The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 1,556 Offering Advice

If multiple dealers are set up in one area, the profits of the current dealers will be diluted.

If so many people's cake is touched, the dealers will definitely not agree.

In fact, Yang Fei has already set a sales volume for dealers, and the purchase volume must reach a certain value every year in order to get the renewal for the next year.

But this standard is difficult to establish.

Previously, four standards were set, based on first-tier, second-tier, third-tier, and fourth-tier cities.

Most dealers can accomplish this task.

However, some dealers, because they are in a good area, obviously still have a lot of market space to tap after completing their sales targets, but they just don't want to make progress and settle for a small fortune.

Some businessmen saw these gaps in the market, so they went to Peach Blossom Factory and negotiated with Wei Xinyuan, asking to take the goods directly from the factory and sell them at the same price as other dealers.

Wei Xinyuan refused at first.

But the merchants swore that they would never tell anyone, nor would they disrupt market prices, nor would they sell other shoddy and fake products. They would only sell products provided by Meili Daily Chemical Factory, and the channels would be reliable and would not affect other genuine brands. Dealer's Benefits.

Wei Xinyuan couldn't stand their lobbying, and it was the off-season, with limited shipments and a serious waste of production capacity, so he agreed to the businessmen's request.

This businessman is very smart. He made a fortune by doing this. He immediately mobilized his brothers, sisters, seven aunts and eight aunts to find areas with high sales, establish channels, and then get goods from Meili Daily Chemical Factory to sell them. .

Sales volume of daily chemical factory increased greatly!

The increase in sales becomes particularly evident during the off-season.

The Meili Daily Chemical Factory led by Wei Xinyuan has been far ahead in the group's production and sales volume for many years.

Yang Fei has also praised Wei Xinyuan more than once in public, saying that he has good leadership and good management skills.

Wei Xinyuan kept his accounts so perfect that even Yang Fei didn't discover his secret.

The factory's purchase, sales and inventory are all accurate. The only difference is that some of the goods are not supplied to dealers.

Wei Xinyuan was right, he didn't steal a penny.

Yang Fei can see this from his weekly financial report.

After all these years, no one among the dealers has discovered it, and no one has reported it to Yang Fei!

Does it indicate any problem?

There must be something wrong!

What does it mean?

This shows that the domestic market is far from saturated!

There is still a lot of potential in the Meili Group market!

But, do we really need to change the dealer system?

As the boss, Yang Fei did not dare to make this decision rashly.

A single move affects the whole body!

"Mr. Wei, I'll think about this matter again." Yang Fei found it difficult to make a decision.

"Is it still the same now?" Wei Xinyuan asked.

Yang Fei knew what he was asking and nodded.

Wei Xinyuan smiled, said goodbye and left.

Chen Mo came in to put away the cups.

Yang Fei said: "Please invite Wu Guohong to come to my office."

Wu Guohong is the group’s vice president of marketing.

Each brand of Beauty Group has its own marketing department.

Of course, the headquarters also has a marketing department, which is responsible for coordinating the marketing work of the entire group.

The person in charge of this area is Wu Guohong.

Wu Guohong graduated from the School of Management of Fudan University with a master's degree and has studied business management and marketing.

After receiving the notice, Wu Guohong quickly came to Yang Fei's office.

Yang Fei is always direct in his conversations. If he can explain something clearly in one sentence, he will never use two sentences.

He told Wu Guohong straightforwardly about the problems in the dealer system and asked him if he had any solutions.

Wu Guohong is in his thirties and in his prime. He is strong, tall and looks a bit dull, but as soon as he speaks, his excellent eloquence and quick thinking are immediately apparent.

"Boss, we can strengthen the construction of the distribution system."

"Distribution system?"

"Today's dealers are all doing their own business. We only supply goods and don't care how they sell. This saves us trouble, but it also lacks communication with dealers. We can help them establish a distribution system, as long as You can build as many distributors as you want within your own region."

"When the channel was established, I thought about setting up distributors. However, this would make it more difficult for our products to reach customers. If the price remains unchanged, profits will be diluted."

"There are two prices that remain unchanged, one is our supply price, and the other is the terminal sales price. On this basis, dealers and distributors can negotiate a mutually acceptable profit share."

Yang Feidao: "As far as I know, many distributors may not sell to the general distributor. First, they feel that they are not any worse than the general distributor, and there is no need to be controlled by others; second, they feel that the general distributor has made money for themselves. A sum of money makes me feel uncomfortable and inherently resistant. The contradiction between the two is difficult to reconcile."

Wu Guohong said: "So, we need manufacturers to assist dealers and build branches. For the first type of distributors, we can make requests, and the manufacturers can set up special dealers to relieve the psychological shadow of the distributors. We are The manufacturer signs a contract with the distributor and makes them a special dealer. Then it signs a contract with the general distributor. The goods sold by the distributor still count as his performance. When a certain amount is reached, he can get rebates."

Yang Fei's eyes lit up and he nodded secretly, but he did not agree immediately, but said: "You continue."

In order to get Yang Fei's approval, Wu Guohong worked even harder and said: "Our manufacturer ships the goods directly to the distributor's warehouse. The general distributor can still help him maintain the outlet and provide good services, so as to win the distributor's psychological approval. .”

Yang Fei just looked at him lightly and said nothing.

Wu Guohong said:

"For the second type of distributor, our company sends business representatives or resident managers to visit more often for positive communication to weaken the shadow of the general distributor in the distributor's heart. It makes him feel that the money is made by the manufacturer, not the general distributor. He made a lot of money, which is often the case for distributors. The manufacturer deserves whatever money he makes from him, but if the general distributor makes a little more, the distributor feels that he is too dark-hearted and is 'killing pigs'."

Yang Fei said: "You put it too vividly. I have seen many distributors like this. They do have this kind of mentality."

Wu Guohong said: “When doing promotional activities, try to carry them out in the name of our company. Even if the general distributor can get the funds for the activities, it is best to carry them out in the name of the company to gain the active participation of distributors and strengthen the relationship between distributors and The psychological implications of dealing with the company. We can also organize distributors to visit our production base, organize tours, etc., with the purpose of strengthening the cohesion of distributors."

Yang Fei listened to him from beginning to end.

The more silent the boss was, the more Wu Guohong racked his brains to think of a solution.

Wu Guohong said: "In this way, our company has strengthened its control over distributors, and we are not afraid that the general distributor will defect or suddenly change careers. If a general distributor leaves, we can immediately arrange for a replacement distributor."

After Yang Fei heard what he said, he felt that this method could be tried, but he didn't want to be sure of Wu Guohong so quickly and said, "Think about it again, is there a better way? Or, is there any better way to do the distribution system you just mentioned? Anything that needs improvement? I'll give you three days."

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