"Have you discovered that I'm not Leng Che?" "Leng Che" said in a gloomy tone.

Leng Su glanced at him and ignored him.

"So, what you did before was intentional?" "Leng Che" said with a gloomy face.

Thinking of Leng Su's attitude towards him during this period, and the three excellent healing pills that had just been cheated away from him, "Leng Che" was so angry that he gritted his teeth.

In a flash, a light flashed in his mind, and he suddenly remembered something.

He glared at Leng Su fiercely, gritted his teeth and questioned: "The last time you sneaked up on me and wanted to kill me, it was you!"

Unlike the questioning tone in the previous questions, Leng Che used an affirmative tone this time.

"Why are you pretending to be innocent? You took over my brother's body. Is it wrong for me to want to kill you?"

"Besides, if I were not still useful to you, your shameful father would have killed me when we entered the secret realm just now."

"Do you think I am right? Master Uncle Yun?"

When Leng Su called out the four words "Master Uncle Yun", the other three people present showed astonishment and disbelief on their faces.

Leng Che and the secret guard obviously did not expect Leng Su to know his identity...

Murong Yu really did not expect it, of course, there was still a trace of unacceptability.

Master Uncle Yun.

These four words are not unfamiliar to everyone in Yunyang Sect.

Yun Che, the beloved son of the ancestor of Yunyang Sect, was a genius figure of Yunyang Sect who was once famous.

Once upon a time, Yun Che's name was a sensation in the entire cultivation world.

It's a pity that God is jealous of talents. No one expected that a generation of proud emperors would fall into the inner demon when they advanced to the Nascent Soul stage.

When Yun Che died, countless people felt sorry for him, but as time passed, people slowly forgot about this genius.

Murong Yu never thought that Yun Che, the former emperor of their Yunyang Sect, was not dead...

Or rather, he only lost his physical body, while his Nascent Soul and his spirit were still alive.

What Murong Yu did not expect was that as one of the representative figures of the Yunyang Sect, Yun Che would actually attack Leng Che, a disciple of his own sect, and take over his body.

Yun Che narrowed his eyes slightly, and looked at Leng Su with an ambiguous meaning: "You are indeed a person with great luck."

"Such a mind is indeed far better than that of an ordinary woman."

"It's just a pity that although you have the blessing of God, you may not be able to make it to the end..."

"What this cultivation world lacks the most is geniuses blessed by God. Cultivation is against the will of heaven. Everyone is fighting against heaven. How can we be afraid of this heaven?"

"Leng Su, no matter how smart and mentally strong you are, what does it matter? Since you have met me, Yun Che, you are destined to fall!"

Almost as soon as the voice fell, Yun Che flew to attack Leng Su.

Murong Yu drew his sword and was about to meet him, but was intercepted by the dark guard who suddenly appeared on the side.

Yun Che's cultivation is higher than Leng Su's, and he has countless various offensive and defensive magic weapons on his body.

In addition, the memory of him being controlled by Leng Su before was erased, so Yun Che naturally had a lot of confidence at this time...

Confident that Leng Su is definitely not his opponent.

Confident that he can get rid of Leng Su and Murong Yu this time.

Confident that he can forcefully seize the opportunity of the two, smoothly merge with Leng Che's body, and completely devour Leng Che's hidden soul.

PS: [Daily vote request]

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