This is what cultivating immortals is like

Chapter 1020 The Monkey King who made trouble in the Heavenly Palace five years ago

Sun Wukong guessed that in order to force him to rebel, the people above would use some despicable means of frame-up, such as the continuous disappearance of Tianma, such as plague.

When the number of Pegasus does not match the ledger, and a surprise inspection is carried out, he, the leader of the Royal Horse Supervisor, is to blame, and there will be rules and regulations to deal with him.

If you don't want the monkey's head to fall to the ground, you can only raise the flag to rebel.

Then he was granted a first-level official title, the Monkey King.

It’s true that you’ve been fooled!

Sun Wukong has already thought of a strategy. He would rather go to the demon-slaying platform than rebel. He will let others be strong, and he will be the king if he lies flat. If he puts his mind to the end, he will not be able to climb the wall.

"I have a script in my hand, can I still fail?"

More than half a month has passed, and the process is slightly different from what Sun Wukong expected.

There were no disappearances, no plagues and diseases, one hundred thousand Pegasus were intact, and there was not even an accidental pregnancy.

The people above disdain to play dirty tricks, they come to Yang, they are upright, strong and tough.

The first day is Lingguan Hall, the second day is Siyi, the third day is the Fifth Battalion Army, and the fourth day is the twenty-eight constellations coming...

In the morning, the Pegasus was dispatched, and in the afternoon, the real number was returned. In the middle of the night, the horse was sent back, and the accounts changed dozens of times a day, until Sun Wukong became the third grandson.

It's not a random act. They came with documents. They were written in black and white with large seals. They were reasonable and legal.

At first, Sun Wukong thought that the Royal Horse Supervisor was just so busy, but later he realized that the people above him were trying different ways to increase his workload. If he refused to comply, it would be dereliction of duty. In more serious cases, it would directly rise to rebellion.

There is no need to send troops to Huaguoshan, he can be promoted to a noble rank on the spot and be promoted to the Great Sage.

Sun Wukong would rather be a grandson than submit. He is so busy all day long that his feet never touch the ground. The image of a good employee who works hard and never complains or complains about tiredness emerges vividly on the page.

There are countermeasures at the bottom, and policies are adjusted at the top. There are some hardships, and they are not something you can take if you are willing.

You have to be patient!

In the next month, the attitude of the superior officials became obviously arrogant and domineering. They would find faults when there was nothing and they would train Sun Wukong to become his third grandson.

"There is an order from the Heavenly King's Palace to ask for five hundred Pegasus horses, all of them must be white, without any color or hair."

"Why does this horse move its left leg first and then its right leg? What does Bi Ma Wen do for food? I wonder if Wude Xingjun is taboo about this. Hurry up and get a Pegasus that can only move its right leg!"

"Why is this saddle white? What do you want to do? Do you want to rebel?"

"You are Bi Mawen. Why don't you smile? You look so ugly. Do you want to rebel?"


Bi Mawen's official position was so small that he could almost be considered an official in front of Sun Wukong.

In this way, making things difficult is no longer making things difficult. It has become an assessment of the superior officials against the inferior officials. It is a kind of affirmation and represents the inheritance of the fire. It will be adapted into a good story hundreds of years later.

Sun Wukong: They did this bullshit assessment on purpose.

Sun Wukong can endure hardships, lie down, and endure repeated tossing, but he cannot swallow this breath.

He was able to swallow the anger of the Master of Ten Thousand Daos because he was deeply afraid of the power of the Master of Ten Thousand Daos. But who are those weak immortals and gods? Why should they sit on his head and dictate?

Just because the first level of officialdom suppresses people to death?


If that were the case, he would still be the Monkey King in the book!

Sun Wukong knew it was a trick, but he still couldn't help but think about getting promoted to a higher position. He was fed up with the supercilious look and strange aura, and he couldn't stay in this miserable place like the Royal Horse Prison for a moment.

The resentment increases day by day, adding a little more every day, until the last breath of bad breath makes the monkey's hair explode.

