Before dawn, Kitano Lan, who rarely got up early, got up for the first time to wash up, put on makeup, and kept tracing the beautiful face in the mirror.

Various cigarette butts and wine bottles left last night were scattered around the room. Miyazawa Rie's new drama "Swan Tears" was playing on the color TV. She was more interested in this newly purchased color TV than this TV drama. .

The pager beside the table kept ringing. In this era, very few people can afford to use mobile phones. Most people still use pagers. She glanced at it casually and read, "3-3-4-1 (Loneliness)", too. No idea who sent it to her.

At this moment, Kitano Lan had no intention of paying attention to these lonely and boring guys.

Her mind is now filled with thoughts of Kitahara Sosuke and the content of last night's call.

Last night, the other party called suddenly. After confirming from his tone that the other party was not drunk or insane, Kitano Ran suppressed her inner curiosity and confusion, politely made an appointment with him at ten in the morning, and then hung up. Telephone.

She has never met Kitahara Sosuke, but she already knows his personal information by heart.

He comes from a wealthy financial family, and his father is a powerful executive in Tosan. After graduating from Tokyo University, he was promoted to department head based on his own ability in three years. Such a man must be the top talent in the financial industry!

A sober-minded and capable financial elite called himself in the middle of the night and said he wanted to sell off all the properties under his name?

Kitano Lan is in the real estate business and has been working closely with the financial industry. During her work, she has heard many elites in the financial industry analyze the current real estate environment.

Their views are exactly the same. They generally believe that now is the best time for the real estate market and it is a paradise for investors.

Only people will invest a lot of money in the real estate market, and no one will cash out the money!

However, Kitahara Sosuke planned to do this.

Never without reason!

Kitano Lan couldn't figure it out and couldn't bear it. She wished she could see Kithara Sosuke immediately and ask for details. After working for so long, this was the first time that a phone call had made her so uneasy.

After spending nearly two hours dressing up, putting on black cotton stockings, a tight skirt, and only wearing a bright red V-neck sweater over her underwear, Kitano Ran nodded with satisfaction and picked up her expensive bag. He twisted his waist and walked out the door.

She went all the way downstairs, and the arranged meeting place was very close to her apartment. It was a coffee shop in a shopping mall. At this time, many social elites were still in high spirits after a night of tossing. They were walking through the shopping malls in suits and ties, preparing for a new day. Round of hospitality tasks.

When she walked into the coffee shop, she was shocked to find that at the appointed seat, a handsome man in well-dressed clothes had already ordered coffee and breakfast and was eating quietly.

His profile is very attractive, and there is nothing childish about his young face. He does not look like a newcomer to the workplace who has graduated three years ago, is only twenty-five years old, and does not have much social experience.

This made her more sure of her previous judgment and made her more confused.

How could he act so calmly about such a big matter?

Should I be said to be worthy of being a young elite in the financial industry?

Kitahara Sosuke was reading a newspaper attentively, which was still exaggerating the rise of RB's economy and crazily encouraging people to invest more and buy more real estate.

Feeling a gaze on him, he slowly raised his head, saw the sexy and charming Kitano Lan at the door, and waved to her.

"Hello, Section Chief Kitano, it's our first time meeting you, please take care of me." Kithara Sosuke stood up and closed the newspaper, bowed to say hello, then sat down again and ordered the menu in front of him, "Have you had breakfast?"

Kitano Lan shook his head slightly at first, then quickly looked at the young man in front of him, and bowed in return: "This is our first meeting, please take care of me. Mr. Kitano came very early."

Osaka Chuo District is nearly four hours' drive from Edogawa District. She originally thought Kitahara Sosuke would be late, but she didn't expect that he would come a step earlier. Instead, it seemed like she was late.

She subconsciously glanced at the watch on her wrist. It was nine forty-five, not even ten o'clock yet.

"It's not a good habit to keep a lady waiting for a long time, especially one as beautiful as Section Chief Kitano." Kithara Sosuke took a sip of coffee, waved his hand gracefully, and called the waiter over, "One black forest cake, one cup Warm milk.”

"Wine and coffee are not a good combination. It's better to drink some milk in the morning to nourish your stomach." Kitahara Sosuke smiled at her and continued, "It's also good for skin care."

Kitano Lan's cheeks turned slightly red after hearing this. She lowered her head slightly and took a few deep breaths of air. She was obviously wearing perfume, so why could he still smell the smell of alcohol on her body?

Being drunk and having sex was a habit she developed after working. She never thought it was a bad habit. However, facing the warm-smiling Kitano Sosuke, Kitano Ran suddenly felt like a little girl had made a mistake, and she felt a little uncomfortable. Dare to look him in the eyes.

Could it have left a bad first impression on him?

Kitano Ran's changing expressions were completely seen by Kitano Sosuke. In his previous life, he had been competing against various masters, and his ability to observe and judge people had long been superb. Taking this opportunity, he cut into the topic and talked to Kitano Ran. Chatted casually.

Although the conversation was just a casual conversation, Kitano Lan felt very comfortable listening to it. Kithara Sosuke was not like those errand boys and bill-paying men, and he did not feel like groveling when he said flattering words.

