Seeing that the crowd retreated, Ye Rongrong raised his hammer and made several gestures on the heads of the two young dead.


"You... what are you doing?"

Seeing Ye Rongrong holding a sledgehammer and gesticulating above the heads of the two young dead, the group of "family members" were frightened, and they immediately shouted at Ye Rongrong.

"It's nothing, I'm going to use this hammer to smash the heads of these two people, and then sew them up with a needle and thread, so that they will come back to life immediately."

Ye Rongrong said seriously.

"You are talking nonsense, my younger brother and younger siblings are already dead, and I will absolutely not allow you to toss their corpses like this again!"

"If you dare to touch the bodies of our younger brother and younger siblings, we will fight you."

"With us here, you are absolutely not allowed to touch the bodies of my younger brother and younger siblings today."

This group of "family members" rushed over to protect the body of the deceased, and squeezed Ye Rongrong out, preventing Ye Rongrong from hitting their heads with a hammer.

As for Ye Rongrong said that after smashing the head and sewing it up with a needle and thread, the person will come back to life.

Naturally, they would not believe such nonsense.

"Captain, what kind of game are they playing? Why can't I understand?"

A young traffic policeman asked the middle-aged traffic policeman suspiciously.

"I also can't understand."

The middle-aged traffic policeman shook his head and said.

"Then should we stop it? If this is really smashing people's heads into pieces with a sledgehammer, we should also bear the responsibility. The sledgehammer belongs to us."

The young traffic policeman reminded.

"Wait, let's see again!"

The middle-aged traffic policeman hesitated, shook his head and said.


Seeing that his captain had already said that, the young traffic policeman didn't say anything anymore.

But just in case, the young traffic policeman turned on the video recording function of his mobile phone and recorded video of Ye Rongrong and the others.

In case something happens, here is the video as evidence.

"The way I treat them is to smash their heads and then sew them up with needles and threads. This is the latest method I have come up with to bring the dead back to life. Although the process is a bit violent and bloody, it will definitely work. , I have verified it in theory.”

Ye Rongrong looked at these "family members" and said very seriously.

"Since you think it works, why don't you give yourself a hammer on your head!"

A young "family member" immediately said dissatisfied.

"There is no way. I am the only one with this technology in this world for the time being. If I give myself such a hammer on my head, no one will sew my head on."

Ye Rongrong shook his head and said.

"Don't talk nonsense to us, today you don't want to smash the heads of our younger brothers and younger siblings."

The middle-aged man glared at Ye Rongrong and said.

"That's impossible. Just now we made a bet. If I can't save your younger brother and younger siblings, I will pay you one million in compensation, so you can't stop me from treating them."

Ye Rongrong shook his head and said.

"We don't care about this, you don't want to use this hammer to hit the heads of my younger brother and younger siblings."

The middle-aged man shook his head and said.

"Are you preventing me from saving them?"

Ye Rongrong suddenly looked at the group of "family members" unhappily and asked.

"There is no one like you who can save people!"

The middle-aged man said angrily.

"How do you know it's useless if you don't try it?"

Ye Rongrong stared at the group of "family members" and said.

"We're not going to try anyway."

A middle-aged woman said loudly immediately.

"In this case, you all owe me back the one million you owe me!"

Ye Rongrong said.

"When did we owe you a million dollars?"

"Don't talk nonsense, we don't owe you money at all."

The group of "family members" were stunned for a moment, then reacted, and immediately said to Ye Rongrong in dissatisfaction.

"I have a document here. According to the content of the document, I will save your brother and younger siblings, and you will give me one million Huaxia coins..."

Ye Rongrong took out the writing from his pocket and said.

"Didn't you save my younger brother and younger siblings?"

The middle-aged man interrupted Ye Rongrong's words.

"Isn't it because you stopped my treatment? If you stop my treatment again, I think you did it on purpose. You are afraid that I will save them, and you will pay me one million Huaxia coins."

Ye Rongrong said.

"You're talking nonsense!"

A "family member" said immediately.

"Since this is not the case, you should get out of the way quickly, and don't delay my rescue."

Ye Rongrong immediately said coldly.

"You don't want to touch my younger brother and younger siblings!"

said the middle-aged woman.

"What do you mean, don't let me save them, this is trying to extort my money, right?"

Ye Rongrong stared at them and asked.

"Who... who extorted money from you?"

The middle-aged man looked at Ye Rongrong dissatisfied and said.

Now the middle-aged man suddenly realizes that the current plot is a bit out of his prediction, and things are starting to get out of control.

"We made a written statement just now. If I can't save them, I will compensate you one million. If I save them, you will give me one million. Now you are preventing me from treating them. Isn't this blackmail? "

"Everyone commented on it. If I don't let me save people, how can I play this bet? It's impossible for me to give them money for nothing."

Ye Rongrong immediately said loudly.

"That's right, how can you be so shameless."

"It's a good thing, how can it be like this, although this gentleman's method of saving people is a little... special, but if you don't let him try it, how do you know that he won't be able to save him? If you can't do it with the hammer, This man is alive."

"That's right, since you have established a document, you must act according to the document. You have no right not to let others treat you. As for whether it will be effective, they are betting one million. This document is written, and now you are not allowing others to treat it." To save people, how can a human being do this!"

"You guys are too shameless. You don't want people to save people, but you still insist that he can't save people. You are crazy about wanting money!"

"This is blackmail!"

"Since you won't let the other party save someone, I'm willing to gamble and admit defeat, and hand over one million Huaxia coins to the other party!"

"That is, if you don't let someone save someone, it's tantamount to admitting defeat in disguise, and you have to do it according to the letter, and pay the other party one million Huaxia coins."


The onlookers didn't think it was a big deal, and these onlookers were already somewhat dissatisfied with this group of "family members", so they all said loudly.

Although everyone didn't agree with Ye Rongrong's treatment method of smashing the heads of these dead with a hammer, but compared to this group of annoying "family members", everyone chose to stand by Ye Rongrong's side.

Who made these "family members" not live in the eyes of money!

How can you not teach them some lessons?

What's more, many onlookers could see that this traffic accident was a bit strange.

"We don't gamble anymore!"

"No more gambling!"

Seeing these onlookers standing on Ye Rongyao's side, the faces of the family members changed, and they said hastily.

"This matter is beyond your control now."

As Ye Rongrong said, he carried a sledgehammer and walked towards the group of "family members".


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