The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 2454 Cultivation of Immortality:

Almost as soon as Patriarch Yunyang finished speaking, his shriveled body expanded rapidly...

The whole person is like an inflated balloon, rapidly becoming larger and rounder, the whole person is deformed, and the facial expression becomes extremely distorted and ferocious.

An intimidating coercion swept towards Leng Su crazily, locking her whole body in it.

Feeling the deep malice and strong murderous intent from Ancestor Yunyang, Leng Su's lips curled up slightly and he looked at the other person with an unclear expression.

"It seems that you really love your son Yun Che..."

"For the sake of his cultivation, he even sacrificed his soul as a sacrifice, just to die with me..."

Leng Su muttered a few words, and then saw the Yunyang ancestor in front of her quickly approaching her.

The growing body exuded a strong pressure, and the cave they were in was shaking and shaking.

Countless rocks fell from the top of the cave...

The earth trembled and the mountains shook, and the color of heaven and earth changed.

All the monks in the entire Yunyang Sect looked in the direction of the forbidden area with horrified expressions.

Sect Master Yunyang and the major peak masters stopped the disciples from approaching and even notified everyone to evacuate the sect quickly.

"Witch, I will make you disappear into ashes today!!!"

As Patriarch Yunyang finished speaking, his swollen body also burst into a captivating light.

The spiritual power in the air around her was stirring, and the barrier in front of her was shattered by the attack of energy light waves.

Looking at Leng Su who was still indifferent, Patriarch Yunyang frantically gathered his spiritual power and rushed towards Leng Su.


"Bang bang bang."

“The cave was shaking more and more violently, and countless spiritual powers exploded when they touched the surrounding mountain walls.

The light group is getting closer and closer to her, getting closer...

A strand of hair that was so close to Leng Su's forehead was cut off by spiritual power and scattered in the wind. Before it even touched the ground, it was torn into countless pieces by the restless spiritual power.

Her hair flutters in the wind, and her clothes and skirts ripple in the wind.

Leng Su's entire body was gradually enveloped in a halo, until finally her figure completely disappeared.


Suddenly, a shrill scream sounded.

The restless spiritual energy around him suddenly stopped, and the group of light exuding a dazzling halo suddenly disappeared.

The violently shaking cave suddenly returned to calm, and the falling rocks also stopped in mid-air.

A tiny black vortex is slowly growing larger, swallowing everything around it bit by bit.

Until everything in this cave returns to its original state...

It wasn't until Patriarch Yunyang disappeared completely that Leng Su put away the black whirlpool, turned around and stepped into the water mirror in front of him again.

As her figure disappeared, the water mirror turned into countless water drops and disappeared into the air.

At this time, in the Xuanbing Cave, Leng Su and Murong Yu were still obsessed with each other.

Suddenly, a strange yet familiar male voice sounded.

Leng Su and Murong Yu's figures froze at the same time, and then they looked at each other, and both saw ecstatic expressions in each other's eyes.

They let go of each other, turned around and walked towards the quiet Xuan Bing Coffin beside them.

I saw that the man in the Xuanbing coffin, who had his eyes closed, his face pale, and his face suddenly trembled with eyelashes.

His pale face gradually turned rosy. Under the expectant gazes of Leng Su and Murong Yu, his long and curved eyelashes slowly opened after trembling for a few times...

A pair of pure and clear black eyes looked straight at Leng Su in front of him...


PS: [Daily request for votes]

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