This is what cultivating immortals is like

Chapter 1019 This is not the right thing for the Monkey King to do

In Ziwei Palace, the Ten Palaces of Yama formed a group to ask for a meeting with the big leader.

According to the script, they should report the chaos in the underworld to the Queen of Heaven in the Lingxiao Hall of Jinqueyungong in the early morning tomorrow.

However, the Pohou who tampered with the Book of Life and Death was the reincarnation of Emperor Fengdu of Beiyin, who was also the superior of Yama of the Tenth Palace. If it was this person, it is worth considering whether he had tampered with the Book of Life and Death.

It is a well-known truth that in theory it is possible, but in practice it is absolutely not possible. In principle, it is not possible, but in practice it is absolutely possible.

What’s more, when the Tenth Palace of Yama got the script, no one told them that the monkey causing trouble in the underworld was the Great Emperor of Beiyin Fengdu before reincarnation, their superior.

If you treat people or things wrong, you will naturally have to change the way of dealing with them if you change the person.

According to the script, they went directly to the Lingxiao Palace to complain. If the blame came down and Emperor Ziwei was implicated, they couldn't afford even just a few verbal reprimands.

The Ten Palaces of Yama have calculated that the brothers should not go to the Lingxiao Palace. They should first come to the big leader to ask for instructions.

This is what cultivating immortality is like!

The Master of Ten Thousand Ways was ordered to handle Western religious missionary matters with full authority. The Tenth Palace Yama came here to get things wrong. He saw the Tenth Palace Yama hesitating and hesitating, and expected Sun Wukong to show the appearance of the Yinfengdu Emperor in the underworld.

It is reasonable and expected.

Lu Xi is an old reincarnation man. In terms of rich experience, he is ranked second among the immortals and gods in the three realms, and no one dares to be ranked first.

In order to get through the catastrophe of reincarnation as quickly as possible and to save himself from suffering, Lu Xi often left himself a backdoor, and entering the underworld to manifest the Dharma was one of them.

If this reincarnation hadn't been about preaching, and the Buddha was always watching, Lu Xi would have retrieved the memory of his previous life through backhand.

A Sun Wukong who is lazy, lustful, bullying, idle, arrogant, and shouting all day long to break up and go home...

Not to mention preaching, burning incense was enough to make the Buddha angry enough to return to secular life.

The Master of Ten Thousand Daos saw through it without revealing it, and said with a smile: "I already know the cause and effect of this matter. You don't need to worry too much. You can just do everything as ordered. Just remember not to look at what you shouldn't see and don't say anything you shouldn't say. Go down."

Hearing these words, the Tenth Palace Yamas breathed a sigh of relief.

After Yama of the Ten Palaces bowed and resigned, the Master of Ten Thousand Ways summoned Taibai Jinxing and asked him to follow the script and go down to the Huaguo Mountain to recruit the monster monkey.

Taibai Jinxing led the imperial edict of recruiting people to safety, went out of the Nantianmen, lowered the auspicious clouds and came to the Water Curtain Cave in Huaguo Mountain.

As a tool man, Taibaijinxing did more and asked less questions, followed the script, and said to a group of chirping little monkeys: "I am Taibaijinxing, the angel from the upper realm. I have a holy decree on my body now. Please tell your family as soon as possible that the king has come to receive the decree. "

The monkeys didn't know why. Look at me and look at you. No one moved their feet.

Taibai Jinxing was not annoyed, and said cheerfully: "Go quickly, your king has great luck, and he is going to be an official in heaven. Don't delay the good time of the bright future."

When the monkeys heard that pie was falling from the sky, they swarmed into the water curtain hole.

"Your Majesty!"

"Your Majesty, I am so happy from heaven. An old god with a white beard has come outside and said that he has an imperial edict and wants you to be an official in heaven!"


In the Water Curtain Cave, Sun Wukong was in a daze holding the "Journey to the West". When he heard this, he trembled with fright, and the whole monkey's hair exploded.

He turned back to the first few pages tremblingly, and read the section about recruiting people three or five times. He looked straight at the little monkey, and after a while he said, "The person who came here is Taibai Jinxing."

"The king knows things like a god, that old god is really called Taibai Jinxing." The little monkey said in admiration.

"If you don't see him, just tell the king that I'm not here and tell him to get lost."


"No matter how big it is, get out of here!"

Sun Wukong raised his voice and yelled at the little monkey to leave. After that, he stuffed the "Journey to the West" into his arms, made an escape technique and plunged into the earth.

He quickly read the whole book once and read it carefully three times. Not only did he know it by heart, but he also understood it clearly from an outsider. In summary, nothing he said today could go to heaven.

If you want to trick him into causing trouble in the Heavenly Palace, bah, there is no way!

When I first watched "Journey to the West", Sun Wukong was completely confused. Referring to the first half of his life, from birth to becoming the Monkey King, to seeking immortality in the Three Stars Cave of the Setting Moon, to the Dragon Palace, the Underworld and other plots, it was more than just... They are exactly the same.