On this day, Sun Wukong couldn't bear it when the officials of Siyi were making things difficult for him. He knocked the opponent three miles away with a straight punch, threw off his official hat, tore his official robe to pieces, and went straight to Nantianmen regardless of the cries of the supervisor and others.

Bi Mawen was so aggrieved that it would not be too late to be replaced by the Monkey King and he would lie down again.

"Come here, Bi Mawen is rebelling!"

The Siyi official who flew out stood up in a daze. He didn't know what he thought of. He smiled happily and shouted at the top of his voice.

Sun Wukong heard the joy in the shouts, stopped his feet, and suddenly quickened his pace.


There was a strong wind, lightning and thunder, and the sky suddenly turned dark.

Before Sun Wukong saw the Nantian Gate, he saw a group of heavenly soldiers and generals surrounding him.

The billowing helmets are bright, the layers of armor are bright, the flags are flying, and the halberds are shining. They are densely lined up in the four directions of the army. They are not ready to go, but they have definitely been planning for a long time.

Sun Wukong: ()

Why didn't the patrolling spiritual officer come? How many days have you been laying this ambush?

With over ten thousand people connected to the sky, tens of thousands of heavenly soldiers and generals forming defenses, the clouds covering the sky and the sky surrounding them. The scene was so grand. However, in the direction of the commander's flag of the Chinese army, a large chess piece with the word "guard" was erected high, and he was wearing golden armor. The generalissimo stood on the tower.

On the left and right sides, twenty-eight constellations manifest themselves in the star chart. Their momentum is like a rainbow and their power is boundless.

There are many old acquaintances in the Lubei world among the twenty-eight constellations, such as his younger brother "Female Earth Bat" Yang Dian, "Void Sun Rat" Yi Bi when he was still Xuanwu, and Chang Wenyuan from the Chang family of Zhao Qin.

A man who obtained the Tao, a chicken and a dog, ascended to heaven, and placed it on Lu Bei. He obtained the Tao. Not to mention the chickens and dogs at home, even the earthworms in the field could be imbued with the immortal energy.

Sun Wukong recognized the Twenty-Eight Constellations. In the past, these guys liked to use him for entertainment. Now he became angry and took out an iron rod of Ruyi size and rushed over.

One versus twenty-eight, tens of thousands of heavenly soldiers are in charge of the atmosphere team. The huge dragnet formation is not to say that it will be broken at a touch, but it is definitely useless.

Even Twenty-Eight Constellations, each with a peak Golden Immortal level of cultivation, a master of martial arts who could attack and defend well, was beaten with a stick and was beaten to the point of running away.

Under the loud sound of killing, the army was defeated. Sun Wukong entered and exited Penglai East Road seven times, like a wolf and a flock of sheep without any enemy. Soon he rushed out of the formation in a daze and saw Nan from a distance. Tianmen.

"Surround around us and don't leave the monkey head!"

How strange is it that we arrived at Nantianmen so quickly just after leaving the Royal Horse Prison?

Sun Wukong was puzzled for a moment. Hearing the loud shouts behind him, he hurried on without thinking about it.

Nantianmen is the gate to the thirty-sixth level of the Heavenly Palace in the Fairyland. It is guarded by the four heavenly kings of the southeast, northwest and northwest. According to nepotism, it can be said that the four father-in-laws are guarding the house for their sons-in-law.

The four heavenly kings often gather together and whisper bad things about the emperor behind his back.

Of course, their duties are not limited to guarding the Nantianmen. The southeast, northwest, and southeast respectively correspond to the four major divine continents in the Zhongtian world. The Nantianmen is on rotation, and each of the four heavenly kings has its own jurisdiction.

Today, for some unknown reason, the four heavenly kings gathered together and watched from a distance as the monkey ran in front of them and the twenty-eight constellations chased after them. Without thinking too much, they took out their magic weapons and prepared for them.

"What kind of evildoer dares to run wild in the Heavenly Palace!"

