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Seedling supplier Cao Shenggen replied: "I heard that their greening labor team leader, Sister Jiang, had a maintenance shutdown a few days ago, and then the entire salary list was reported back to the Kyoto headquarters."

Zhou Wencheng smiled and said: "The team with the most workers in his project is the greening labor service. Once the workers have solved the other problems, it won't be a big deal and there won't be any trouble."

Seedling supplier Cao Shenggen replied: "Anyway, I haven't heard that the workers have received their money. What I heard is that they were only given three days.

If not, you have to give them a lift. "

Zhou Wencheng smiled and said: "You have that kind of relationship there, how dare you make trouble?"

Cao Shenggen, a seedling supplier, replied: “If you have no choice but to take a ride, just take a ride.

Otherwise, people like Song Xiaoshan are always likely to accuse me of wrongdoing. "

Zhou Wencheng smiled and said: "Forget it, you'd better not get involved in things that are unnecessary.

If you have that time to mess around, you might as well give Bai Jianwen a call. "

Seedling supplier Cao Shenggen replied: "Okay, if you are really unsure, please contact Mr. Bai again.

Otherwise, if you go to Mr. Bai when something happens, Mr. Bai will be angry and unhappy. "

Zhou Wencheng nodded and said, "What you said makes sense." Then he turned to seedling purchaser Yu Shengjie and said, "You should be able to help him talk to Song Xiaoshan about this matter about Boss Cao."

Seedling purchaser Yu Shengjie said: "I will definitely say it, but my level is low now, so it won't work if I say it.

As a friend or colleague here, please give Song Xiaoshan some appropriate help, and maybe Song Xiaoshan will figure it out.

If you say something, the effect will be much better than if Boss Cao and I went to tell Song Xiaoshan. "

Zhou Wencheng said: "Okay.

He called me and said he was on his way.

The distance between our two project departments is not very far.

I guess it won't be long before it arrives. "

Seedling supplier Cao Shenggen took this opportunity to say: "What a coincidence. Can you please help Mr. Zhou to say a nice word in front of Song Xiaoshan when he arrives?"

Zhou Wencheng replied: "It's okay to say a few words. If we find an opportunity then, you can come over and communicate with us face to face. Maybe it will be done."

Seedling supplier Cao Shenggen replied: "Okay, thank you, Mr. Zhou."

Zhou Wencheng replied: "You're welcome."

Seedling supplier Cao Shenggen said: "Then I won't bother Mr. Zhou. We will contact you later."

Zhou Wencheng replied: "Okay, keep in touch.

Walk slowly. "

Seedling purchaser Yu Shengjie also stood up and said hello: "Mr. Zhou, I'm going back to the office then.

I'll call you later. "

"OK, all right."

After Cao Shenggen and Yu Shengjie left, Zhou Wencheng felt a little tired, so he chose to lie down on the long sofa in the office and take a nap.

Drowsily in sleep.

Yu Danzhen came to report to Zhou Wencheng: "Mr. Zhou, all the payment procedures for more than 18 million yuan for our Nanshan project have been sent to Kyoto.

The leaders at the Kyoto headquarters had some questions and asked our project department to send someone back to explain.

Mr. Zhou, what do you think we should do? "

Zhou Wencheng asked: "Did you say who must be sent back?

Did you say who you should explain to? "

"I didn't say it that clearly. I just said that it must be someone from the project department."

"Okay, then I'll go back. You tell Xiao Tang to book the fastest flight ticket for me."

"Okay, Mr. Zhou.

It seems to mean that I need to explain it to Mr. Hua and Mr. Song. "

"OK, Got it.

I'll go back and see if these people are going to do anything else. "

Zhou Wencheng came to the office of Hua Baibai, the Minister of Commerce of the Fifth Business Department.

It took a hundred years to send a thick stack of payment information from the Nanshan Project Department back to Kyoto.

He pushed in front of Zhou Wencheng with both hands.

He looked at Zhou Wencheng with strange eyes and asked, "Mr. Zhou, do you know how much the company will need to pay for the payment information you are arranging to send back?"

Zhou Wencheng replied fluently: "Yes, Mr. Hua.