Facts speak louder than words. The book was blurred in his face and he had no choice but to believe it.

Although in the finale he becomes a fighting Buddha, achieves positive results, and has perfect merits and virtues, as long as he follows the script, he will be able to obtain great blessings that ordinary people cannot achieve in nine lifetimes.


Five hundred years under the Wuzhi Mountain, a tight curse...

Then there are those stupid things committed because of ignorance. The first half of the book is full of dark history. God knows how many gods are laughing behind their backs.

He also made a big fuss in the Heavenly Palace, even the Monkey King, it was clear that everyone was acting!

"I'm so ashamed! I'm so ashamed!"

The more he thought about it, the more uncomfortable he became. Sun Wukong felt ashamed. He was too naive in the book. It took him five hundred years under the Wuzhi Mountain to become self-aware. If he really followed the monkey's life path in the book, he would be thin-skinned and would be beaten to death. Not coming out.

"Whoever wants to do it will do it, even if the Monkey King doesn't deserve it!"

The monkey escaped and took the waterway halfway to seek refuge in the Dragon Palace in the East China Sea.

It was a good idea to stay away if he couldn't afford to offend him. At this time, Sun Wukong was just beginning to practice the art of cowardice, and he already looked like a mature monkey after serving five hundred years in prison. But he didn't want to think about it. Gods and Buddhas all over the sky were acting, and he Where can this male lead hide?

On the side of Taibaijin Star, they did not wait for Sun Wukong, but only saw the little monkey delivering the order. They couldn't help but wonder: "Your king..."

"My king told you to get out even if he wasn't here."


Taibai Jinxing looked confused. There was no such thing in the script. The monkey was overjoyed as promised, and God was promised to kill Ma Wen. Why didn't the monkey play his cards according to the routine?

Taibai Jinxing was an old man with a white beard. He looked like a civilian, but was actually a military officer. He could easily break into the Water Curtain Cave, but he did not act rashly. He was well versed in the way of cultivating immortals and regarded inaction as a great deed. He took the initiative to leave and return to Ziwei Palace to resume his life.

The Master of Ten Thousand Daos also let out a light sigh when he heard this. Lu Xi was reincarnated as a monkey and was trained by the Buddha for nearly four hundred years. His temperament was developed almost according to the original work. There is no reason and he should not be shut up behind closed doors.

"That's weird, this shouldn't be like this... What went wrong with Mo?"

The Master of Ten Thousand Daos murmured to himself, raised his hand and began to count. After doing the calculation, his brows suddenly furrowed.

The reason why the monkey's temperament changed drastically was because he picked up a copy of "Journey to the West" and realized his future. He did not want to repeat history and wanted to be a carefree Monkey King, so he chose to be a low-key monkey.

Without serving as an official in heaven and making trouble in the heavenly palace, there would be no Monkey King, and naturally there would be no Wuzhishan and Westward Journey to obtain Buddhist scriptures.

"How did he get this book? Who is so bold..."

The Master of Ten Thousand Ways calculated again, and after three times, he confirmed that he could not calculate it, and decisively changed his words: "So, there is a chance to change fate by luck. The way of heaven is mysterious and mysterious, and there are variables in the fixed number. Pindao and the Buddha tried to manipulate the fate, and they will The unpredictable fate was regarded as a certain number, but because of this glimmer of hope, the success fell short. I have learned, and I have been taught a lesson."

After saying this, he shook his head and sighed for a long time, feeling that the world was full of wonders, but he was arrogant before.

Master of Ten Thousand Ways knew exactly what was going on. As the first person under the Heavenly Emperor and the leader of the Four Imperial Guards, he couldn't even figure it out. It was obvious who the man behind the trouble was.

This is a scoring question, if you can't answer it you will get full marks.

Therefore, Master of Ten Thousand Ways will not name the specific person, but the other party did this intentionally, which shows that his previous operations did please the other party.

Very good, the hard work is not in vain, and the hard work will eventually pay off.

We should keep up the good work!

The Master of Ten Thousand Daos is such a shrewd person. Looking at the three thousand worlds, there are billions of living beings. In terms of brains, he only dares to be called the second-largest being.

He guessed that he was also included in the arrangements above, so he immediately gave in to their wishes and began to make arrangements to cause trouble in the Heavenly Palace.

So what if the monkey takes the script? In this Heavenly Palace, you can't make trouble if you want to, and by the same token, you can't make trouble if you don't want to.

He advised the monkey to be obedient and come over to cause trouble in heaven, otherwise the man above would not have fun and everyone would have no juice to eat!

"Escape, where can you escape to?"

The Master of Ten Thousand Daos leaned over and looked at the four major divine states. With a point in the air, infinite black light turned Yin and Yang.


In the Crystal Palace, the Dragon King held a banquet in honor of the future Monkey King.