"Hurry up and capture him, otherwise it will be too late and you will not be spared by the Demon Slayer Platform."

The four heavenly kings scolded loudly, and they all took a step back as if they were in sync with each other.

When the enemy retreats, we advance; when the enemy cowers, I am brave.

When Sun Wukong saw that the four of them were intimidated, he immediately bullied the weak and feared the strong. He had the golden cudgel in his hand, and when he swung it round, he wanted to kill everyone.

As soon as he raised it above his head, he suddenly felt excited and remembered what Jian Cheng said, and he immediately took root.

"You monster monkey, don't think that you have nothing to worry about after kidnapping Lin Tianwang. The old man, Tianwang, would rather die than surrender. Even if he is captured, he will not frown."

A loud shout came from the chasing army: "Come on, kill that monkey to avenge the King of Heaven!"

Lin Buyan: "..."

Although he didn't see his white face, he already knew who it was when he heard his voice.

There is no official business, it is all personal grudges.

Sun Wukong: "..."

Although he didn't know what happened, he knew that this was called killing with a borrowed knife.

Sun Wukong did not want to encounter bad luck, and Lin Buyan was too lazy to guard the door. He cursed and stepped aside. At this moment, a familiar voice sounded again: "King Zhantian, go away quickly. You are of low ability. Don't suffer the poisonous hands of the monkey. If you beat a vicious dog with a stick, you will lose all your prestige and become a laughing stock."

Tens of thousands of troops could not cover up the voice. Not to mention that Zhan Lexian was trembling with anger. Twenty-eight stars panicked first. Just in case, they meant just in case. If there was anything wrong with the four heavenly kings, the queen on duty would be replaced. When the time comes, they will be the unlucky ones.

Inside the Nantianmen, there was a chaotic scene, and the King Pagoda covered his face and couldn't bear to look at it.

Before the sound could be heard, the two heavenly kings Bai Qizi and Gu Yuanxuan politely stepped back. The four heavenly kings raised eyebrows and looked coldly at each other, looking at the tens of thousands of troops, trying to find the innocent pretty boy.

Without the four people blocking the way, Sun Wukong and Dou Yun rushed straight out of the Nantian Gate.

With a snap, it hit the air, bounced to the ground, and fell firmly in front of the white chess piece.

"King of Heaven, don't be impulsive. You have a noble status. Once you are hijacked by the demon monkey, we will be tied up and watch the monkey escape."


The big eyes stared at the small ones, the white chess piece rolled his eyes in anger, and Sun Wukong stepped back cautiously.

"Oh, what a pity."


The atmosphere was ruined to this point, and it was obvious that the fight could no longer go on.

The monkey could not escape from the Nantianmen, and the heavenly soldiers and generals were unable to exert their usual strength for various reasons. Jingwei and Jingwei clearly faced each other, competing for eyesight to see whose eyes could be used first.

In the end, the monkey gave in, put down the murder weapon and raised his hand, saying: "I will vote..."

"What, you still want to be the Monkey King!!!"


Sun Wukong: I'm not, I don't have it. It's always you who bully the monkey too much.

He followed the sound and found the zombie-faced monkey among the twenty-eight stars. Not only the monkeys, but also the other stars.

Nibi's face was not red and he was out of breath, and he was confident that he was framed in broad daylight. When his colleagues looked at him, he pointed his sword at Sun Wukong: "I heard it with my own ears, how can it be false? The monster monkey is talking nonsense, haven't you heard it? ?”

Emperor Ziwei gave the order, even if it is false, it is also true.

"Yes, yes, I heard it too."

"Of course, a certain family can hear it clearly."

"We all listened to every word. With so many pairs of ears, I'm sorry that monster monkey can't argue. Hey, this guy is really brave!"

"That's right, he can still turn white into black."

"I'm not……"

"The demon monkey is arrogant and dares to act so recklessly!"


Okay, let’s leave it at that!


