The Summoner of the Battle of All Realms

Chapter 347: The Summoner of the Ten Thousand Worlds Conquest

Another person rushed up desperately, and this desperate person did not end well.

Because he offended a powerful person, he was framed, and the whole family was imprisoned.

Again and again and again, with three examples of not fearing death, no one dared to move.

Especially some families strictly ordered their children not to deal with Zhen Mi.

Your mother, this is not Kefu, this is simply Kefu's family, they don't dare to use this as an experiment.

Later, the servants of the Zhen family reported that Zhen Mi was suffering from a strange disease. She would make strange screams at night, and would often brandish weapons indiscriminately, as if possessed by a demon.

This rumor dispelled everyone's thoughts, and even feared that it would be too late, oh my god, it was too scary, they didn't want to never see the sun tomorrow after midnight.

Chapter 514 Encounter with Luoshen

Two or three years have passed, and Zhen Mi is turning 20, but no one dares to marry her.

Other girls are 20 years old, and their children will go to the streets to make soy sauce. In ancient times, girls got married early, and it is not too early to get married at sixteen.

Father Zhen is in a hurry, his daughter is so nice, why does she have such a strange disease.

Father Zhen took his daughter to seek medical treatment everywhere, but to no avail.

At this time, the housekeeper told him that a wild doctor came to Luohe Village, and his medical skills were very good.

Father Zhen is also in a hurry to go to the doctor, let's try it.

No one thought that the old man's medical skills were so superb, not only could he see the symptoms of his daughter's illness, but he also had a way to treat it.

Father Zhen was overjoyed and begged the old man to save his daughter.

Sun Simiao came here to cure diseases and save lives, so he didn't refuse. He found an abandoned thatched hut by himself, and he treated Zhen Mi and fellow villagers at the same time.

He only cares about seeing a doctor and writing prescriptions, and he doesn't care about the rest, because he can't control it.

Even so, there is an endless stream of medical visits.

Especially Zhen's father, who had doubts about Sun Simiao at first, but did not expect that since the other party took action, his daughter would never fall ill again, which made Zhen's father see the light.

So in the past few days, I have safely handed over my daughter to Sun Simiao's side.

Zhen Mi knew how to write, so she temporarily acted as a little maid, writing prescriptions, or running errands for Sun Simiao, which was unprecedentedly sufficient for a while.

After Fusu got the exact information from his younger brother, he was speechless for a long time. He understood that the system must have messed it up.

Seeing Fusu's silent look, the little brother sighed, and patted Fusu's shoulder, "Brother, there is no grass anywhere in the world, why bother to fall in love with a single plum? With your conditions, you can't worry about not finding a woman." Ah", the little brother comforted him, he thought Fusu was sad.

Fu Su looked confused, "@##@%$#".

"Your uncle, who the hell is unrequited love?" Fusu couldn't help but give him a blank look.

"You're here..." Fusu looked at the little boy next to his brother, who was sallow and emaciated, and seemed a little malnourished.

"This is my son. I don't know what's wrong. I haven't eaten for the past few days. I'm so worried. It's different now. If it was before, he would have nothing to eat. If he is hungry, he will be hungry. You say now , since Mr. Fusu's reform, as long as he is willing to work, no one can afford to eat, and there is surplus food. Look at my boy, the family used to be poor and there was nothing for him to eat, but now he has something to eat, and he doesn't eat anymore. It's really worrying me." The little brother had a sad expression on his face.

"It should be the root of the disease that fell from the past, child, come, this thing is for you." Fusu looked at the little boy and took out a gadget from his body. It was a miniature sculpted little 狻猊, very cute.

The material is tourmaline, so it is crystal clear and very beautiful.

The little boy's eyes lit up when he saw what Fusu was holding.

"Uncle, what is this?" The little boy was very curious.

"It's nothing, it's just a gadget," Fusu smiled lightly.

"What is this?" The little brother also looked confused. He has little knowledge and doesn't know what tourmaline is, but looking at the crystal clear appearance, it must not be cheap.

"Good thing", Fusu smiled and stood up, walking outside.

There were too many people, Fusu planned to come back later.

As night fell, all the people in front of the thatched hut dispersed, and some people who came from other places also went to other villagers' homes to spend the night and wait for the start tomorrow. At this time, Fusu walked to the thatched hut under the moonlight.

Fusu took a deep breath and walked into the door.

"Flush", before Fusu realized what was going on, a basin of cold water was poured over, splashing Fusu all over his body.

"Yeah", before Fusu got angry, a crisp voice rang directly in Fusu's ear, dissipating his anger.

I saw a stunning beauty staring at her big bright eyes, wearing a light veil on her face, covering her small mouth lightly, looking surprised.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't do it on purpose." With tears in her eyes, the woman seemed to have done something wrong, and hurriedly took out her silk scarf to wipe the water stains on Fusu's face.

Fusu stood on the spot, motionless, smelling the bursts of fragrant wind, he was immediately intoxicated.

Fusu's mind went blank, he stretched out his hand, and directly held the jade hand that wiped his face.

His eyes were fixed on Luoshen in front of him.

Zhen Mi was stunned, she had never been so close to a man before, seeing Fu Su's appearance, feeling Fu Su's breath, Zhen Mi lowered her head shyly, not daring to look at Fu Su.

Fusu stretched out his hand and could not help but pull Luoshen into his arms.

At this moment, Luoshen seemed to think of something, "No, no, I will bring you bad luck." Luoshen turned pale and broke free from Fusu's arms.

She knows her own abilities, except for her family, every man who is close to her will end well.

"Hahaha, bad luck, let me see who dares to bring me bad luck." Fusu was full of pride in his heart.

Is the woman I have my eyes on afraid of bad luck?

"Come on, follow me in," Fusu shook her body to shake off the drops of water from her hair.

Chapter 515 Meet the Medicine King

At this moment, the fate of the two people collided.

Luoshen also never imagined that because he came out to wash the vegetable water, he poured out a legend.

This story has been passed down through the ages.

Later, many women who had not left the cabinet poured water at the door of their house, hoping to find a like-minded person.

Later, some courageous women poured water on the man they liked directly, expressing their special liking for the man and expressing their love.

It's similar to "throwing a hydrangea" to choose a husband, but it's more direct.

Fusu pulled Luoshen and walked directly into the house. Luoshen couldn't struggle to leave, so he had to be led by Fusu.

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