Sun Wukong was quite frightened at this time. Everyone seemed to think that the other party wanted to harm him, such as the Dragon King of the East China Sea in front of him. While pushing cups and changing cups, he tried to get the Dragon King drunk, took out the book in his arms and said to the Dragon King who was in a puddle of mud: " Brother, do you recognize this thing?"

He doesn’t drink at work, and he doesn’t work when he drinks. Dragon King pretended to be drunk, but was actually very sober. He looked at the book in a daze and broke out in a cold sweat on the spot.

Fortunately, he played the role of a drunkard, and his red face did not show any flaws. He raised his hand and gestured twice, then fell over and was completely drunk.

As the saying goes, you can never wake up someone who is pretending to be asleep.

The Dragon King was snoring like thunder, trying not to wake up anyone. Sun Wukong tried his best and had no choice but to activate the manual wake-up mode.



"Old Dragon King?!"


"Old Loach!!"


After a few more hammer blows, Sun Wukong couldn't tell whether the Dragon King was really drunk or fake. He assumed that the Dragon King was an insider and an actor. The iron rod and the robe had been premeditated. Everything was an arranged design. The more he thought about it, the more scared he became, and the more he thought about it, the more surprised he became. .

"Damn it, what do I need this iron rod for?"

He gritted his teeth and wanted the property to be returned to its original owner on the spot. He looked at the sticks, big or small, and finally kept them with tears in his eyes because he was reluctant to part with them.

In the same way, the skin is not willing to be deleted.

The possibility of the Dragon King of the East China Sea being an actor is too high. It is now revealed that the Dragon Palace is not a place to stay for a long time. If the Dragon King calls for help, some Taishang Laojun and Guanyin Bodhisattva will pop up and join forces to tie him to the Heavenly Palace as an official. He can always be a Even if you turn around, you won't be able to escape.

"Don't stay here for long, leave quickly."

Before leaving, Sun Wukong kicked the Dragon King in the face and twisted it twice. Then he greased his feet and used water to escape directly to the outside of the Crystal Palace.

"The sky is so big and the earth is so big. It's happening everywhere. The Three Realms are so big that there's not even a place for me, Sun."

Monkey's life was full of ups and downs, and he fell into a strong uneasiness. He just wanted to find a deserted place to take refuge, and then come out to be free and unrestrained after this period of limelight passed.

The question is, where should we go?

Sun Wukong bumped around like a headless fly. As he walked, a black light flashed in front of him, and the world in front of him became distorted.

No, trouble is coming!

Sun Wukong's scalp was numb and he turned around to leave without even thinking. However, his body was out of control and he could only watch the darkness coming in and swallowing him up.

The world was spinning, and when he stood still in a daze, the scenery in front of him had already changed drastically.

Boom! ! !

In the endless dark universe, the bright stars of the Milky Way roll down, and the waterfall of light covers the sky, criss-crossing and weaving dazzling star maps of the sky.

Sun Wukong's eyelids twitched, and he subconsciously looked over. He saw hundreds of illusory figures standing among the countless stars, flowing with the boundless light. Those star maps and figures were breathing rhythmically like living creatures.

The light points of the stars pull and repel each other, are the same but different, and flicker between gathering and dispersing, but they always maintain an eternal whole.

Star fight every week!

The majestic power was released, making Sun Wukong's breath stagnant. Before he could adapt, the stars in the sky dispersed in an instant, and were replaced by a cluster of palaces.

The hall is majestic and glorious, and the stars of crape myrtle will last forever.

When Sun Wukong saw this place, he felt a sense of fear for no reason. He thought that he had been so afraid since he first arrived here, and it must be because there was a person with great supernatural powers in the temple. Recalling what was written in the book, he guessed the name of this person with great supernatural powers. .

After a long time with no results, abandon it.

I suffered the loss of being uneducated and had no food in my stomach, so I couldn't guess at all.

After going here, I must study hard!

Sun Wukong gritted his teeth and swore an oath, and walked cautiously towards the palace gate. Since his master had invited him, he had no strength to resist, so he could only take it one step at a time.

But again, if you want to trick him into causing trouble in Heaven, there is no way.

The land where the Four Imperial Palaces live is so vast. It looks huge from a distance, and there are countless universes inside. Often when a palace door is opened, there is a starry sky world inside, which can be said to be boundless.

The glazed golden roof, the cornices of auspicious beasts, thousands of golden lights rolling red, and thousands of auspicious streaks spraying purple mist;

Unicorns circle the pillars, phoenixes dance on the red gates, bright clouds reflect the sky, and mist covers the purple mansion.

When Sun Wukong first came to the world, he saw the magnificence and was speechless at the magnificent and gorgeous scene. He stopped and walked along the way. He didn't know how many halls and long bridges he passed, and he didn't know how many golden palaces, silver rings, and Qihua Yaocao he saw. He suddenly thought of the Water Curtain Cave on Huaguo Mountain. After some comparisons...