A bell rang in the distance, and golden light penetrated the battlefield like a sharp sword. However, an invisible hand parted the clouds, and purple air and glow came together.

A figure dressed in rich clothes descends with the Emperor's decree in hand.

Emperor Donghua, Jiang Suxin.

All the immortals and gods bowed before the decree, and the four heavenly kings were no exception. Upon seeing this, Sun Wukong prostrated himself, showing off a well-behaved and sensible person.

"The Supreme Being opens the sky to hold the talisman to hold the calendar, which contains the true body. The nine-domed calendar of the Golden Palace Cloud Palace is filled with inaction...

The Heavenly Emperor has a purpose! "

"Bima Wen and Sun Wukong committed disobedience, disrupted the order of the Royal Horse Prison, ignored the rules of heaven, and proclaimed himself the Monkey King, which was a heinous crime..."

"The Emperor of Heaven is merciful, considering that it is not easy for him to practice cultivation and that he is a first offender. He has granted special pardon. Now he declares that the 'Great Sage Equaling Heaven' hopes that he will realize his kindness and repent, accept his evil intentions and not be arrogant, and that the world will be at peace and the world will be peaceful."

"There is a great sage's palace built on the right side of Pantaoyuan. There are two departments of tranquility and tranquility in it. Two bottles of royal wine and ten golden flowers are given outside. I hope you can settle down and don't do anything wrong again."

After Jiang Suxin finished speaking eloquently, she called Sun Wukong closer to receive the order, and said with great sincerity: "The Emperor of Heaven has high expectations for the Great Sage, and also gave him a message, 'Only by never forgetting your original intention can you achieve success.' The Great Sage will keep it in mind and never cause trouble again. "

What does the Emperor of Heaven mean by this, just follow the script?

Sun Wukong was full of complaints but did not dare to say anything. He bowed to accept the order and was grateful. While deeply understanding his mistake, he vowed to become the number one lackey of the Emperor of Heaven.

"In addition, the four heavenly kings of the southeast, northwest and north have neglected their duties and are afraid of war and the enemy. The Emperor of Heaven has an order to order the four heavenly kings to go to Siwei Mansion for trial."


You kid will never let go of any opportunity you can seize!


The fighting was over and the situation calmed down.

The king of Tota led the army with merit, and the twenty-eight stars and the heavenly soldiers and generals were also rewarded. Except for the four gatekeepers, everyone was happy.

Sun Wukong was not very happy. Looking at the newly built Great Sage Palace next to the Pantaoyuan, his heart rose in his throat.

He had read the original work, in which the monkey robbed the peach garden by himself, causing great disasters and offending countless gods.

He has not yet received an order to guard the flat peach garden, but Fu Ya is next door. If the flat peach evaporates overnight, he will most likely have to take the blame.

This house is uninhabitable, not even for a moment.

To this day, Sun Wukong still feels lucky, like the drowning fish, always feeling that he can still struggle.

What if!

Sun Wukong's luck came from "Journey to the West". It was his mistake to defeat the Royal Horse Supervisor this time, but summing up the experience is not without gain.

To put it simply, the riot in the Imperial Palace is the prelude and rehearsal, while the riot in the Heavenly Palace is the main event.

Both plays have a prerequisite, and both sides must cooperate. As long as one party fails, the play will not work.

Thinking of this, the drowned fish immediately landed. The Royal Horse Supervisor did not show off. This time he became the Monkey King, with a first-class official position. No one dared to show off to him anymore. If he continues to show off, who can do anything to him? .

If anyone dared to bully him again, he would sue the Lingxiao Palace, as if the four heavenly kings who had neglected their duties had their own rules and regulations to deal with them.

This one...

It should be stable!

From the construction to the completion of the Great Sage Mansion, Sun Wukong only showed his face at the beginning. Even then, he didn't even look at the Peach Garden next door.

As an idle official with an official position but no salary, that is, a liar in the Heavenly Palace, his daily life is to visit and make friends with the gods and goddesses in the Heavenly Palace, hoping to open up relationships. It is best to establish friendship with the queens, and to let the Emperor of Heaven through pillow sex. Find another person to learn from.