If I remember correctly, the payment amount in this capital plan is 18.4 million yuan, of which 550,000 yuan is for on-site funds. The payment information reported this time is all reported except for the 550,000 yuan for on-site funds. Yes, the total amount should be 18.4 million yuan minus 550,000 yuan, which is 17.85 million yuan. "

Hua Baibai slapped the table and stood up and shouted: "Mr. Zhou, 17.85 million yuan, if you pay such a large amount of money to your subordinates, you can get them all to pay you without the company notifying you.

You really took the courage of a leopard. "

Zhou Wencheng also slapped the table, stood up and shouted: "Why am I so bold as a leopard?

Please explain it clearly to me.

When we had a meeting that day and made the decision to start the payment process, do you know what the situation was like on site in the project department?

What's more, hundreds of workers surrounded the entire project department and held up a lot of banners.

Write in black words on the white cloth, 'Give me back my hard-earned money'.

Written in red letters on the white cloth are 'Western Architecture', 'Huatie Group' and 'Beijing Chuang Group'.

Don't speak too loudly to the workers.

I have a production manager, Xu Kun, who talks a little louder to the workers.

How could the workers get used to this problem like yours? They would beat you up and curse you with filthy words.

The meeting room of the project department was full of people. All suppliers, machinery, and labor teams sent people to attend the meeting, requiring us to pay them in two or three days.

We worked hard to coordinate for more than a day and finally reached an agreement. "

Hua Baibai asked: "Everything needs to be done with money, so who can't do it? Why do we need you to do it?"

Why doesn't your project department think more about the company? "

Zhou Wencheng slapped the table angrily and cursed: "Hua Baibai, you idiot.

Have you ever faced workers?

You can stand up and talk without back pain.

When workers come to ask for money, you don't talk about payment, and you continue to deceive them with lies.

Do you think they are fools?

What do you mean?

How about you face the workers next time they come asking for money?

Go and tell the workers that there is no money to pay your wages now.

Go try it and see if the workers can deal with you and if they dare to deal with you. "

Hua Baibai continued to find fault and said: "Zhou Wencheng, you have some reasons to pay workers' wages. If you don't pay, workers will cause trouble and don't solve it.

The payment for these materials, just for the seedlings, is over 10 million.

It’s the end of the year, and the company is quite short of money. Why can’t you be tighter and pay less first, and then pay more when you have money?

Why can’t seedling suppliers continue to advance money?

Do you take the interests of the company seriously? "

Zhou Wencheng patted the table and explained: "More than 10 million for seedlings, is that too much?

No more payment?

Just give it to others?

Are you starting a company?

Still opening a black shop?

Did you know that this seedling supplier is a boss?

During the implementation of the project, the company had no money and kept asking suppliers to advance funds.

The supplier has told me many times that they can no longer afford the payment?

But the company didn't pay, and the project had to scramble for work, so it had no choice but to force the supplier to advance money.

What should I do if the supplier has no money to advance?

They borrowed loan sharks to pay for the seedlings, which ensured the smooth implementation of the project construction.

It's better for you to say that the company won't pay now that it doesn't have the money.

So what should we do if our loan shark interest rates are increasing?

Also, you always say that the company has no money.

Does this matter have anything to do with me?

Have you checked the accounts of the Nanshan project?

How much money did you receive back?

How much money did the company spend?

The new year has started, and the Nanshan project will continue to rush for work. If you don't pay, which material supplier will continue to provide you with materials?

Including this expenditure of 18.4 million yuan, the entire Nanshan project has a positive cash flow of at least more than 30 million yuan so far.

So much money, but you tell me that I don’t have the money to pay for it?

Let me tell you, you sit in the office behind closed doors day after day, thinking about problems that are not at all in line with the actual situation on site. Are you a pig?

Aren't you here to cause trouble?

Can you tell me where the hell all this money went? Why don't you pay next time?

You also told me about the company's interests. Let me ask you, is the company's interest only to collect money and never pay?

Holding the money in your hands, or misappropriating it, and not caring about the life or death of the project department?

Is this the company's interest that you are specifically protecting?

The company spends such high wages, bonuses, and options to invite you. Is this how you help manage the company?