Such a man is unlikely to be hot-headed.

"What we said on the phone last night" Kitano Ran stirred the coffee and took the lead in starting the conversation. At the same time, she peeked at Kithara Sosuke's expression to observe his reaction.

The phone call in the middle of the night and the drive to find him early in the morning showed how determined he was to sell.

Tokyo’s housing prices are obviously still rising sharply. What is the reason for his selling?

Kitano Lan was thinking crazily, trying to search for the answer, but could never find the key point.

"I plan to sell all three properties under my name. The sooner the better. These are the information required for the transaction. Section Chief Kitano, please take a look. Is there anything missing?" Kithara Sosuke took out a thick document from his briefcase. A thick stack of documents was placed on the table.

Kitano Ran took the document, checked it quickly, and then nodded: "The information is complete, but Mr. Kithara, I would like to take the liberty to ask, aren't you using the property in Osaka yourself?"

On the phone last night, he only mentioned two properties in Tokyo. Later Kitano Ran checked and found that there are three properties under the name of Kithara Sosuke, and one is located in Osaka's Chuo Ward, which is his current residence.

Are you even planning to sell your residence? Kitano Lan's heart skipped a beat, realizing that the matter might be more serious than she imagined!

This is a determined decision to completely separate from the real estate.

She tried hard to keep a smile, but she was anxiously waiting for his explanation.

"Ah yes, I plan to rent a house for a period of time in the future." Kitahara Sosuke smiled and nodded, "Please transfer all the money after the transaction to my card."

This is his pay card. Bei Yelan glanced at it and immediately looked away.

He wasn't afraid that other people would know about it.

Selling a property during this time is really hard to fathom. Kitahara Sosuke acts so decisively without worrying about being known. It seems that he has the tacit approval of the director behind him, Kitahara.

Thinking of Director Bei Yuan, Bei Ye Lan sat up slightly and gradually came up with an astonishing guess that she couldn't even believe.

Could it be that the Kitahara family has received some inside information that there will be a huge housing market turmoil in the near future?

He chose to trade real estate with himself instead of looking for other intermediaries, which shows that he trusts himself, and maybe he wants to cultivate himself into a direct descendant?

Kitano Lan thinks this possibility is very high.

I heard that the factional struggle within Tosan is extremely fierce. Director Kitahara must hope that his son can grow up quickly. To occupy a place in Tosan, he not only needs a higher position, but also some wings to enrich himself.

So this time Kitahara Sosuke personally came to entrust the transaction, it was not that simple.

"Mr. Kitano, please rest assured. I will definitely handle it personally and remit the funds to your account as soon as possible." Kitano Ran sat up straight, placed her hands lightly on her thighs, and rubbed her black stockings. She seemed a little nervous, and she was different from the previous phone call. His lazy attitude is completely different.

Kithara Sosuke picked up the coffee and added: "Sorry to trouble you. By the way, my property in Osaka should be sold soon, right?"

"I also have some connections in Osaka. Don't worry, Mr. Kitahara. Since you have decided, I will accept these documents." Kitano Ran took all the documents and finally suppressed the urge to ask for the reason for the sale.

"Then I'll leave this matter to Section Chief Kitano. By the way, please give my regards to President Kitano later." After speaking, Kithara Sosuke began to pack his things. He had to drive back to Osaka to handle stock matters.

He was naturally aware of a series of subtle changes in Kitano Lan's attitude before and after, but this was not important. If she could not find anything from the sale of her real estate, it meant that her professional sense of smell was not sensitive enough, then even if she could survive the bubble by luck, The rupture period will only be lost in the more cruel economic depression period in the future.

Kitahara Sosuke has very high requirements for partners who can enter his business territory in the future, and will never randomly recruit people to join him.

After Kitano Ran stood up and saw off Kithara Sosuke, she immediately picked up her bag and returned to the apartment without stopping.

At the entrance, she quickly threw off her high heels and dialed her father's phone number.

"Xiaolan?" came his father's strong voice on the phone.

Kitano Lan finished the matter briefly, and then said again without waiting for her father to speak,

"The land prices in Tokyo are still rising now. As long as he holds it in his hands, he can easily become a rich man. If he sells it at this time, I think it will be bought by someone in a few minutes. The loss in the process will be huge."

"I just can't figure out the reason."

"Well. No matter what the reason is for Sosuke to sell the property, the fact that he is willing to come to you as soon as possible means that the Kithara family still trusts us. In the workplace, the more questions you ask, the lower the evaluation you will get. No one You are willing to cultivate incompetent and incapable of thinking subordinates, Xiaolan, you have done a good job in this matter."

After a pause, Kitano Takeshi continued,

"After handling Sosuke's real estate, you go to Osaka in person to get closer to him. In addition, suspend our real estate expansion plan and start tightening."

"Okay, Dad." From her father's tone, Kitano Lan sensed a strange smell. He was not someone who would make judgments easily. It could be seen that there were aspects of the information Kithara Sosuke gave this time that he had not considered properly.

What a terrible man.

She looked at the half bottle of red wine beside the bed, her eyes becoming intoxicated and somewhat expectant.

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