For example, the demoted King of the Sun and Star, who had a strong record and made a big fuss in the Heavenly Palace, had nothing to show for it. He expressed his approval with all his strength for this man to take on the important task of learning scriptures.

Everything in the Celestial Palace revolves around the Celestial Emperor, the Great Celestial Being, and since the Celestial Queens are united by people, it is not difficult to find someone who can talk to the Celestial Emperor, and it is even easier to find a relative of the Celestial Queen.

Of course, not all relatives will do, such as the Four Heavenly Kings.

Sun Wukong's idea is very good, and it really touches the pain points of the Emperor of Heaven. His ears are always soft when there are people above him.

However, everyone has read the script of Journey to the West: The Legend of Evil. Sun Wukong was so purposeful that he turned around in a big circle and even failed to find a friend who could talk to him.

Some of them are also superficial friends. They are always available to treat guests to dinner and ask for help with other things.

The Queen's line was unavailable, so Sun Wukong changed a track. Based on his intelligence collection on the Heavenly Palace, there were several immortals who could speak in front of the Heavenly Emperor.

Shenlong, the big boss at the level of the fourth emperor, sees the beginning but not the end, and does not think about it;

You can try the Leibu Jiutian Yingyuan Thunder Universal Transformation Tianzun, Huode Xingjun, Tota Tianwang, etc.;

The two great monster emperors of the Sanyuanjiu Mansion in the Supervisory Department have more face than the sky. If they can beg them to speak, the emperor will never refuse;

The Judicial God of Siwei Mansion, this one is even more important. Depending on which queen is on duty, he can be commensurate with the brothers of the Emperor of Heaven, or he can also be a father to the Emperor of Heaven.

The result is the same sentence, everyone has read the script, and the Monkey King's face is not enough for these people to intercede for him.

Especially the Supervisory Department, Sun Wukong lost all the money in the Great Sage Mansion, and he didn't even see the two demon emperors.

"It's too dark. You only get paid but don't do anything. Are there any rules or regulations from heaven?"

Sun Wukong squatted in the corner and smoked depressedly. He turned around and saw the plaque of 'Tushita Palace', and his eyes twitched again.

The Heaven and even the Three Realms and Three Thousand Worlds in Journey to the West are very different from the real world where Sun Wukong lives. For example, the owner of Tushita Palace is not Taishang Laojun. Under the pseudonym Queen Li Taiqing, there will be people in every Peach Conference. The exact number of Nine Turns Golden Elixir was released.

It doesn't matter if the name doesn't match up, Sun Wukong knows that it is not suitable to stay here for a long time, so he leaves quickly.

This kid wanders around the Heavenly Palace every day, making friends in the name of eating and drinking. His status has improved, and his behavior has also become more refined. He used to talk about 'my old grandson', but now he doesn't even mention it. , the monkey body has faded into a human form, and at first glance it looks like a human or a dog.

If you look closely, you can see that it has the official power of a first-class official.

Let's say that Sun Wukong was begging for alms everywhere in the Heavenly Palace. It lasted for three to five years. Occasionally he went down to earth to live in Huaguo Mountain for a few days, bringing some heavenly specialties to the monkeys and their grandchildren for the New Year.

On the Huaguo Mountain, a large flag was erected at some point, with the four words "Great Sage Equaling Heaven" written on it. It was so majestic.

Sun Wukong was so upset that he asked his monkey son about it, and got the answer that no one in the world knew him.

It hurts even more.

On this day, by the Tianhe River, two figures were sitting vertically.

Sun Wukong held the boom and looked at the calm sea and said: "Sui De Xingjun, last time, and the last time and the last time, you promised to invite the Emperor of Heaven to come fishing with you. How long has it been? How come you haven't seen the Emperor of Heaven yet?" figure?"

