The Summoner of the Battle of All Realms

Chapter 346: The Summoner of the Ten Thousand Worlds Conquest

Fusu didn't say anything. When he attacked South Korea, he knew Luohe Village, so he set off for Luohe Village without a map.

Three days later, under the footsteps of the white dragon horse, Fusu came to Luohe Village.

Luohe Village looks no different from other villages, but it is more prosperous. There are many trees planted in the village. The trees are lush and verdant. Because it is close to the Luohe River, the water source is very sufficient, the soil is fertile, and the crops are gratifying. .

Moreover, the current Luohe Village happens to be under Fusu's rule, and is benefited by Fusu's policies. Everyone has land, and everyone can eat and wear warm clothes.

In the center of Luohe Village, there is a big family, the wealthiest family in the whole Luohe Village. They used to be landlords, and they are still landlords now, but they are smaller.

The landlord's family has a daughter, who is said to be beautiful and charming, like a little fairy in the sky, and is very famous around.

But the heavens are jealous of her beauty, this beautiful beauty has a strange disease, which makes everyone fearful, and those who propose marriage are also gradually alienated, and never mention it.

The little fairy became an "ugly duckling" in an instant.

Because of her daughter's illness, the girl's father was very worried and sought many doctors, but none of them worked.

This time, I heard that an old Mr. Xianfeng Daogu came to the free clinic, and the other party came to ask for advice with the attitude of trying it out. Unexpectedly, a surprise happened, and the other party could really cure his daughter's illness.

In order for the old man to heal his daughter, the landlord offered food and drink to him, but he did not expect that the old man would not take any money except for the medicinal materials.

The old man's surname is Sun, and his name is Sun Simiao, while the landlord's surname is Zhen, and this daughter is the god of Luo that Fusu dreams of - Zhen Mi.

The current Fusu still doesn't know that the perfect Luoshen in his mind has been made into this appearance by the unscrupulous system, otherwise Fusu will definitely give the system his life.

Fusu led Bailong and walked slowly towards the village.

"Old man, may I ask if there is a doctor surnamed Sun here?" Fusu saw an old man on the road, and hurried to greet him, asking.

The old man had a hoe on his shoulders, a straw hat on his head, bare arms, and mud on his shoes. It looked like he had just returned from the field.

The old man glanced at Fusu, and based on his many years of experience, he could tell that the other party was definitely the eldest son of some family.

"This little brother, you are here to find Sun Zhenren, right?" the old man said with a smile.

Fusu's eyes lit up.

"Yes, I'm here to look for Sun Zhenren, I wonder if the old man knows where he is?" Fusu's face was full of joy.

"I know, Sun Zhenren is a famous person in our Luohe Village now. If you walk along this road, you will see a crossroad, turn left, and then you will go straight ahead, and you will see a thatched cottage. It says "Xuanhu Jishi" in big characters, that's where it is", the old man cheerfully introduced to Fusu.

There are too many people seeking medical advice these days, the old man thinks Fusu is the same.

"Thank you, old man." Fusu bowed his hands to the old man, thanking him.

Chapter 513 The Story of Luoshen Kefu

Fusu walked forward according to the route pointed out by the old man. After a few minutes of walking, he saw a thatched cottage.

At this time, a lot of people gathered in front of the thatched house, most of them were old people, their faces were not very good-looking, and some of them were carrying burdens and carrying dry food, it seemed that they should have come from other villages.

Fusu asked Bailong to move by himself, not to go far, and then followed the crowd, walking inside.

The thatched cottage is not very big, but the yard is not small. Some sit directly on the ground and wait, and some sit on wooden piles, with various postures.

Fusu saw from the outside that inside the thatched hut, there was an old man with white hair and beard and a childlike face sitting in the center, who was treating everyone. Beside the old man was a character girl in light gauze, who had a very good temperament. Dust, out of tune with the people around.

The only pity is that this girl wears a veil on her face, making it difficult for people to see his face clearly, but it is conceivable that this girl is definitely not an ordinary person.

Those who are familiar with her will definitely know that this girl is the daughter of the Zhen family, but unfortunately she has a strange disease, which makes everyone fearful.

Fusu looked at the old man and was 100% sure that this was Mr. Yao Wang summoned from the summoning space.

When Fusu saw the girl next to Yao Wang, he was stunned.

"This... this..." Fusu stood there, dumbstruck, unable to utter a word.

It never occurred to him that Concubine Luoshen Mi, whom he had worked so hard to find, would appear here. My God, no, system, are you fucking playing with me?

Fusu was speechless and choked.

Sun Simiao was actually with Luoshen? What the hell? It's impossible for two people to fight each other, not to mention, Sun Simiao and Luoshen were not summoned at the same time, why is this so.

After Fusu fell into confusion.

It was only later that Fusu found out that it was purely a coincidence.

Fusu looked at Luoshen's graceful and charming figure, and walked to a little brother who was accompanying the child to see a doctor.

"Brother, I want to ask you something." Fu Su patted the dust and sat down on a rock.

"What's the matter?" Seeing Fusu's extraordinary attire, the younger brother guessed which family's young master came to seek medical treatment.

"Brother, who is the girl next to that old man? Why is she here?" Fusu asked the doubts in his heart.

"Oh", the little brother suddenly realized that it turned out that he was not seeking medical treatment, but someone who came to ask for relatives.

The little brother gave full play to his imagination.

"You're talking about Ms. Zhen, brother, let me tell you, if you fall in love with her, I advise you to give up early," the younger brother said to Fusu with a kind face.

"Why...why?" Fusu's face was full of puzzlement.

"You don't know, this Miss Zhen can't help being sick, she has a strange disease, and she is still sick," the little brother looked around and said to Fusu in a low voice.

"K... Kefu?" Fusu stood up abruptly, "Is she married?" Fusu's face was full of disbelief, this is unscientific, isn't this summoned by himself?

"No", the little brother shook his head.

"I'll go, then what are you talking about Kefu?" Fusu heaved a sigh of relief, which startled me. I thought Luoshen was married?

"Listen to me," the younger brother gave Fusu a white look.

It turned out that Zhen Mi's beauty was well-known in the local area, and there were countless marriage proposals, all of whom wanted to kiss Fangze.

Later, Zhang Yuanwai's eldest son was knowledgeable, a little bit wise, and very magnanimous and elegant.

He was favored by Master Zhen.

But I didn't expect that just after the two met, Zhang Yuanwai's adult met a bandit on his way home and was hacked to death.

Later, another person came to go on a blind date. Damn, this person was even more miserable. He hadn't returned home yet, and when he went to the toilet, he fell into the latrine and drowned, which became a joke for a while.

At this time, rumors spread, saying that Miss Zhen Kefu, anyone who goes on a blind date with Miss Zhen will not end well.

After this statement spread, many people flinched.

But Zhen Mi is so beautiful, so beautiful that people are enchanted.

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