Is this how you protect the company's interests?

Do you think the company's reputation is too good?

Do you want to ruin the company and destroy it?

Are you the prodigal son specially hired by the company with a high salary? "

Hua Baibaiian was so angry that he grabbed Zhou Wencheng's collar and shouted at the top of his lungs: "Shut up! Shut up!"

You made unauthorized payments without approval from the capital plan, causing serious losses to the company.

I'm going to fire you. "

Zhou Wencheng felt his blood rising and cursed: "If you drive your MMP, I won't do it anymore.

I have to beat up your little bitch today! "

While cursing, Zhou Wencheng slapped Hua Baibai in the face with a big slap.

Just when Zhou Wencheng's thick and powerful palm was about to come into contact with Hua Baibai's cheek that had turned red due to anger, a white light flashed and shot towards him, which was quite dazzling, and Zhou Wencheng suddenly woke up.

The cell phone on the coffee table next to her kept ringing harshly.

Zhou Wencheng picked up his cell phone and saw that it was Song Xiaoshan, the landscape improvement project manager of Bowan Phase I.

Zhou Wencheng stared at his phone blankly, only to realize that he fell asleep on the sofa because he was waiting for Song Xiaoshan.

The conflict with Hua Baibai turned out to be Huang Liang's dream. No wonder he let it go so freely and made it so intense.

Zhou Wencheng, who had regained consciousness a little, pressed the green answer button on his phone slowly.

The voice of Song Xiaoshan, the project manager of the first phase of the landscape improvement project in Bowen came over the phone: "Mr. Zhou, where are you? I'm at the door of your office."

Zhou Wencheng replied: "Okay.

Mr. Song.

Arriving so soon?

Just open the door and walk in. The office is not locked. "

Song Xiaoshan replied: "Okay."

Push the door open and enter.

Seeing Zhou Wencheng still half lying on the sofa, he smiled and joked: "Okay, Mr. Zhou, now that the big things have been taken care of, it's so leisurely."

Zhou Wencheng stood up lazily, stretched out, and said with a satisfied look on his face: "Of course.

You can't be tense every day. In that case, who can bear it? "

Song Xiaoshan laughed and said, "Congratulations to Mr. Zhou, you can finally relax."

Zhou Wencheng smiled and said: "What's worthy of congratulations? As long as you are willing, you can relax quickly.

Mr. Song, sit down first.

I'll make a pot of tea. "

"Okay. Today I came here specifically to learn from Mr. Zhou."

"Mr. Song, you and I, brothers, you're welcome.

Black tea or green tea? "

"Mr. Zhou, tea culture is too profound and I don't understand it.

Any precision? "

"Ha ha.

I'm also half-empty.

According to legend, black tea warms the stomach and green tea refreshes the mind. "

“Then choose black tea to warm your stomach.

If only green tea could really refresh you.

I'm going to collapse after looking at it twice. "

"Ha ha.

You are going to collapse.

It means it hasn't collapsed after all.

And I have collapsed countless times. "

Song Xiaoshan replied: "Your big problems have been solved, why are you still broken?"

Zhou Wencheng replied: "Is it solved?

Who said it was solved? "

Song Xiaoshan replied: "You have a supplier of seedlings here, named Cao Shenggen. You know, he is also my seedling supplier.

It was he who called me and said that the payment issue on your side has been resolved.

As for my project there, it is also because of this issue of payment that I am currently very distressed and very passive.

That's why I called you and wanted to come over and ask you for advice in person.

Please give me some guidance from Mr. Zhou so that I can get out of this predicament as soon as possible. "

Zhou Wencheng said politely: "Mr. Song, guidance? I don't dare.

To be honest, I'm not really out of the woods yet.

Look, I haven't even had time to wipe the sweat on my forehead yet. "

Song Xiaoshan asked in confusion: "You stay in the office, where do you get the sweat?"

Zhou Wencheng replied: "Where did the sweat come from?

Wasn't it this time that I was forced to have no choice but to notify the supplier to issue an invoice and handle the payment procedures for them?

I've been worried about this.

While waiting for you just now, I lay on the sofa and rested for a while.

Then I had a nightmare.