Shui Dexingjun Lin Yu was so focused that he didn't hear clearly and replied casually: "The Emperor of Heaven is very busy. Every time he leaves the border, he has to open up a world and go on a solo trip with the Queen. He said that he will definitely do it next time."


"Yeah, so I'm pretty busy."


That makes sense!

Fishing is a new skill that Sun Wukong has acquired in the past two years. He heard some gossip from somewhere. The Emperor of Heaven and Lord Shui Dexing share a similar temperament, and they often enjoy the leisurely elegance of frying fish by the river. So he built two fishing poles through their connections. One rod is given to Mr. Shui Dexing, and the other rod is kept for his own use.

If you want to strike up a conversation with a big leader, you must have the same hobbies.

During the novice protection period, Sun Wukong killed everyone in front of Lin Yu, which made Lin Yu very unhappy. After losing the buff, Hebian stared blankly, and was regarded as one of his own by Lin Yu.

Lin Yu is a conscientious fisherman. When fishing, he does not use his magic powers at all. According to him, fishing is about artistic conception and practice, and does not focus on results.

Sun Wukong, who also has no use of magic, is a talented person. If he defeats the army a few times, he will naturally fall into the eyes of the Emperor of Heaven.

Sun Wukong didn't understand much. He only remembered that the Emperor of Heaven liked the air force guy. He just had this strength. He could sit by the river for a whole day without moving like a mountain.

Empty returns empty, fishing is really fun!

"Suspect Sun Wukong, something happened to you!!"

A loud shout exploded in the ears, Lin Yu and Sun Wukong both glared at it, the monkey was furious, watching the fish enter the nest, rounding off today's blast, they were all shouted out by this voice.

Just when he was about to take out a stick and give it to the other party, he suddenly realized something and said in shock: "It turns out he is a brother of Lingguan Palace. Where did the idea of ​​a suspect come from? You may have made a mistake in the case."

The spiritual officer pointed at Cheng Jian and said: "Yesterday you ate flat peaches and stole the Nine-turn Golden Pill. You committed a heinous crime. You both got the stolen goods. How can you tolerate sophistry!"

“Everyone gets the stolen goods?!”

Sun Wukong was stunned: "Open your eyes and see clearly, I don't have anything, where did it come from..."

"Of course you won't carry the stolen goods with you. We were ordered to search the Great Holy Mansion. The stolen flat peaches and golden elixirs are all there, but you are so bold that you hide here and fish like no one else." Lingguan snorted coldly.

Sun Wukong took a breath and admitted that he still underestimated the shamelessness above. He turned to look at Lin Yu: "Shuide Xingjun, I fished with you here yesterday and never left for a moment, you have to bear witness for me! "

"Ah this..."

Lin Yu blinked and said innocently: "It is true that I have never left, but my magic power is low. If you use the magic of transformation to deceive me, I won't be able to tell the difference. Wouldn't I become an accomplice if you rashly testify?"

"Mr. Shui Dexing makes sense. The suspect is proficient in the art of transformation. The great sage who fished with you by the river yesterday may have been transformed from monkey hair."

"Is there such a thing?"

Lin Yu's expression changed greatly, and he turned to Sun Wukong and said, "I can no longer distinguish between right and wrong. Why don't you go to Lingguan Palace? Emperor Zhenwu is impartial and impartial. If you are wronged, he will uphold justice for you."

After saying that, he plunged into the Tianhe River with a splash and left with the current.

The spiritual officer next to him paid no attention to the witness who ran away with the bucket. His righteous eyes were fixed on Sun Wukong, making the latter furious.

He took a deep breath, thinking about rescuing him again, and changed to the workplace route: "Brother, please don't talk too hard. I even invited Emperor Zhenwu to dinner last month!"

After hearing this, Lingguan's tone softened: "In this case, the Great Sage will follow the official to Lingguan Hall. If you are really wronged, Emperor Zhenwu will clear up your innocence."

You can pull him down, he will definitely be jailed if he goes there.

