The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1045 Big Hammer

"Why don't you think it's too little, a million is fine!"

Ye Rongrong said.

"No, no, five hundred thousand is enough!"

The middle-aged man shook his head and said.

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon. The middle-aged man felt a little uneasy and dared not ask for this million.

"Brother, why don't you bet a million dollars with him!"

"That's right, if you're afraid he'll be stupid, just bet him a million dollars!"

"Brother, we want one million."

Seeing that my elder brother didn't want one million, but only five hundred thousand, the group of "family members" immediately had an opinion and shouted dissatisfiedly.

Only fools will have trouble with money, of course, the more the better.

Since there are fools who send money to your door, don't take it for nothing.

This kind of thing is really rare.

After all, such a stupid person may not be able to meet the second one in his life. Now that he has met, it means that everyone has wealth luck. How can he push out the wealth luck he sees.

"Then... then one million!"

Seeing that the brothers were all betting this one million, the middle-aged man thought for a while, looked at Ye Rongrong and nodded.

What my brothers said is right, this is a business without capital, and I can earn an extra half a million yuan for nothing, why don't I want it!

After passing this village, there is no such shop!

"If I can't save your younger brother and younger siblings, I will pay you one million Huaxia coins. What if I save your younger brother and younger siblings? You know, I saved two big lives for your family. man!"

Ye Rongrong stared at the middle-aged man and asked.

"Didn't I just say that? If you save my younger brother and younger siblings, we will kowtow to you."

The middle-aged man said.

"This is impossible. I don't want you to kowtow to me. If I save your brother and younger siblings, you must also give me one million Huaxia coins."

Ye Rongrong shook his head and said.


The middle-aged man hesitated.

After all, this one million is not a small number, and the savings of so many years add up to such a figure. If this bet loses, it will really be destitute.

Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just in case!

"Why don't you dare to gamble?"

Ye Rongrong stared at the middle-aged man and said.

"Brother, let's bet with him!"

"Brother, what are we afraid of? If he can save the younger brother and younger siblings, what a great thing, if not, we can get an extra million for nothing!"

"That's right, brother, let's bet!"

Seeing the middle-aged man hesitated, the family members said one after another.

"We bet!"

Seeing that the group of people on his side wanted to gamble, the middle-aged man immediately looked at Ye Rongrong and said.

The middle-aged man also didn't believe that Ye Guangrong could save his "brother" and "siblings".

"Words don't count, you must make written evidence!"

This group of family members was worried that Ye Rongrong would go back on his word, so someone immediately stood up and said.

"Yes, everyone must make written evidence!"

"No one can go back on this matter, there must be written evidence."

"We must make a written statement so that no one will deny it at that time!"

"Brother, let's let him make a written statement!"

These family members were obviously worried that Ye Rongrong's words would not be counted, and they wanted Ye Rongrong to make a written statement.

Seeing this group of family members being so shameless, the faces of the onlookers turned ugly. They have seen shameless family members, but they have never seen such shameless family members.

This is all in the eyes of money, and even the death of their relatives is regarded as a bargaining chip for them to get rich.

"This man has just died. Is it appropriate for you family members to do this? Aren't you afraid of having nightmares?"

A young woman who was watching couldn't stand it anymore, she stood up and accused the group of "family members" sarcastically.

This young woman really felt sad for the two young people who fell to the ground. With such relatives on the table, they would die with regret!

"Who are you, it's none of your business!"

"Smelly girl, go away, it's none of your business here!"

"This is our family's business. You are an outsider, what are you talking about here, don't meddle in your own business!"

"Which person didn't zip up the crotch properly, leaking someone like you!"

Immediately, the group of "family members" stared at the young woman with dissatisfaction and cursed.


The young woman was so angry that she couldn't speak, how could this group of family members be so unqualified.

"Okay, don't waste time, let's make written evidence now, there are traffic police comrades here, we can ask them to be our witnesses."

Ye Rongrong looked at the group of "family members" and shook his head.

These people are really hopeless.

In this case, don't blame yourself for being cruel.

"I'm going to get a pen and paper!"

A "family member" hurriedly asked the comrades of the traffic police for a pen and paper, and quickly wrote down the content of the bet by hand, and also made two copies.

"Here's the paperwork, see if there's any problem."

The "family member" handed the written documents to Ye Rongrong and said.

Ye Rongrong picked up the document and read it. The general content is basically the same as what he said just now, that is, if he can save the young couple, the family members will compensate him one million and kowtow to thank him for saving his life. Yep.

If Ye Rongrong can't save the young couple, Ye Rongrong will compensate the family members one million yuan, and there will be Party A (the bettor), Party B (the family of the deceased), and witnesses.

