The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 2458 Cultivation of Immortality: “Unscrupulous” sister VS “Rageless” brother (End)

In addition, Yunyang Sect is her, Murong Yu and Leng Che's sect, and it is a place where they will live for a long time.

No matter what the reason was, Leng Su did not want Yunyang Sect to decline.

This is why she took out the Baby-breaking Pill and why she secretly helped Luoyang Peak Master improve his cultivation level.

After the Double Cultivation Ceremony, Master Luoyang successfully broke through the Nascent Soul stage and advanced to become the most powerful monk in the Mahayana stage of Yunyang Sect.

As Master Luoyang's cultivation improved, his status in the Yunyang Sect also became different.

As Murong Yu Leng and Su Lengche were disciples of the Luoyang Peak Master, their status also increased along with the Luoyang Peak Master.

Time flies.

In the Dragon Flame Secret Realm, after the Dual Cultivation Ceremony, the cultivation levels of Murong Yu Leng and Su Leng Che were as if they were riding in a helicopter, rising very quickly.

In just a hundred years, they advanced from the foundation building stage to the peak of the Nascent Soul stage.

Breaking through the Nascent Soul and advancing to the Mahayana stage is almost just around the corner.

What seems enviable to outsiders is extremely painful to Leng Su, the person involved...

Who would have thought that Murong Yu, who usually looked serious, was actually a jealous person at heart.

After learning that Leng Che's memory stayed at the age of eight, Leng Su naturally took care of Leng Che with all kinds of tenderness and consideration.

After all, Leng Che is not only handsome, but also very cute. The key is that he is very well-behaved and sensible. He is also very attached to her sister, and he has nothing to say to her.

If she has delicious food and drinks, she will always be remembered as her sister...

With this back and forth, Leng Su and Leng Che are getting closer and closer. The two of them are always stuck together every day.

Either we would secretly carry him on his back to eat delicious food together, or we would secretly carry him on his back and sneak out of the sect to play.

Although he couldn't find anyone twice, Murong Yu still endured it and told himself that the two siblings had been "separated" for many years and finally reunited.

But as time went by and the times increased, facing the two people who became more and more unscrupulous, Murong Yu finally couldn't hold it back and exploded!

When Leng Su came back late one night, when she was about to fall asleep, Murong Yu suddenly turned over and pressed her under him.

Then...then all kinds of indescribable things happened.

After the crazy day and night, Leng Su opened her eyes wide and looked at the man in front of her with a strange look on her face, hugging her tightly and looking refreshed.

"Where did you get this technique?" Leng Su reached out and pushed Murong Yu and asked.

"Do you like Su Su?" Murong Yu asked without answering.

Leng Su glared at him with a black face, reached out and pushed again, and asked: "Where did you get the technique from?"

Faced with her questioning again, Murong Yu didn't say anything, but turned over quickly and pinned her down again.

Leng Su pressed his hands firmly against the man's chest and stared at him with a horrified look on his face: "Murong Yu, that's enough!"

"It's because I didn't work hard enough, it's because I didn't serve Su Su well, so you are still so energetic, Su Su..."

With that said, Murong Yu lowered his head, forcefully blocked Leng Su's mouth, and started a new round of battle... Dual Cultivation!

For a long period of time afterwards, in order to prevent Leng Su and Leng Che from being inseparable, Murong Yu chose to pull Leng Su to perform "double cultivation" in various positions all day long.

At the same time, their cultivation levels are also rising...

Leng Che couldn't find Leng Su, so he could only practice in seclusion alone...

As a result, the cultivation level of the three people increased faster and faster, and they advanced again and again, until they finally became the legends of the entire Yunyang Sect, and even the entire cultivation world...

PS: [Daily request for votes]

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