In the dream and Hua Baibai each had their own opinions and were about to start a fight.

Your call is coming.

The sweat comes from being frightened in dreams. "

Song Xiaoshan replied: "If I hadn't come in time, I guess you would have spent hundreds of years beating him up in your dream."

Zhou Wencheng laughed loudly when he heard this and said, "If I had known it was a dream, I should have beaten him severely."

Song Xiaoshan replied: "You mean you are still worried that the decision you are making now will not be recognized by the company, right?"

Zhou Wencheng replied: "Yes.

But we can also analyze it. "

Song Xiaoshan picked up the small tea cup on the coffee table, took a sip and said, "I would like to hear the details."

Zhou Wencheng said: “Suppose the Nanshan Project does not agree to the workers’ and suppliers’ requests to initiate payment.

The consequences may be:

1. The number of workers who come to the project department to demand wages will increase even more.

2. The workers may no longer use the form of negotiation with us to communicate about asking for money.

Instead, extreme measures may be adopted, such as blocking the gate of the construction site, blocking the municipal road near the construction site, and other extreme measures to demand wages.

3. The material supplier first refused to supply the goods again, affecting the normal work arrangement of continuing the rush.

4. Machinery may go to the entrance gate of the project site. "

Song Xiaoshan replied: "Any one of these four items will either damage the good image of the company or seriously affect the normal construction work arrangement of the entire project.

It's definitely not allowed. "

Zhou Wencheng replied: "Therefore, the Nanshan Project did not agree to the workers' and suppliers' requests to initiate payment, and the corresponding major consequences are simply unacceptable to us.

There is also the possibility of other unintended bad consequences.

This forced us to discuss and reach an agreement within the area and start the payment process.

So what will this resolution bring to the project department?

Mr. Song, please see if what I said is right.

First of all, it must have violated the company's regulations on the implementation standards of the capital plan, and notified the next company to issue invoices without getting the company's approval of the capital plan.

Secondly, for the project manager, it is easy to give a bad impression to the leader and affect the project manager's personal development in the company.

Third, it is easy to conflict with the company's management level, including but not limited to the Commerce Department, Business Department, and Finance Department.

Fourth, it is easy to create a bad start within the company, allowing other project departments to follow suit, which can easily lead to confusion in company management. "

Song Xiaoshan replied: "Yes, Mr. Zhou, your analysis makes sense.

I mean you shouldn't not understand these principles.

In order to pay for the work of the subcontracted unit, I put myself on the fire.

I feel it's not worth it. "

Zhou Wencheng said: "As for this matter, benevolent people have different opinions and wise people have different opinions.

How the project department operates, and whether it operates well or not, I feel that no matter how big the company is, it has a great relationship with the project manager, the first person responsible.

Just in the project manager's thoughts, the development of the project department may collapse and fail.

It is also in the project manager's thoughts that the development of the project department may become stronger and more successful. "

Song Xiaoshan still didn't quite understand and replied: "The project manager's thoughts may have some effect, but I don't think it's that serious yet."

Zhou Wencheng did not continue this controversial topic, but asked Song Xiaoshan: "You came to see me today just for a chat.

You may need to make your own decision on how to organize things on your side. At the same time, we also need to consider the ideas of Zhang Yunqing and Zhao Manfu. "

Song Xiaoshan replied: "Mr. Zhou, you are right to remind me that there is no need for me, the project manager, to fight against such a big thing by myself.

When something happens, it doesn't hurt to consult with the leader more and ask for instructions. "

Zhou Wencheng replied: "Yes, I mean that too.

By the way, the time you called me was just after five o'clock in the afternoon.

Calculating based on distance and time, have you not had dinner yet? "

Song Xiaoshan replied: "Yes, I didn't have dinner.

Anyway, it’s nothing if you don’t eat a meal.

Plus I want to treat you to a late night snack.

Not hungry either. "

Zhou Wencheng said: "Have you finished talking about the things that can only be discussed casually between the two of us? Mr. Song."

Song Xiaoshan replied: "That's it. There's nothing more."

"I suggest you make an appointment with Zhang Yunqing and Zhao Manfu and chat while eating.

Just one meal tonight can help you relieve your worries. "

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