Tokyo Video Game Tycoon

Chapter 256 Is the familiar scene going to happen?

Super Mr. Mason Adventures.

Mason racing.

Street basketball.

X racing.


In this data list, there are many names that are familiar at first glance.

But if you look closely, you can see that these names are very wrong.

This is roughly equivalent to the difference between Master Kang and Shuaifu Kang, which belongs to the high imitation copycat game of Pengci.

But these games are on the list at this moment, and the sales data of each game can look like one hundred thousand and two hundred thousand.

"Is the copycat army finally here?" Zhu Youxing tapped on the table and said to himself.

In fact, he had already expected this kind of thing to happen, and it was a matter of time.

Once an industry seems to be hot, there will inevitably be a group of guys who have no interest in video games at all and are just trying to make money.

This is similar to the film and television industry.

If the Great White Shark is hot, then there will be a Sharknado, if the Pacific Rim is hot, then there will be an Atlantic Rim.

This belongs to touch porcelain marketing.

The cultural industry naturally has some disadvantages, that is, it only protects the expression but not the gameplay.

This is easy to understand. After all, it is impossible for only one game of a type to appear, and a second game of the same type is not allowed to appear. This will inevitably lead to direct shrinkage of the industry and no development.

It was someone who took advantage of this, and frantically amassing money from the side.

And players are often not necessarily able to distinguish these tricks.

They usually just want to have fun and don't really care about Li Kui starting Li Gui.

However, in fact, if Li Gui is also fun, Zhu Youxing thinks there is nothing wrong with it, but... I can send out the legal team to clean up all these marketing guys, no matter how much money they spend. To completely kill their arrogance, they must not be given a chance to live.

But before that, Zhu Youxing wanted to do another thing.

He looked up at the clock. It was nine o'clock in the morning, and it was around seven o'clock in the evening in the United States, which was just right.

He picked up the phone and dialed the number of Minoru Matsuhashi in the United States.

Two seconds later, Minoru Matsuhashi immediately picked up the phone.

"President, what's the matter?"

At this time, Matsuhashi Minoru had just finished a day's work and had already taken off his rather frivolous work clothes and was lying on the bed. Then she saw Zhu Youxing calling, and she picked it up without any hesitation.

"Songqiao, are you busy now?"

"No, President, is there anything you want me to do?"

"Don't be in a hurry to do it now, take a rest when it's time to rest, and help me collect the sales data of other game consoles and games in the same industry when I go to work tomorrow, as well as each game of these game consoles, and then express it with the fastest speed Back to Japan."

"All? President, that's a lot."

"Well, I know, I want to confirm one thing."

Matsuhashi asked tentatively: "Is it because these people are suspected of infringement? If so, I will immediately contact the law firm we contacted to file a lawsuit with them."

Zhu Youxing shook his head and said: "This matter can be prepared first, but don't worry, find more good lawyers, and if you want to file a lawsuit, you can fight harder. It doesn't matter how much it costs. I won't give you any advice on this aspect. Set funding caps."

"Okay, then President, why do you want those games not for copyright infringement?"

"Of course it's for fun. I want to see what these games are like, and see if there is anything I can learn from." Zhu Youxing said with a casual smile.

Of course his original purpose was not that simple.

He vaguely had an ominous premonition, as if some kind of history was about to repeat itself, but now he was not too sure, he wanted to see it with his own eyes.

"Then I now..."

"No need now, now you have a good rest, now is not working time, I don't want you to die suddenly in the United States."

Songqiao felt warm in her heart, and felt that such a boss was really nice, and she also believed that Zhu Youxing really said that from the bottom of her heart, and it was not out of politeness.

"Okay, I understand the president, I will take a good rest."

"Well, that's it."



The phone hangs up directly.

Zhu Youxing has never been a person who is good at small talk, and he will decisively end the call after talking about things.

In other words, everything Zhu Youxing does has a certain purpose, and he rarely shows a casual chat.

Matsuhashi looked at the mobile phone in her hand and was silent for a while, then she immediately got up from the bed, walked to a laptop, and began to search for all the news and materials related to the same.

Even if Zhu Youxing persuaded her, she still couldn't stop her desire to complete the assigned work early.

How can I say that she is also the core backbone now, and she can be regarded as the boss under Zhu Youxing in the company. She works hard by herself and does her best for her own development, just like Zhu Youxing.

Especially as a woman, she must work harder.

Two days later, Minoru Matsuhashi had already collected almost all the game consoles and video games available on the market, and then packaged them and sent them to Japan by the fastest express, and they could reach Zhuyouxing in about a week.

At the same time, Matsuhashi also integrated all the data and materials that these game companies could investigate in the recent period, and sent them to Zhuyouxing through the Internet.

After receiving the information, Zhu Youxing put aside the game development for the time being, and started to study every game company in the US market carefully by himself in his office.

Counting Su Rui Electronics and his own company, there are already a dozen game console companies selling in the mainstream market of the United States.

Two of them just appeared in the last half month.

Through investigation, most of them have Wall Street capital giants behind them. Obviously, they are all young workers who want to grab a piece of meat in this market.

You don't refuse to compete with Zhuyouxing at all, of course, the premise is that it is a healthy competition, not something that has nothing to do with the game to harass you every day.

Like a commercial lawsuit or something, that would be annoying.

However, in the competition in the game industry, there is another thing worthy of vigilance, that is, bad money drives out good money.

Bad garbage games flooded the market, resulting in no chance for high-quality games to stand out, and finally the market collapsed completely, and people had a crisis of trust in this industry.

This is not a joke, but something that actually happened in the original world.

In the previous life, there was a historical turmoil in the game industry that is worth mentioning, which was called the Atari collapse.

is a crisis of confidence in the video game industry sparked by a company called Atari.

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