Tokyo Video Game Tycoon

Chapter 1060: Countdown to Sale

"There are still ten minutes."

As it approaches midnight, many people in Japan are bound to find it difficult to sleep tonight.

Because a much-anticipated video game is about to be officially released.

Divided according to different time zones, the Asian region will be the first to experience Cyberpunk 2077.

And Japan will be later than other Asian countries due to geographical reasons.

At this moment, many Japanese players are waiting every second as if it has been a year.

Cyberpunk 2077 has become a worldwide topic because of excessive investment before it was released.

What follows is that the game has a higher degree of attention.

Even the Japanese government has come forward to help promote this game, hoping to establish Japan's position in the field of video games through this game.

"Five minutes."

Kazuo Murakami is the most famous game media reviewer in the world. He is qualified to experience many games of Youxing Electronic Entertainment in advance, and then give a specific evaluation of this game in advance.

But this time there was an exception. This time, Youxing Electronic Entertainment did not release the full version of the game to some well-known characters in advance as before, but planned to let them all experience the game at the same time with other players.

According to Zhu Youxing's own words, if someone has priority to experience this game because of their status and status, it will be unfair to the waiting player or the person who played in advance.

Kazuo Murakami thinks it is quite reasonable. Games of this level no longer need any so-called evaluation warm-up. They just need to wait for the final release date, and then everyone can experience it at the same time. This feeling is also the best. .

"There are still three minutes."

Starting today, Kazuo Murakami gave everyone in his company a long vacation, which lasted for a week.

And if some people feel that this time is not enough, they can continue to ask for leave. Kazuo Murakami approved them, so in the end, everyone has at least ten days of vacation to fully experience the game Cyberpunk 2077.

Even the evaluation website operated by Kazuo Murakami has been temporarily suspended. The basic operation and maintenance will still be maintained, but other work has been temporarily suspended.

Since it is a game evaluation media, playing games is their job, and playing Cyberpunk 2077 is also work, and there is nothing wrong with it.

And it's not just Kazuo Murakami's media company that gives employees group holidays.

Some well-known game development studios also give their employees vacations at this time.

In fact, I don't want to take a vacation.

Because anyone who works in this industry has already been attracted by the game Cyberpunk 2077 and has lost the ability to work.

These guys think about Cyberpunk 2077 every day.

Every day I read the countdown to the release date.

So instead of working inefficiently, it's better to just give them a holiday to enjoy themselves.

Anyway, Cyberpunk 2077 is released, and there is basically no way out for other games in at least a week or two.

All game companies are very wise to give up releasing games at this time.

Because they all think that they will never compete with Cyberpunk 2077.

At least wait until this wave of popularity subsides before considering releasing your own game.

The same is true for the video game division of Su Rui Electronics. Ueto Hayakawa also directly approved a long vacation for this division based on the previous experience.

Moreover, Ueto Hayakawa also found that some departments with a younger overall age group have asked for a lot of leave recently.

Ueto Hayakawa estimated that at least half of them had to ask for leave because of Cyberpunk 2077.

It's like when people take time off work to watch a football match during the World Cup.

Anyway, there are not many such top-level games in the world, so it is better to give them a holiday.

However, Ueto Hayakawa is also very curious. He is curious about what kind of results such a game can achieve, and whether this game is really qualified to receive such a large amount of attention.

At the Mickford headquarters, Myron Case could only helplessly look at the recent attendance records of the attendants.

There are quite a lot of young people in his company, and they all ask for leave at this time, although the reasons for asking for leave are different, some say that the child is born, some say that the parents are seriously ill, and some say that they will inherit the family property.

What's even more outrageous is that there are people who say that they are going to burn Night City to ashes.

Crazy, all crazy.

That's all Myron Keyes can say.

The more Internet companies and electronic companies where young people get together, the more serious the situation of collective leave.

The so-called law does not blame the public, the company's top management can only turn a blind eye.

"One more minute."

In Japan, the game release has entered the countdown.

Zero o'clock is the official release time of the digital version of the game, but at the same time, there are many people waiting in line to buy the physical version at the door of many official Yuxing Electronic Entertainment stores in Japan.

In the early hours of the night, there were already hundreds of people queuing up in some larger shops.

This has not been a grand event for a long time.

This has not happened for a long time, even with the release of Youxing Electronic Entertainment's latest game console.

"Thirty seconds left."

Kazuo Murakami is already sitting in front of the game console, and he is frantically pressing the confirmation button of the handle, constantly trying to forcibly enter the cyberpunk 2077 game world that has been downloaded in advance.

It's just that the response from the game console is cold every time.

‘Sorry, this game has not been released yet, please wait for the game to enter the experience when it is released. '

'Countdown to release: 00:00:29'

Seeing that the countdown was still going on, Kazuo Murakami just didn't give up, and he continued to frantically press the confirmation button on the handle.

He just felt that as long as he worked hard enough, he might get stuck with a bug or something, so that he could enter the game a few seconds earlier.

"Ten seconds left."

Kazuo Murakami pressed the confirmation button on the handle faster.

But the console response was as cold as ever.

And at the headquarters of Youxing Electronic Entertainment, many night shift personnel doing Internet maintenance are staring at the server screen almost without blinking.

They all knew that today was a special day, and the servers were already under tremendous pressure even before the game was released.

Many users are continuously accessing the server of Youxing Electronic Entertainment, and the effect is no less than some high-frequency DDOS attacks.

Everyone present was sweating, afraid that there would be even a slight problem in this most critical link.

"One second!"

Ding dong!

In Japan, many Yuxing Electronic Entertainment game consoles popped up a prompt message at the same time.

‘Cyberpunk 2077 has been officially released, players are welcome to enter Night City to enjoy life in Night City! '

Kazuo Murakami, Oda Chong, Oda Chong, and many other game players pressed the confirmation button of the handle without hesitation at the same time.

The Cyberpunk 2077 logo then filled the entire screen.

The game is released.

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