Zhao Manfu said with a smile: "Don't talk nonsense, this beautiful leader is a divorcee, and her former husband is very powerful. How can I offend her?

Something must have happened, there was no way to answer the phone.

How to do it?

Well, I'll send a text message. "

After Zhao Manfu finished speaking, he wrote a text message on his mobile phone to the executive Yuan Fang, clearly wrote down the payment situation of the first phase of Bowan, and sent it.

Soon I received a text message reply from senior executive Yuan Fang. Zhao Manfu said: "Mr. Yuan said that he is in a meeting and will contact you at noon."

Then he asked Zhang Yunqing: "Did you just say that Su Xiashan asked you to come back to supervise our invoicing?"


"Then did you ask?"

"Before I had time to ask, I came to your office just after I got back."

"Oh, then go and see, where are their related people? Have the invoicing matters been sorted out?"

"Okay. I'm going to go to their method room now to have a look."

After Zhang Yunqing finished speaking, he stood up and left Zhao Manfu's office and came to the door of the financial teller's office. Seeing that the office door was closed, Zhang Yunqing knocked on the door.

No one responded. Zhang Yunqing took his mobile phone and looked up the phone number of financial teller Zou Fang in the phone address book. After dialing it, he asked: "Sister Fang, are you not in the office?"

Financial teller Zou Fang replied: "Of course not in the office.

I called the courier company this morning. Our foreign economic certificate courier has arrived, and now Zhao Dajin, the garden construction engineer, is sending me to pick up the courier.

After we get it, we go to the tax bureau to pay taxes and issue invoices. "

Zhang Yunqing asked: "Did the company finance pay you the money you paid for taxes?"

Financial cashier Zou Fang replied on the phone: "I just called Sister Tang Yulan from the Finance Department. She promised to pay me within an hour and it will not affect our invoicing."

Zhang Yunqing replied: "Okay, I understand.

As soon as I get your invoice, I will immediately arrange to send it back to the project department to me. "


Don't worry, Mr. Zhang.

The invoice will be delivered to you as soon as possible. "

Zhang Yunqing ended the phone call with financial teller Zou Fang, came to the office of budget clerk Jin Haoran, and asked: "Metalworker, when are you going to ask Su Xiashan about the settlement that we discussed last night?"

Jin Haoran asked: "I haven't thought about it yet. Mr. Zhang, have you gone to see Mr. Su this morning?"

Zhang Yunqing replied: "I found him before I came back from him."

Jin Haoran asked in confusion: "Mr. Zhang, this matter of settlement is not my business alone. Why didn't you ask me when you went there? You had to ask me, a person who may leave the project department at any time, to ask. ?”

Zhang Yunqing was quite unhappy when he heard this, but he still restrained himself from getting angry. Instead, he chose to explain patiently: "Because the thing I am going to do is to collect the progress payment. The company leaders are always keeping an eye on this matter." , we must choose to concentrate on rushing the process and not create extraneous problems.

However, the settlement work we dealt with is indeed a relatively important matter, and once we communicate, it will definitely involve some relatively detailed matters.

In the current situation, if you ask Mr. Su to understand the situation, it will be more conducive for both parties A and B to quickly reach an agreement on the settlement review. At the same time, after you know the other party's requirements, it will be easier for you to start your project when you return to the project department. related work.

As for your opinion that you are a person who may leave the project department at any time, I disagree.

I hope you won't mention it like this again in the future.

Unless you choose to resign directly, as your leader, I have no choice.

If you want to choose to be transferred within the company, you must do your job well. At least I have someone who can handle the handover for you, so that you can be transferred and leave normally.

Now, do you understand why I arrange your work like this? "

Jin Haoran looked like he wanted to get angry, but he still endured it, lowered his head and replied: "I understand, Mr. Zhang.

I will go to Su Xiashan later to ask about the rules for settlement. "

Zhang Yunqing replied: "Okay."

Zhang Yunqing left Jin Haoran's office and returned to his own.

I always feel like there is something else that needs to be done.

In the work record book, I sorted out the day's work from the beginning.

1. Approach Su Xiashan to collect the project progress payment of 7 million yuan.

2. Find the financial cashier to urge you to issue invoices.

3. Ask the budget clerk Jin Haoran to ask him to find Su Xiashan to check the settlement rules and documents.

What about No. 4?

Zhang Yunqing carefully thought about what he had said while drinking last night, but he still couldn't remember it for a while.

It seems that drinking can really cause trouble.

I silently made up my mind that I would never talk about serious business while drinking in the future.

Even if you talk about it, you have to talk about it again the next day.

Otherwise, what if one day we talked about an important matter while drinking, and ended up not remembering anything after we woke up, wouldn't it be very miserable?

Forget it, it’s scary to think about it.

People, you must think of it as a good habit.

After half an hour of careful reflection, Zhang Yunqing wrote the contents of item 4 in the notebook.

4. Ask Baihuabainian for instructions on whether the lower settlement can be started if the upper settlement has not been processed.

After seeing this content that was finally recorded, Zhang Yunqing mentally drafted it several times, then picked up the phone, looked up Hua Baibai's phone number in the phone address book, dialed it and asked: "Mr. Hua, is there anything you need?" Time?

I encountered a rather troublesome thing in Bowen Phase I and I need to ask for advice. "

Hua Baibai said on the phone: "Yun Qing, I just finished the meeting.

Have time.

What are you looking for me for? "

Zhang Yunqing replied: "Yesterday when I was discussing the upper and lower settlements with Jin Haoran, the estimator of the Bowan Phase I project, the metalworking industry had not yet started the lower settlement work.

I asked him the reason, and he said that our contract with the counterparty stipulated that the settlement of the counterparty must be approved by the settlement of the counterparty before it can be processed. "

Hua Baiyin immediately denied on the phone: "Yun Qing, that Jin Haoran has been working in our Western Construction for seven or eight years, and he is still a budget officer. What level can he have? If he had level, he would have raised the budget long ago.

Don't worry about what he said.

I am very clear about the issue of the contract. It means that the settlement amount of the contract is not allowed to exceed the settlement amount of the contract.

It has never been said that the settlement review work for the lower side cannot be started without the approval of the upper settlement.

Think about it, if we don’t review the lower settlement first, and we directly report the upper settlement, if our estimator misses the report, who will we ask to compensate? The next person insists on asking for the money we missed reporting, so what should we do?

Therefore, there is no problem with our contract, it is a problem with the understanding of the metalworkers.

That person's level is not good enough. If you want to be suitable, you can kill him. "

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