You can't compare. If you compare, you won't be happy. If you compare, you will want to be the Monkey King.

Sun Wukong secretly had a thrilling secret, and only missed it by a hair. He shook his head to dispel his envy, and comforted himself: "The beautiful mountains and clear waters are quite nice. Although the upper world is huge and the palaces are majestic, there is not even a ghost figure to be found..."

Halfway through the words, a drop of cold sweat fell on his forehead, and Sun Wukong suddenly realized something was wrong.

In such a huge fairy palace, there are no palace maids walking around, and there are not even a heavenly soldier to guard the house. If something valuable is lost, he, as the only one here who can breathe, can't tell the truth.

It's a scam!

Go quickly!


Sun Wukong turned around and returned the same way. After three steps, he bumped into a white jade wall. His head was buzzing and he staggered and almost fell.

"As expected of the jade from heaven, it is harder than my old grandson's head."

Sun Wukong murmured and looked up furtively. He remembered clearly that there was no wall on the way here.

Sure enough, when he looked at it, he saw a great emperor's figure lingering in the starlight on the hill-like Star Throne. His face was invisible, and his appearance was invisible. Only the boundless pressure could be glimpsed at the tip of the iceberg.

"The little fairy Sun Wukong from the lower realm pays homage to the great god!"

Sun Wukong slid to his knees at the speed of light, and then held his breath and waited for the release. He was so obedient throughout the whole process that he didn't even take a breath.

This figure of the great emperor is naturally the Master of Ten Thousand Ways, the Great Arctic Emperor Ziwei. He looked at the monkey below with a headache and was angry that the Buddha was not doing things well. He was rebellious as promised, but ended up teaching a coward. If this missionary failed, Buddha would be 99% responsible.

The Master of Ten Thousand Ways knew what the specific situation was, but he definitely couldn't tell the truth and could only blame Gu Zongchen.

"Sun Wukong, the Loose Immortal of the Lower Realm, you are causing trouble in the underworld and tampering with the book of life and death. The Emperor of Heaven remembers that it is not easy for you to cultivate, and allows you a chance to change your ways. He specially orders Taibai Jinxing to hold an edict to summon peace. Why are you hiding behind closed doors and disobeying orders? ?”

The emperor's eyes were streaming down, and the boundless pressure thundered down like the sky was falling and the earth was falling.

Sun Wukong was sweating like rain, and his whole body was creaking. He knelt down and said it was a misunderstanding. After several explanations, he realized that the pressure was not decreasing but increasing. He gritted his teeth and stamped his feet, and took out the "Journey to the West" from his arms. ', raised his hands.

"I hope the great god knows that the little immortal also has difficulties. It's not just disobedience and unwillingness, but it is really a last resort."


The Master of Ten Thousand Ways didn't even look at it. He waved his hand casually, and the Book of Journey to the West went away with the wind, burning into ashes in mid-air. He said: "This book has been heard by the Emperor. It was written by the imagination of mortals in the lower world. In my spare time, I found it very interesting to read it. If it were true, the whole article would be full of loopholes. How could I believe it to be true?"

Just be careful and you won’t make a big mistake, why don’t you believe it’s free?

And they are all monkeys. What a coincidence. There is nothing wrong with believing them.

Besides, it’s not like you’re being suppressed, so of course it doesn’t matter to you!

Sun Wukong was full of complaints, and the emperor was too pressured to dare to refute. He could only nod in agreement except to smile, indicating that everything the boss said was right.

"Don't think too highly of yourself. The gods and goddesses all over the world have no time to act with you. You and the protagonist just have the same name."

If this is the case, why do you, Great Emperor, need to personally come forward to explain?

The more the Master of Ten Thousand Ways explained, the more Sun Wukong felt that the monkey in the book was himself. He did not ask too much about what would happen if he did not become an official in heaven. He only said that the misunderstanding had been solved and that the higher world would have mercy on him and give him another chance to change his ways. , he must raise the horse well and work hard to repay the kindness of heaven and earth.

"Since you have such a desire to serve, go and report to the Royal Horse Prison."

The Master of Ten Thousand Ways raised his hand and swept the new Bi Mawen into the air, turning it into a meteor and throwing it at the Royal Horse Supervisor.

The twenty-eight constellations are divided into four directions: southeast, northwest, and east. Among the seven constellations in the east, there is Fang Sun Rabbit, which means Pegasus.

In other words, Emperor Ziwei was Bi Mawen's immediate boss, and Lu Xi went through a lot of circles, and finally ended up making a living under the old leader.

"This monkey..."

Jiehou is already a useless monkey.

The Master of Ten Thousand Ways has rich experience in reading people, and he can see that Sun Wukong has started the mess-up mode, and will never leave his post without authorization because he dislikes his official position, thus avoiding a series of subsequent farces.

It's not a big problem, or rather, it's not a problem.

There are some things that the people above have set up regulations, and you have to do them even if you don't want to do them. You can't resist.