Sun Wukong didn't believe it. He didn't come out to hang out on the first day. He knew that if he didn't go, he would still have a chance to wash away. If he went, he would be whatever the higher-ups said.

Just as he was about to refuse, he suddenly realized that it was the superiors who had the final say whether to go or not, and he had no say at all.

Moreover, if you don't go, you will definitely be surrounded by heavenly soldiers and generals, which will inevitably cause a farce in the heavenly palace.

Don’t be fooled this time!

After thinking for a short time, Sun Wukong nodded readily: "Emperor Zhenwu is upright and upright, and his noble character is rare in the Heavenly Palace. I believe he will do justice to me. I will accompany you to the Lingguan Palace today. I hope my brother will relay these words to Emperor Zhenwu. , don’t let me go to jail unjustly.”

"It's natural."


When the camera turned, Sun Wukong was in a small single room. Looking out through the iron window, the clear blue sky on the 36th floor came into view.

He curled his lips, polishing the edges and having nothing to say. He grabbed the straw mat and found a comfortable corner to lie down on, closing his eyes and waiting for relief.

After a while, Sun Wukong opened his eyes and said with lingering fear: "You can't sleep. When you open your eyes, you will be trapped in a huge array of hundreds of thousands of heavenly soldiers and heavenly nets. Before causing trouble in the heavenly palace, you have to be charged with escaping from prison."

The Heavenly Palace was calm and peaceful, and Sun Wukong lived in a small single room for half a month. The officials in Lingguan Palace did not make things difficult for him, the Monkey King, who had no shackles or sealed magic power. If he wanted to leave, he could transform into a bug and fly out of the window.

Trying to trick me into jailbreaking again!

The monkey was quite peaceful in the prison. He asked the guard on duty every day if he had any clues about the case.

You don't need to ask to know what the situation is. Such persistence is still just a matter of luck. You don't have to face it. Anyone who has some conscience will not continue to persecute a poor monkey.

The natural stone monkey boasts that he did not lack any great virtue in his previous life. He did not even commit any sins in his previous life, so he should not suffer hardships in this life.


There was a roar! !

In the prison, the monkey closed his eyes and fell asleep, crossing his legs and pretending to be leisurely. He smelled the noise coming from the window and snorted lightly and ignored it.

He was not very curious and didn't care what was going on outside.

But soon, he couldn't sit still.

"Stop the demon monkey and don't let him get close to the Lingxiao Palace."

Sun Wukong trembled, jumped up on the spot, and looked out the window with wide eyes in shock: "Where did the demon monkey come from? Who wants to attack the Lingxiao Palace?"

This question is relatively childish, and the answer is obvious, he is the monkey.

Here comes the question, do you really have no shame at all?

Sun Wukong looked up to the sky and sighed, "I'm tired. Let's destroy it. Where is Wuzhi Mountain? Come quickly and calm him down."

Just when Sun Wukong was lamenting the monkey's difficult life, two passing jailers started talking.

"Have you heard that the Monkey King..."

"It's a demon monkey."

"Ah, yes, that demon monkey has been practicing in the Bagua furnace for eighty-eight and forty-nine days, but he was not knocked back to his original shape. He jumped out of the Bagua furnace with a pair of piercing eyes. He demolished the house and beat everyone he saw. He was almost demolished. Lingxiao Palace."

"Who says otherwise? Hundreds of spiritual officials couldn't get at him. Fortunately, the generals from the Lei Department passed by and blocked him in front of the Lingxiao Palace."

"Emperor Zhenwu has arrived. No matter how lawless the monkey is, he won't be able to remain arrogant for long."


Sun Wukong: (_)

From the jailer's mouth, Sun Wukong learned the general story of how he caused trouble in the Heavenly Palace, and wanted to ask when he would get the piercing eyes he owed him.

Just as he was thinking about it, the scenery in front of his eyes flashed.

The bars were gone, the straw mat was gone, and in their place was a big, shining golden face.

The nine-grade lotus platform has a solemn treasure.

