The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 2453 Cultivation of Immortality: “Unscrupulous” sister VS “Rageless” brother (33)

In the old man's frightened sight, a familiar figure walked through the water mirror and walked towards him step by step.


The old man looked at the water mirror behind the woman in disbelief.

I saw, in the water mirror, Leng Su and Murong Yu were still hugging each other tightly, kissing each other like crazy.

And standing in front of him was a woman whose face and figure were exactly the same as Leng Su's.

If I had to say something different, it would be that the woman in front of him was going to be even more dangerous.

"Who are you?" The father and son used the same familiar lines as soon as they spoke.

"The cycle of cause and effect, I am the retribution for you and Yun Che..." Leng Su said with a smile.

"We have no enmity with you, why are you meddling in other people's business?" Yunyang ancestor asked frantically.

"When I see injustice on the road, I roar... No, if I see injustice on the road, can't I draw my sword to help?"

"And, even though you have no grievances against me?"

"Your son not only robbed me of my things, but even bullied my man. How dare you say that there is no injustice or enmity???"

"Okay, no more nonsense, die early and be reincarnated early. Instead of wasting time with me here, you might as well go to the underworld early to report on the queue, so that you can be reincarnated early..." Go.

Before Leng Su could finish his words, he was forcibly interrupted by a sneak attack from Yunyang ancestor.

"Bang bang bang."

One violent attack after another came through the air.

"Witch, give back my son's life!" Another very familiar line rang out.

Leng Su was not in a hurry to fight back, but instead teased the old man like a cat catching a mouse.

Facing Patriarch Yunyang's crazy attack, Leng Suna stood motionless. She set up a transparent barrier in front of her, allowing the opponent to do whatever he wanted.

What puzzled and puzzled Leng Su the most was that Patriarch Yunyang’s brain circuitry was different from ordinary people’s.

Knowing that he couldn't beat her, knowing that she was teasing him, he didn't even try to run away...

As a result, the barrier she secretly set up had no effect at all...

Ancestor Yunyang was having a great time, and Leng Su decided not to disturb him anymore.

But the waiting time is quite unbearable, so I spent some time in order to have some fun for myself.

Leng Su moved a lot of things out of the space in front of the Yunyang ancestor.

There are tables, sofas and chairs, melon seeds, computers, spiritual fruits...

While she was cracking melon seeds and continuing to watch the TV series she had not finished last time, she would turn her head to encourage Patriarch Yunyang from time to time.

"Come on, I'm very optimistic about you, you can definitely do it."

"Bah bang bang." Leng Su clapped excitedly, "I've made great progress. The barrier just trembled three times."

Seeing Patriarch Yunyang's livid face with anger, and facing Patriarch Yunyang's glare, Leng Su calmly grinned brightly at him.

"I know that my beauty is so beautiful that people can't breathe, but you are getting older anyway, so you have to restrain your eyes."

"My men will be jealous if you stare at me like that."


Ancestor Yunyang was already furious because of Yun Che's death and the crazy attack just now.

Now being so stimulated by Leng Su, I couldn't hold it back and was so angry that I vomited blood on the spot...

"Demon girl, the hatred of killing your son is irreconcilable. I will never let you go even if I am reduced to ashes!!!"

PS: [Daily request for votes]

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