The same principle applies to the Master of Ten Thousand Ways. The monkey is manipulated by him, and he is manipulated by Lu Bei. He knows clearly that the above is intentional and creates difficulties when there are no difficulties. He must also pretend not to know anything. Then get things done.

By the way, if there is a mistake in the middle, it cannot be big or too small, otherwise it will not reflect the wisdom and power above.

"Forget it, let's see how long this monkey can endure..."


Let's talk about Sun Wukong turning into a meteor and falling to the ground. The eunuch, deputy eunuch, dianbu, rikishi and other personnel of the Royal Horse Prison gathered around him. They had been waiting for a long time, and they were all extremely enthusiastic to see this new boss.

"We have met Shangguan. All members of the Royal Horse Supervisor are here. Please Shangguan investigate."

They have all read Journey to the West and know that this man has a bright future. No matter in heaven or in Lingshan, this man will be a big boss in the future. Now that he is familiar with his face and flatters him well, he might be able to fall in love with him in the future. .

Isn’t that what interpersonal relationships and ascending channels are all about?

This is what cultivating immortality is like!

Sun Wukong made up his mind to lie down, and showed little interest in the young men who gathered around him. After getting acquainted with each other, he left the three little immortals, the Chief Supervisor, the Deputy Supervisor, and the Dian Booker, to start counting the accounts on the first day of employment.

This work must be done carefully. If you sign casually without specifying the breeds, quantities, fodder and other supplies of all the Pegasus, you will be held responsible if it is found to be lacking in the future.

Sun Wukong guessed that if the people above wanted him to cause trouble in the Heavenly Palace, they would definitely make things difficult for him and force him to leave his job without authorization. Therefore, although he planned to lie down, he never had the idea of ​​being caught.

Bi Ma Wen, formerly known as "Avoid Ma Wen", you can understand the specific work of this official position just by looking at the literal meaning.

The duties can be said to be easy, but can also be said to be very arduous. The civil servants have taken care of all the work, including keeping the books and managing the accounts, and the Supervisor and Deputy Supervisors. The civil servants have done all the work, and the Royal Horse Prison can operate normally without Bi Mawen.

The reason for setting up this official position is, to put it bluntly, someone has to take the blame if something goes wrong.

The Prime Minister, Deputy Supervisor, and Dian Shu can only be regarded as officials, not even low-ranking officials, not to mention the powerful men. Nearly half of them are created by magic. They are so humble that they are not even qualified to take the blame.

The monkey has a shrewd mind, and his IQ is absolutely online. He checked the accounts all the way, and it was terrifying to think about it. He felt that there was a fire sitting under his butt, and his furry face and thunderous mouth soon turned into a bitter kiwi fruit.

"Even if the account is cleared and the God of Plague is avoided, one or two of the hundred thousand Pegasus will get lost. What should we do?"

Sun Wukong murmured to himself: "Even if one hundred thousand Pegasus is not enough, I am afraid of offending someone..."

"What is Shangguan worried about, but there is an error in the accounts?" The supervisor raised his hand and stepped forward.

"The accounts are correct. You lead the way and check this page first..."

Sun Wukong gave an order and thought of something. He took the prisoner's hand and said, "I am new here and I don't know much about the rules of heaven. If there are any mistakes in the future, please give me timely guidance."

"No way. Shangguan, please don't make fun of me by taking down the rank. It is the duty of the lower rank to assist the rank and file. How can I give you any advice?"

Jian Cheng introduced himself. He was originally a monk in the Zhongtian Great World. After his ascension, his martial arts value was too low, so he was appointed as a Royal Horse Supervisor. He was promoted to Jian Cheng for fifty years.

As he spoke, the envy hidden deep in his eyes was clearly captured by Sun Wukong. The latter raised his brows and suddenly had some thoughts of climbing up.

What are you looking at? What's that look in your eyes? Are you acting like an official and going through the back door?

That's right, I just went through the back door!

Even a little Bi Mawen can arouse envy. Wouldn't the Great Sage Qitian of the first rank want to go to heaven!

As soon as the idea came up, Sun Wukong snuffed it out. He said cheerfully: "The Royal Horse Prison only has a few mouths to eat. It is a bit boring to break down the sizes. We are all loyal to the Heavenly Court. I am the old man of the Royal Horse Prison." , I don’t know how much more knowledgeable you are than me, so I should ask you for more advice.”

Sun Wukong exchanged some greetings and then said: "Jian Cheng, do you know that there is such a great god? I have seen him once from a distance and can't see his face clearly. I only know that he is a star-studded person with immeasurable magical powers and calls himself the Great Emperor."

"I'd like to make a bold guess. According to what the superior officer said, that person should be Emperor Ziwei of the North Pole." Facing the north, Jian Cheng mentioned the emperor and hurriedly bowed.

Who is the Great Arctic Ziwei, what is his official position, and how high is he?

