Trillion Market Capitalization is not a Dream

Chapter 218 Bowen Project Report

After Song Zhiyuan glanced at the venue, he continued: "Think about it, that is impossible to achieve at all. Therefore, the report sent by the project department to the business department must not only explain the problem clearly, but also provide several Solutions, the pros and cons of each solution must be clearly stated, and they must be concise and concise. Do not make a long speech right away. Leaders are very busy, and they have no time to slowly study the content and questions of your report. There are no surprises. Your report needs to clearly state your needs.”

Dongshan Xinbin Golf Project Manager Zhou Chengshao spoke after Song Zhiyuan’s comments: “Dongshan Xinbin Golf Project, there are problems with the earthwork of the course. The earthwork team started to enter the site on June 5 this year, but they just didn’t work and waited for the price to increase. It was only on July 8th that the site was closed and cleared after many negotiations. The on-site slope modeling was completed by the project department personnel by adjusting the machinery themselves.

Currently, there are three companies in Ketu that are importing soil. Two companies are importing 500 cubic meters in total. The other company can only import about 700 to 800 cubic meters per day. On good days, it can reach 1,000 cubic meters. The entry speed of earthwork still seriously cannot keep up with the needs of the project construction progress.

There are also problems with grass planting. Due to the cold weather in the new winter, the lawn designed now cannot survive the winter. The lawn will die in the winter and will need to be re-sprayed in the next spring, which will increase the cost. Design changes to lawn varieties suitable for cold weather areas are being coordinated.

There will be freezing layers in Dongshan at the end of November. I would like to ask if you have any methods to solve the problem of soil supply for tourists in advance.

The foundation of the civil pump house has been completed, and there is still about 80,000 cubic meters of passenger soil to be brought into the site. It is recommended to increase the passenger soil supply team.

The guest soil affects the implementation of the greening project. Currently, spraying and planting grass has been suspended. There is still a lot of grass seed that has been purchased and there is no way to continue using it.

The precipitation time of the landscape bridge is very long, the water is flowing, and the river cannot stop flowing. "

As a high-level manager of the seedling system, Bai Jianwu was invited by Song Zhiyuan to attend this meeting as a guest.

Bai Jianwu made a request to Zhou Chengshao, project manager of Dongshan Xinbin Golf: "Send the remaining grass seeds back to the company, and I will arrange to use them in other available project departments."

Dongshan Xinbin Golf Project Manager Zhou Chengshao promised Bai Jianwu: "Okay. Mr. Bai, I will arrange this work after the meeting.

About 10,000 cubic meters of passenger soil have been admitted to the west of the practice ground, and 33% of the area has been released, which needs to be grabbed as soon as possible.

Only one vehicle can be allowed in or out of the training ground for seedling transportation. One-way and non-two-way construction seriously affects the construction progress and efficiency.

The total output value is 52 million. Currently, the total output value is 6 million, and the project cost will be approximately 3 million.

The revenue and expenditure are basically balanced, the progress payment for September has not yet been received, and the gross profit is basically guaranteed. "

Tong Ling, Vice President of Production, said: "The effect of Dongshan Xinbin Golf Project cannot be guaranteed due to cost reasons. The middle and lower floors of the greening design are defective."

Lei Bing, the vice president of production who once managed the Xinmer golf project, added: "I am more familiar with golf. I requested that the trees be planted as early as possible or be planted falsely. I was worried that the trees would not be able to enter the venue due to the passage.

Fairway grass needs to be weeded before spraying. There is a golf project in Nanhai, but there is no weeding treatment. Two hundred people were sent to remove the weeds in a month, but they could not get rid of it. It not only increases the cost, but also makes people laugh.


Song Xiaoshan, production manager of the Qiongshan Bowan Project Department, said: "The first phase of the Bowan Project in the South China Sea is about 100,000 square meters, with an output value of 34 million, and a cost of about 21 million, exceeding the contracted gross profit by 20%. Only through optimization The configuration increased the gross profit by 8%. Party A has agreed with the settlement statement and the company is going through the stamping process.

There were heavy rains from September 30 to October 8. The site was eroded into trenches more than ten times, and the hard foundation subsided. Post-disaster recovery is underway.

The estimated settlement for this part of the restoration is 12 million, and we strive to reach 15 million. After many communications with Party A, we agreed to handle the settlement separately after the restoration.

Quality: The art director made adjustments on site many times, and the owners of the community are very satisfied with the artistic effect.

Stylistically, the theme is not clear enough and the art directors change too frequently. Party A interfered a lot and did not consult with the construction party, causing serious damage to the garden. It was too arbitrary and did not avoid municipal wells.

Project cost and profit analysis:

1. For garden construction materials, information price, confirmation price, and floor material price lag behind, and the profit is low. The profit for A's supply of materials is very low.

2. It is extremely difficult to access the planting soil supplied by the main entrance, and the survival rate of seedlings is low, which lowers the gross profit margin of the project.

3. Repeated adjustments were made because the landscape effect was not up to standard. I remember the most was eight times, which increased the cost of labor and machinery and also reduced the survival rate of seedlings. Dugu Lingyun’s general adjustment feedback is the best. "

After Song Xiaoshan finished his speech, Song Zhiyuan commented: "The first phase of the Bowan project in the South China Sea is successful in planning.

The project team currently has seven people, and they have done a good job in maintenance and post-disaster recovery. The project department organized all personnel to go to other good sites to learn advanced experience. They were originally rated as the worst team, but they have been studying hard, fighting hard, and constantly improving themselves. Xiaoshan told me that they have never considered themselves is the worst team. "

There was laughter in the venue.

Song Zhiyuan continued to comment on Song Xiaoshan's speech: "After this process, the professional level of the settlement personnel has been greatly improved, which is gratifying."

Song Xiaoshan, Production Manager of the Qiongshan Boyan Project Department, continued to speak: “Recommendations on the second phase project: there is no reason to reject half or more than half of the construction scope. If it is too small, it should be rejected. If it is half, it will be around 50 million.

The situation in the second phase:

1. The construction period may not be rushed, and the requirement is to be completed by November 9th next year.

2. Observe that Party A has learned lessons and will make improvements and improvements.

3. The payment is relatively timely.

4. The production and art teams will know the project better.

5. It has positive significance for the development of the South China Sea market.

Regarding communication with Party A about the second phase project:

1. Communicate frequently with Party A about the project deadlines and deadlines, and negotiate well. Party A did not participate in the previous regular production meetings.

2. Party A is required to implement the instructions in writing. Oral instructions can be implemented first and then the procedures can be completed.

3. The effect must be based on the opinion of our art director. This has been proven through practice. Our level is obviously higher.

Suggestions on project department management:

1. Hard and soft landscapes form a unique style of Western architecture. I only came to the company in September last year and am in the process of getting familiar with it and learning.

2. Establish a project management incentive mechanism, confirmed by the vice president of production and project manager.

3. To develop Nanhai, it is recommended to build Nanhai nursery as soon as possible. "

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