"Yes, all your family members must sign their names."

Ye Rongrong looked at the content of the note, nodded and said.

"Why do you have to sign everyone's name?"

The middle-aged man frowned and asked Ye Rongrong.

"It's very simple. If I lose, I will give you one million. You must share the money together. But if I really save this young man and woman, you must pay me one million together."

"Of course, you can sign it alone. If you win, whether the money can be shared equally has nothing to do with me."

Ye Rongrong said.

"I sign!"

"I'll sign too!"

"Sign, who is afraid of whom!"

Upon hearing Ye Rongrong's words, these family members signed their names on the papers one after another. These people were also worried that if they did not sign the papers, they would not be able to get the money in their hands when the money was finally distributed. There is no reasoning.

"Remember to write the name according to the name on the ID card, and the number on the ID card must also be written correctly. If it is incorrect or inconsistent, it is cheating, and I will not give money."

Ye Rongrong said remindingly.

Soon, this group of family members handed over the signed documents to Ye Rongrong, in duplicate, and the two copies of the documents were the same, and each party kept one copy.

Ye Rongrong looked at the paper in his hand and felt that there was no problem, so he signed it and wrote his ID number on it.

"Comrade traffic police, please be your witnesses?"

Ye Rongrong handed the two documents to the middle-aged traffic policeman and said.

"Do you have the confidence to save them?"

The middle-aged traffic policeman asked Ye Rongrong a little worriedly.

"Of course, I won't do things I'm not sure about. This is a million dollar bet. I won't be against money."

Ye Rongrong nodded and said.

"Since you have confidence, I will violate the rules and act as your witness."

Seeing that Ye Rongrong was so confident, the middle-aged traffic policeman agreed to be the witness. He picked up a pen and wrote his name and ID number on the two documents.


Ye Rongrong said gratefully.

In any case, the middle-aged traffic policeman is willing to sign in the position of the certifier, which is a risk.

You must know that according to the regulations, they are not allowed to be witnesses for this kind of betting.

The reason why the middle-aged traffic policeman is willing to be this witness is because he hopes that Ye Rongrong can save the two young men and women.

After all, these are two living lives.

"This is for you."

Ye Rongrong handed a piece of paper to the middle-aged man, and put the paper away in his pocket.

"Now that the documents are all signed, hurry up and save my younger brother and younger siblings!"

The middle-aged man took the paper, read it carefully, carefully put the paper in his pocket, and said to Ye Rongrong happily.

In any case, the million dollars are in the pocket.

As for whether Ye Rongrong has the strength to take out the money, the middle-aged man is not worried at all. With this evidence, it means that Ye Rongrong owes himself a million yuan.

If you can't get the money out, you will sell the house for me, and there is a way to make him pay back the money.

"What are you afraid of, they won't be able to die in two and a half hours."

Ye Rongrong said lightly.

Not worried about this bet at all, a look of confidence.

Seeing Ye Rongrong's confident expression, the middle-aged man suddenly felt ominous for some reason.

No, definitely not.

I must have thought too much.

The middle-aged man hurriedly shook off the ominous premonition in his mind, and silently encouraged himself in his heart.

"Comrade traffic police, do you have a hammer in your car?"

Ye Rongrong asked the middle-aged traffic policeman.

"What do you want a safety hammer for?"

The middle-aged traffic policeman looked at Ye Rongrong suspiciously and asked.

"It doesn't have to be a safety hammer, a big iron hammer is also possible."

Ye Rongrong said.


The middle-aged traffic policeman thought for a while, said something to Ye Rongrong, and walked out to his police car.

Soon, the middle-aged traffic police took out a sledgehammer, which Ye Rongrong reckoned weighed ten catties, and was usually used to smash car windows and doors when rescuing people.

"Is this hammer okay?"

The middle-aged traffic policeman asked Ye Rongrong.

"Okay, that's it!"

Ye Rongrong took the big hammer from the middle-aged traffic policeman, weighed it, and said very satisfied.

This sledgehammer is a decent size.

"Everyone step back, be careful not to splash blood!"

Ye Rongrong took a big hammer and walked to the side of the two young dead men who fell on the ground, and said to the onlookers.

"What is he doing?"

"I don't know, how can I save people with a big hammer?"

"Yeah, it's really weird!"

"You won't hit people with this big hammer?"

"It's nonsense, if this big hammer hits people, the living can be killed, so how can you save people?"

"That's true, but what does he mean by holding a big hammer and telling us to retreat? This doesn't sound like saving people?"

The onlookers stepped back, looked at Ye Rongrong who was holding a big hammer, and started discussing in low voices.

Everyone was curious about what Ye Rongrong was doing with the big hammer.


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