Sun Wukong didn't understand anything. He clenched his fist and coughed lightly. He followed the example of Jian Cheng and bowed to the north: "I once heard that the supreme ruler of the three realms, the Great Heavenly Emperor, is this Arctic Ziwei Great Emperor..."

Oh my god, Ha!

Jian Cheng was so frightened that his face turned green. He quickly covered Sun Wukong's mouth, his eyes signaling him not to speak nonsense, and not to speak nonsense in front of him. This is a serious crime of beheading.

If word spreads out, the Heavenly Emperor will be able to spare his life, but neither will the Arctic Emperor Ziwei!

Sun Wukong also knew that he had said the wrong thing. After a moment of silence, he said: "Brother, I am hanging out in the lower world. I don't know that there is a sky beyond the sky. Could you please tell me what great gods and emperors there are in the sky?"

"If I say it all again, I'm afraid..."

"But it doesn't matter. We have plenty of time. Let's first talk about who is in charge of our Royal Horse Supervisor."

"Your Majesty, take your orders."

Jian Cheng frowned and said: "The lower official has a low position and does not have access to people with great supernatural powers. His understanding of many immortals and gods is not detailed enough. If there is any deviation, I hope the superior official will not blame it."


"First of all, the Great Heavenly Emperor...the Lord of the Three Realms, who rules the heavens, created the heavens and the earth, and created us..."

"Then there are the four emperors, the four great emperors who assist the heavenly emperor and the great heavenly master. They are..."

"The Great Emperor Ziwei of the North Pole is one of the four emperors. He has infinite divine power. He rules all the stars above, controls all laws in the middle, and governs Fengdu below..."

"We, the imperial horse supervisors, belong to the twenty-eight constellations and belong to the Wude Star Lord... Doubu's Leibu, Huofu, Lingguandian, Siyi, Siweifu, and Sifeifu all supervise us. In addition to the abilities of the Three Yuans and Nine Prefectures, the Three Provinces, the Heavenly King’s Palace, and the Five Battalions of the Army..."

"Wait a minute!"

Sun Wukong raised his hand to interrupt, but he couldn't stop it. Jian Cheng only spoke for a while, but he was already confused.

Bi Mawen's official position was too small, and it was too frustrating for a god to be able to ride on his head and dominate him.


"In other words, let's talk about the big one first..."

Sun Wukong looked around, drove away the deputy supervisor and Dian Bu, took a step forward and whispered: "Brother, have you ever read the book 'Journey to the West'?"

"Ah this..."

Jian Cheng's eyes widened, his hands and feet trembled, shock was written on his face.

"Then you've seen it."

"No, no, I'm not, I'm not..."

"It doesn't matter. Emperor Ziwei of the Arctic has read it. It's not a banned book. He also said that this book is well written!"

Sun Wukong rambled for a while, and when the supervisor couldn't think anymore, he suddenly put his arms around the other person's shoulders: "Since you have seen it, I won't be vain. Let's be straightforward and open the skylight to speak frankly. According to What do you know about the Tiangong? Which gods the Monkey King can provoke, which ones the Monkey King cannot provoke, and which ones the Monkey King should avoid if he sees them."

"This, but..."

"There is no but, this is also the meaning of Arctic Ziwei."

Sun Wukong confused Jian Cheng with just a few words, and the latter talked about what he had seen and heard in the Heavenly Palace. There was no need for the Emperor of Heaven and the Four Emperors to go into details. Naturally, they had to stay away from anything they saw. Jian Cheng didn't mention it. Sun Wukong did not ask for trouble.

The first person Jian Cheng mentioned was the Queen of Heaven. Like several big shots, she was someone the Monkey King should stay away from when he saw her.

Sun Wukong nodded repeatedly: "It should be so. The Queen of Heaven is the mother of the three realms and the wife of the Emperor of Heaven. She is extremely precious. You should avoid her when you see her."

"Well, it's not her, it's...them."


A series of question marks floated across Sun Wukong's forehead, and he asked confusedly: "What do you mean, there is more than one Queen?"

"Yes, there is more than one queen."


Sun Wukong wanted to continue asking, but his intuition told him that this topic was very lively, but his rationality told him that it was not appropriate to delve into this topic, as talking too much would lead to trouble.

"There are two demon clan great emperors in the Sanyuanjiu Mansion of the Supervisory Department. One is the mother of the Great Heavenly Emperor, and the other is the elder brother of the Great Heavenly Emperor. Stay away from them."

"Of course."

"The Mysterious Lady of the Nine Heavens serves the Heavenly Emperor, the Great Heavenly Lord, in food, clothing, and daily life, and stays away from him."

"This is how the Emperor of Heaven should act as a close servant."

"The Nine Heavens of Lei Department respond to the sound of thunder and transform the Heavenly Lord. It is said that he is the disciple of the Heavenly Emperor, so stay away from him."

"It's actually the Imperial Master!"

"Lord Huodexing..."

