The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 2457 Cultivation of Immortality:

After the Dragon Flame Secret Realm, Yunyang Sect fell silent for a long time.

Because of the death of Yunyang, the ancestor of the Zhenzong, the Yunyang Sect almost fell from its position as the number one sect.

It was not until Luoyang Peak Master's breakthrough and the Yunyang Sect's rich heritage of tens of thousands of years that the position of the No. 1 sect was secured.

However, the death of Patriarch Yunyang still greatly reduced the strength of Yunyang Sect.

Therefore, for a long period of time thereafter, the Yunyang Sect chose to lie dormant and hide its power and bide its time.

It was not until the rise of two siblings, Murong Yu and Leng Su Leng Che, that the Yunyang Sect once again became brilliant.

After entering the Dragon Flame Secret Realm, Murong Yu immediately brought Leng Su to the Luoyang Peak Master, saying that he and Leng Su would become a dual cultivation partner.

The moment he saw Leng Su and Murong Yu, Peak Master Luoyang did not show the slightest expression of surprise on his face. He looked at them with a clear look in his eyes.

Obviously, from the moment Leng Su and Murong Yu cultivated their souls together, Luoyang Peak Master knew that they were destined to be together.

After all, throughout the ages, all male and female monks who can achieve both spiritual and spiritual cultivation have walked towards the great road hand in hand in happiness and love.

So far, male and female monks who can achieve dual cultivation of spirit and soul have either fallen together or successfully ascended together.

Perhaps their destinies are different, but they all have one thing in common, that is, they will never leave each other regardless of life or death.

Therefore, as early as after learning that Leng Su and Murong Yu had dual spiritual cultivation, Sect Master Yunyang and the other peak masters knew that these two people would definitely come together.

As for the twists and turns of the story, it is not their concern.

Because of Leng Su and Murong Yu's talents, and because they had obtained the dual cultivation of spirit and soul, their dual cultivation ceremony was made particularly grand and grand.

Even Sect Master Yunyang came to host them in person, and the masters of various peaks also came to send blessings.

Of course, Leng Su will repay them.

For example... each person is given a Po Ying Dan that can help break through the Nascent Soul Stage and advance to the Mahayana Stage.

When asked, Leng Su said sincerely that she got the Poying Pill in the Dragon Flame Secret Realm.

Regarding the Dragon Flame Secret Realm, as people who have experienced it, Sect Master Yunyang and the other peak masters understand it quite well.

They know very well that there are countless fortunes in the Dragon Flame Secret Realm, and any disciple who can get a chance and come out alive will have great achievements.

However, what I have to say is that Sect Master Yunyang and the peak masters are also really good people.

If this were applied to other monks, they would definitely have other thoughts about Leng Su after seeing how easily Leng Su took out the Baby-Breaking Pill.

But Sect Master Yunyang and the other peak masters did not, and even warned her not to take out the Baby-Breaking Pill in front of outsiders in the future.

Leng Su naturally nodded obediently.

Leng Su was not stupid. She chose to take out the Baby-breaking Pill mainly because Sect Master Yunyang and the other peak masters were nice people, and they had nothing to say to her and Murong Yu.

Although, they were good to her and Murong Yu because of their outstanding cultivation and talents.

But no matter what, she and Murong Yu accepted their kindness and naturally wanted to repay it.

After all, cultivating immortality is about a cycle of cause and effect.

She and Murong Yu accepted their kindness and naturally wanted to repay it.

Another reason is because of the incident involving ancestor Yunyang...

After all, if it weren’t for her killing that ancestor, the Yunyang Sect wouldn’t be in the situation it is today…

PS: [Daily request for votes]

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