Trillion Market Capitalization is not a Dream

Chapter 447: Talking is useless. See action.

Song Xiaoshan thought that the resident art director Xiang Qi would be more satisfied with this arrangement, so he asked: "Beauty Xiang, are you satisfied with this arrangement?"

Unexpectedly, the resident art director Xiang Qi said sarcastically: "It sounds better to say it than to sing it.

There is no use in talking more.

Watch the action. "

After hearing her answer, Song Xiaoshan knew that he could no longer accept her words. He glanced around the venue twice before calmly asking Zhao Manfu for instructions: "Mr. Zhao, in our coordination meeting, everyone's opinions have been clearly expressed.

But I don't know if our discussion satisfies the leader. I would like Mr. Zhao to give instructions. "

Zhao Manfu said with a smile: "Today I can see that Mr. Song has united so many people to put forward this project without construction drawings. Through everyone's efforts, we were able to put forward the bill of materials and land it on site in time, while taking into account the rush." The artistic effect requirements, gross profit margin requirements, and progress requirements of the project.

This is very well done and deserves praise.

If we can pay more attention to safety requirements and company image requirements during the specific implementation process, then this project will be more perfect. "

Song Xiaoshan smiled and said: "Thank you, Mr. Zhao, for your pertinent evaluation and guidance."

After he finished speaking, he stood up and applauded to express his welcome. Everyone spontaneously stood up and applauded to express their happiness.

Amidst the applause, Song Xiaoshan happily announced: "The meeting is dismissed."

Since we had agreed to have a get-together dinner in the evening, everyone was assigned a lot of work at the meeting, and they all paired up to find someone to cooperate with.

Of course, in this process, the most tiring person is the resident art director Xiang Qi.

Every professional person needs to discuss with her the configuration of the site. Wang Ming, the material purchaser, and Yu Shengjie, the nursery stock purchaser, also need to see her to discuss the specific material names and specifications.

Xiang Qi, the resident art director, accompanied people from various professions around the site of the Bowen Phase I project for more than ten times before finally explaining what needed to be explained.

The project department called and urged the resident art director Xiang Qi to take everyone back to the project department to have dinner first.

The resident art director, Xiang Qi, stubbornly disagreed and forced the dinner party to be postponed until all the materials were discussed.

With the persistent efforts of the resident art director Xiang Qi, with the discussion and cooperation of professional engineers and budgeters led by Song Xiaoshan, and with the cooperation of Sister Jiang's 30 workers, they worked hard until nine o'clock in the evening, and finally completed the project. The bill of materials for the entire project has been formed.

It was only a handwritten version on site and had not been standardized into a computer-printed document.

Song Xiaoshan checked the time but it was too late, so he discussed it with Xiang Qi, the resident art director: "Beauty Xiang, you think today was the hardest, your feet are weak, right?"

Xiang Qi, the resident art director, put one hand on the fence and steel mesh beside him and put one hand on his waist. He panted slightly and said, "It's really hard work. I'm exhausted. These days I probably walked tens of thousands of steps in an hour.

My feet hurt when I walked, and there were many small blisters on my toes and big toes.

However, it has produced results.

After discussing with each major, they recorded the data in a small notebook.

In this case, if we work harder tomorrow morning, the quantities and specifications of all the materials required for this project will be clear.

The specific procedures for each position are also clear.

We can also file this information and send it to the design institute, and the design institute can help us draw construction drawings.

I estimate that when we are almost finished, the construction drawings will be ready. "

Song Xiaoshan quickly replied: "Xiang is right.

We called it a day.

How about leaving all the rest to be solved tomorrow morning? "

Xiang Qi, the resident art director, corrected: "Basically there is nothing left. Everything related to the construction of the project has been explained clearly. The only thing left is to ask everyone to form a written document tomorrow morning and then it can be signed and executed. .”

Song Xiaoshan replied: "Okay, okay.

Then let's go back to the project department now.


The resident art director waved to Qi coolly and said: "Let's go."

A group of people.

Several cars.

Driving toward the project department in a mighty manner.

The victorious comrades dragged their tired bodies back to the project department and came to the canteen.

Song Xiaoshan asked the chef: "Notify everyone to come downstairs for dinner."

The chef said: "Okay."

Then he picked up a small iron piece and knocked three times on the small iron clock hanging on the top of the back door of the kitchen, and shouted loudly: "It's time to eat!"

Song Xiaoshan asked: "I just rang the bell before, why are you roaring today?"

"I feel that some new people came to the project department today. They were afraid that if they just rang the bell, everyone would not understand and it would be troublesome. So I yelled. After a few days, everyone got used to it and there was no need to yell again."

Song Xiaoshan raised a thumbs up at the chef sister and praised her: "Sister, you are so meticulous in your work."

Following the shout from the chef sister, everyone walked towards the kitchen.

I just heard the people upstairs asking why and telling me to come downstairs quickly after dinner.

Song Xiaoshan was busy asking people to sit down. Since there were leaders working on the project, the seats were allocated appropriately. Since there were twelve people, they were all gathered around a large round table, which still seemed quite crowded.

Song Xiaoshan asked Zhao Manfu for his opinion and said: "Mr. Zhao, this round table is a bit small, and it will be crowded when everyone sits together. How about splitting it into two tables to make it easier?"

Zhao Manfu waved his fat hands and said with a smile: "In the project department, don't be too particular.

It's rare to get together with everyone, so it's more lively if you squeeze in, and it's easier for everyone to get to know each other. "

Song Xiaoshan replied: "Okay, just follow Mr. Zhao's arrangements."

Song Xiaoshan said to Zhao Manfu: "Mr. Zhao, everyone in our project department is very happy today. Can you please bring this first glass of wine?"

Zhao Manfu said happily: "Okay.

There was a day-long meeting today, and most of my colleagues worked overtime on site until it was already past 9 p.m. before they came back.

Thank you all for your hard work.

I’d like to drink this first cup to everyone, drink it up. "

Everyone drained the first glass of wine.

Song Xiaoshan smiled and said: "Okay, I'll bring the second cup.

Our Bowen Phase I project has many things that make us happy in recent times. We have made it clear at the meeting.

At this moment when everyone is physically and mentally exhausted and hungry, I will not repeat the nonsense.

Today is a happy day for everyone. Let’s make a rule today, don’t go home until you’re drunk.

Come, let us celebrate this happy day together and drink this cup together. "

After finishing speaking, he stood up with a wine glass in hand. Everyone also stood up with wine glasses in hand. Song Xiaoshan clinked the wine glasses with everyone on the table one by one, and kept saying over and over again: "Definitely." Drink and be happy.”

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