Sun Wukong's eyelids twitched, and he looked down and saw that he was standing in a palm that was one acre square. In the center of five pillars, there was a flesh finger clearly written on it, 'The Great Sage Qitian is here to visit'.

There is also a pool of monkey urine underneath.

The taste was just right, and he couldn't fault it at all.

"Sun Wukong, you stole the peaches and golden elixirs, and made such a big fuss in the Heavenly Palace that it's hard to write down. Do you have any words of remorse when you are going to be punished today?"

When the Buddha opened his mouth, the sound of thunder vibrated, making Sun Wukong's teeth tremble and his legs tremble.

The uncontrollable urge to urinate came over him, and the monkey hurriedly clamped his legs. He had just been impostered and peed. When it was his turn, he couldn't really moisten the palm of the Buddha's hand.

He was a bachelor, and knew that nothing could help him at this point, and that no matter how many times he explained his grievances, it would be in vain. He looked bitterly at the future leader: "I know my crime, and I am willing to be punished. I just ask the Buddha to remember me. It's not easy. Don't do it." It really weighed on me for five hundred years.”

As he spoke, he felt that the world was turned upside down, and he fell into the clouds with the turning palm of the Buddha.

"Since you are repentant, I will ask the Emperor of Heaven for a heartless request..."

boom! ! !

Since then, the Great Sage Qitian, who was making trouble in the Heavenly Palace, was suppressed under the Five Elements Mountain. His achievements included fighting twenty-eight stars alone, thirty-six generals of the Lei Department, and one hundred and eight spiritual officials, breaking through the heaven and earth net, and fighting against Emperor Zhenwu. Thirty rounds with no outcome.

Just a little bit away, the hairy monkey's feet touched the threshold of Lingxiao Hall.

This matter was spread throughout the three realms. While the world criticized him for his unyielding nature, they also praised him for being a well-deserved title for the Great Sage.


Time flies, time flies, and in the blink of an eye...

Five years have passed.

On this day, the sky was clear and the sun was shining brightly. A white horse was walking vigorously, carrying a handsome monk from east to west.

While walking through Wuyue Mountain, known as Liangjie Mountain among the locals, the white horse stopped and was showered with herbs.

This shower immediately made a friend come out.

Sun Wukong slept during the day and took a nap at night, looking forward to the stars and the moon. On a windy and rainy Qingming day, he waited for the pilgrims from Eastern China.

Although the encounter was not a friendly one, and was even extremely embarrassing, the monkey had waited for this day for too long and generously forgave the white horse for his mistake, but silently said in his heart, "Master, your horse is dead."

The pilgrim who came from Daxia was Tripitaka. According to the book, one person and one monkey could meet each other after five hundred years. However, a certain emperor who did not want to be named was notoriously impatient, and no one dared to let him wait. Five hundred years ago.

So, five hundred years was reduced to five years by removing two zeros.

"Master, my disciple is finally waiting for you."

Sun Wukong jumped up from the ground with a chirp. Without the suppression of Buddha's six-character motto, he could escape anytime and anywhere. When Sanzang appeared, the faded bird's limbs were uncontrollable and he got out on his own.

Sanzang and the horse were frightened at the same time, but the horse was okay. Sanzang was so frightened when he saw a clay figure emerge from his horse's urine that he fell on his back and fell directly under the horse.

"Master, don't be afraid, have you read Journey to the West?"

"What, you haven't seen it?!"

"It doesn't matter. My disciple, Sun Wukong, is the Monkey King who caused great trouble in the Heavenly Palace five years ago. I have been ordered to wait here to help you go to the West to worship Buddha and seek scriptures."

"Have you put on the tight band? It's a yellow hat...yes, yes, that's it. I'll fasten it later. You can read it twice and the process will be in place."

That’s all for today. Tomorrow I will leave for Weihai, Shandong Province, and spend some time at the beach with my children. When I come back, I will finish writing the extra chapters of this book, and then update The End of the World.

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