"He is actually the master of the emperor's master!"

"Shui Dexingjun and the Great Heavenly Emperor share the same spirit and stay away from each other. If Shangguan has the first taste of fishing in the Heavenly Palace, he can also stay close to him."

"Wonderful! I have no other hobbies in the lower realm, I just like fishing!"

"The Great Emperor Fengdu of Beiyin should have stayed away from him, but he relied on his favor and became arrogant. He was demoted by the Emperor of Heaven and walked around in reincarnation. Now he is not free of guilt, but one person is missing."

"Well done, the Emperor of Heaven is wise."

"The Judiciary God of Siwei Mansion is in charge of the laws of heaven. He... uh..."

Jian Cheng choked on his words for a moment, hesitating and not knowing where to start.

When Sun Wukong saw this situation, he immediately understood that he was another guy with a background bigger than the sky, so big that no one below him dared to open his mouth.

"Brother, please keep your voice down and don't panic. This is what Emperor Ziwei of the North Pole means. I should know this."

"Then the official will tell you."

Jian Cheng heard the order from 'Emperor Ziwei' and whispered in his ear: "The Judiciary God is the younger brother of the Queen of Heaven, and he is also the son of the Queen of Heaven. The Emperor of Heaven rarely shows up, but it is because of the Queen of Heaven... The current Queen of Heaven on duty is... …Just in case, stay away.”

If there is only one Queen, the God of Judiciary is both the younger brother and the son of the Queen. Sun Wukong cannot solve this problem even if he wants to, but the unit of the Queen is men, which suddenly makes sense.

He suddenly realized and nodded. He was indeed a guy with a background as big as the sky. At the same time, he was extremely envious. He was born so well. If he had a beautiful mother and sister, and happened to be favored by the Emperor of Heaven, who would dare to arrange for him to suffer under Wuzhi Mountain? !

I envy it, but I dare not say it. x2

"There is another taboo about the God of Justice."

"Brother, tell me more, I'll buy you a drink."

Because of the taboo, Jian Cheng did not dare to speak or transmit the message, even with Emperor Ziwei's permission. He took out a jade talisman from his sleeve and handed it to Sun Wukong, while giving it a look.

Sun Wukong understood it in his heart, took the jade talisman and saw clearly a line of words inside. He immediately crushed the jade talisman to destroy the body and eliminate traces.

[Taboo: The Emperor of Heaven slept with his mother-in-law]

"This matter is really taboo. Fortunately, I gave you some advice, otherwise..."

Sun Wukong was extremely sad, what a good melon, he wished he could get to the root of the problem and eat it to his heart's content, but the person involved was the Emperor of Heaven and could not touch it.

"The Tota King of the Heavenly King's Hall has a brotherhood with the Heavenly Emperor. Although he does not need to stay away, he must be polite and courteous."

"It should, it should."

Sun Wukong nodded, and the number of people increased, thinking that it was too difficult to be a god in the sky, and it was far worse than being a mountain king in the lower world.

"The four heavenly kings of the southeast, northwest, and southeast who take turns at Nantianmen..."

"Why, the Monkey King can't even defeat four gatekeepers?"

Sun Wukong was quite dissatisfied. However, he felt that Jian Cheng had misunderstood the four words "Monkey King" and suggested that he go back and read it a few times.

"Be careful!"

Jian Cheng stopped the fast-talking Sun Wukong again and explained: "In terms of ability, the four heavenly kings are a little behind, but in terms of... let's put it this way, these four are all the fathers of the queen of heaven. Does Shangguan understand?"

"I understand, I will walk with my head down when entering and exiting Nantianmen from now on."

Sun Wukong felt a little numb, and nodded expressionlessly, thinking that even the Queen of Heaven would marry him, and even the father-in-law of the Emperor of Heaven could accept it.

Also, God, thank you for your hard work!

After listening for a long time, Sun Wukong came back to his senses. Although the Heavenly Palace is huge and has countless yamen, big and small, in the final analysis, those things he cannot afford to offend are all related to the Emperor of Heaven.

Of course, there are also the four emperors.

He fiddled with it for a while and then asked tentatively: "In this Tiangong...except for the Heavenly Emperor Sect, is there no one who can't be defeated by the Monkey King?"

"How can it be!"

Jian Cheng immediately retorted, and after pondering for a moment, he said: "Although the lower official doesn't know why the upper official is here and where he will go in the future, he has a spiritual insight that he gave to the upper official, 'There is heaven outside the sky, and there are people outside the world.' This sentence should not only be used in Whatever you say, you must remember it in your heart and never forget it for a moment.”

Seeing the solemn expression on the Jian Cheng's face, Sun Wukong knew that he had hit the point, and immediately asked: "Tell me quickly, who are there who have great supernatural powers?"

"Emperor Wenchang of Si Lu Mansion and Emperor Changsheng of Antarctica are close friends. Although his reputation is not known and his work is low-key, there are rumors that the emperor's power is boundless, and the fighting saint of Kan Palace in charge of Jinque cannot survive a single round in his hands."

