Su's face, Murong Yu quickly calmed down his emotions, stared at Leng Su and asked, "Is it a body snatching?"

"...Yeah." Leng Su nodded with an ugly expression.

"It's my fault. I failed to protect Che'er. I didn't even know that he was taken away..." Leng Su said with a pale face.

Hearing this, Murong Yu's mind flashed through every detail of these days.

It was not until this moment that he finally understood the reason for Leng Su's changes over the past few days.

I understood why she suddenly woke up and suddenly no longer continued to pamper Leng Che without any limit.

It turns out... was he taken away because of Leng Che?

Looking at Leng Su's pale face, Murong Yu held her hand tightly.

When Leng Su raised her head to look at him, Murong Yu looked at her firmly and said, "Let's avenge our junior brother together!"

Hearing this, Leng Su's heart warmed slightly, but under Murong Yu's gaze, she shook her head and rejected his proposal.

Facing the doubtful look on Murong Yu's face, Leng Su explained in a low voice: "Che'er is still alive..."

Hearing this, Murong Yu's black eyes suddenly lit up, and then he said firmly: "Let's save him together."

"Okay." This time, Leng Su nodded in agreement.

Cultivators have excellent five senses, and Leng Su and Murong Yu were not secretive. Therefore, their brief exchange just now was completely heard by Leng Che and his secret guards. Entered the ear...

There was a dark look on Leng Che's handsome face...

PS: [Daily request for votes]

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