Jian Cheng talked about the powerful men in the Heavenly Palace whose positions were not as good as those of the four emperors, but who were far ahead of the immortals and gods.

"Who is Kangong Dou Sheng?"

"The righteous god of Dou Bu, who is in charge of Dou Mansion, is at the head of Zhou Tianlie Su."

Jian Cheng looked admiringly and continued: "Emperor Zhenwu is in charge of the Lingguan Palace, and he is also a great supernatural power with boundless power. And the Sun Star Lord, if he is still there, is also a powerful man."

"Is he still there?"

"Well, although the Sun Star Lord is strong, he refuses to obey the discipline or the punishment imposed by the Si Wei Mansion. He destroys the Star Fighting Formation of Doubu, defeats the Five Hundred Spiritual Officers, causes havoc in the Heavenly Palace and attacks the Lingxiao Palace, and is captured by Emperor Zhenwu and Anji Changsheng Emperor. , just like the Fengdu Emperor, he is now suffering in reincarnation."

Speaking of Doube's ruthless character, Jian Cheng's tone was rather complicated, with envy and desire, but most of all, disgust.

Wait a minute, Mr. Sun and Star will also make a big fuss in the Heavenly Palace?

Sun Wukong stared at Jian Cheng with his eyes wide open. Is there a possibility that the person who learned the scriptures was Sun Star Lord? As Emperor Ziwei said, it was purely a coincidence that he had the same name as the monkey in the book.

There are many examples that can be refuted. There are not so many queen mothers in the Celestial Palace in the book, and the Great Heavenly Lord does not have a nephew with three eyes...

Well, there may be this, but he doesn't know.

But there is absolutely no such thing as the Seven Great Sages. He has been squatting in Huaguo Mountain for so many years, and he has not encountered a monster that can be beaten.

So, there is no such possibility!

Too many coincidences are no longer coincidences. Sun Wukong sighed and did not deceive himself. He continued to listen to the names of those who had great supernatural powers in the Heavenly Palace.

"In addition to the Heavenly Palace, there is also the Western Paradise in the Three Realms. There are two Buddhas in the Western Sect, the leader of the Mother Buddha, Ksitigarbha Buddha in the underworld, and several Bodhisattvas, all of whom are rare in the world with great supernatural powers."

"Ksitigarbha Buddha in the underworld..."

Sun Wukong murmured, thinking of the slap that fell from the sky, he couldn't help but feel the urge to urinate again.

After some popular science, he became more convinced of his idea. There could be no trouble in the Heavenly Palace. There were countless strong men in the three realms. There was no Buddha to suppress him under the Five Fingers Mountain. There were also other great supernatural beings who appeared. He could not defeat any of these big shots.

The so-called Havoc in Heaven, the so-called Monkey King, is a game from beginning to end.

The scary thing is that this game is already being prepared, open and fair, waiting for him to jump in.

"Is there really nothing you can do?"

Sun Wukong frowned, the tree wanted to be still but the wind was still blowing. It was not easy to lie down. He was afraid that when he opened his eyes, half of the Hundred Thousand Pegasus would be gone. He took office today and would be in prison tomorrow. He would be forced to go to the Demon Slaying Platform the day after tomorrow. He didn’t want to Death can only stand up and rebel.


"Yes, if I would rather go to jail or go to the demon-slaying platform than rebel, can they still force me to rebel?"

Sun Wukong's eyes lit up, and the whole monkey became energetic. He didn't believe that the higher ups would allow a broken monkey to become the Monkey King.

How ridiculous is the Monkey King who surrenders when he encounters the enemy, begs for mercy when he is in battle, and can surrender to any earthly prince without having to dispatch hundreds of thousands of heavenly soldiers and generals? It is not an exaggeration to say that he is the laughing stock of the three realms.

If the Heavenly Emperor, the Great Heavenly Lord, wants to show off his face, this will not happen!

If it is really shameless, it doesn't matter. How can the Monkey King, the Monkey King, who can't defeat the Earth God, protect the safety of Buddhist scripture seekers and survive the ninety-nine and eighty-one difficulties?

Buddha was the first to disagree.

This is sure!


Sun Wukong looked up to the sky and laughed. He was overjoyed to have found a way to break the situation. He didn't care about the account book and wrote down his name casually to make sure that his enumeration was correct. There were many Pegasus horses.

Less is better, find it out quickly, he is derelict in his duties and deserves to go to jail!


Good news, warm news. As you can see, I am a great person.

Let me explain briefly. I have been away this month, traveling with my family, meeting with other authors, and participating in salons. I got home at three o'clock in the morning yesterday and got up to code after a nap.

Extras will definitely be written, and so will The End of the World. What was promised will definitely be made up, so don’t worry.

Purely my own person, except for the grind, everything else is pretty good!

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