Trillion Market Capitalization is not a Dream

Chapter 749: The Hope of Glory and Bitcoin

Lei Chun, the president of the second business unit, heard a lot of gossip about the celebrations of Mr. Shi, the president of the first business unit, and felt a lot of worries. He felt uncomfortable and had no one to tell him.

Finally, after thinking about it, he decided to talk to Song Zhiyuan, the president of the fifth business unit.

Song Zhiyuan, president of the fifth business unit, is in the office, reading documents carefully.

He heard a knock on the door and shouted "Come in".

Song Zhiyuan felt that people had come in, but no one spoke for a long time.

I can't help but feel surprised.

Then he looked up.

"Oh, it's Mr. Lei.

Mr. Lei, you are coming, why didn't you tell me in advance? Sit, sit, sit. "

Song Zhiyuan quickly arranged for his secretary to make tea for Lei Chun.

Lei Chun said a few symbolic polite words and left the secretary to make tea.

After the secretary's tea arrived, the two of them had finished their greetings and got down to business.

Lei Chun, president of the second business unit, said: "Mr. Song, have you heard the news?

I heard that yesterday the president of the first business unit, Mr. Shi, called on more than 600 people from his business unit to celebrate in Ningliao District. It was a huge scene. The company has never held such a massive event so far.

Now our CEO, Mr. Shi, is awesome. "

Song Zhiyuan, President of the Fifth Business Unit, said: "I didn't even give this friend a nice name. Tao Wuming originally said that he was a friend of a friend, and his friends around him were clean.

No matter how popular he is, I don't want to deal with him.

Do you know that if virtue is not matched, there will be disaster? "

Lei Chun said with a smile: "What kind of disaster is this? Isn't it popular now?"

Song Zhiyuan gave Lei Chun a cigarette, struck a match and lit the cigarette, flicked the match and said: "You can't see it now, you have to look slowly to see it.

Did you only hear the gossip about them celebrating their victory and no other news? "

Lei Chun laughed and said,

He lowered his voice and whispered: "Mr. Song, to tell you the truth, I did hear some not-so-good sounds.

This makes me feel uneasy, so I wanted to come and have a chat with you. "

"Oh, tell me then."

"Didn't we say that people usually tell the truth after drinking, right?"

"Yes, I usually don't dare to say anything when I'm sober. Once I'm drunk, I might tell the truth while drunk. I've said everything I should and shouldn't say."

"I heard that after drinking, the president of their first business unit got into an argument with Duan Peng and Dai Xingfu, the vice presidents of their business unit."

"Oh, have you heard about the reason for the noise?"

"What else could be the reason for the quarrel? They both think that they should be the president of the first business unit, and the other two are not worthy."

"Then wouldn't these three people be so lively and make a fool of themselves?"

"Hehehe, sure."

"It seems that these three business unit presidents and vice presidents, if they are so openly dog-eat-dog, they may one day be bitten and crippled. The boss originally wanted to cripple them, but they don't realize it yet."

"Yes, Mr. Song, do you think we will have some opportunities in this process?"

"There may be a little chance. If all three business unit presidents give up, they will definitely have to be replaced by business unit presidents. Do you want to go?"

"Mr. Song, it would be a lie to say you don't want to go. My so-called second business department only has an output value of more than 100 million a year.

Their smallest production area can do 500 million a year, so it’s cost-effective to manage any area. "

"Then you have to be prepared. Who will take care of your second business department after you leave? You have to find someone to replace you, and you probably have a chance of success."

"Oh, that's what you think, Mr. Song, but I think you're right. I'd better make preparations when I go back. Let's see who can be promoted to replace me and convince myself and Boss Bai."

"Good luck."

"Thank you. I'll invite you for a drink another day. Goodbye, Mr. Song."

When Lei Chun just walked to the door of Song Zhiyuan's office, he bumped into Hua Baibai, the Minister of Commerce of the Fifth Division, who came to Song Zhiyuan's office.

After the two chatted casually, they separated.

Hua Baiyuan entered Song Zhiyuan's office and sat across from Song Zhiyuan's desk. Shihui reported: "Boss Song, do you think Boss Bai is crazy?"

Song Zhiyuan severely criticized Hua Baibai and said: "What's wrong with you, Bai Bai? From now on, you won't be allowed to say such crazy things anytime and anywhere. You must have the most basic respect for our Boss Bai."

Hua Baibai looked a little aggrieved and said, "But those two notices sent by Boss Bai are really annoying."

Song Zhiyuan pretended to be confused and asked: "Why are you so angry?"

Hua Baibai said: "Look at that friend Shi in the First Business Department. He has such a bad reputation. The gossip has spread, whether it is Tao Wuming's people or his own people. He is not suitable. As a friend, everyone who was his friend was tortured to death by him, so how could he be promoted to the president of the first business unit?

And what are the virtues and abilities of Duan Peng and Dai Xingfu?

This time, the three of them jointly reported their own boss. How could someone who was so indiscriminate between loyal and treacherous, how could they be promoted? I'm not convinced. "

Song Zhiyuan, President of the Fifth Business Unit, chuckled and said, "You don't accept it, you don't accept it, what can you do?"

Hua Baibai said helplessly: "What can I do, I can only chat with you.

If you have any idea, just find a way to drive them away. It's too ugly. "

Song Zhiyuan, the president of the fifth business unit, comforted Hua Baiyi and said, "Okay, I understand, but what you just said to me can never be told to a third person again. This will cause trouble, do you know?"

Hua Baibai sighed dejectedly and said, "Oh, okay, just follow Boss Song's arrangement."

Nanhai Area Nanshan Project Department, Nanhai Area Production Manager Zhao Manfu’s Office.

Zhao Manfu, Zhang Yunqing, and Zhou Wencheng sat together drinking tea and chatting.

Discussing the strange things that have happened to Western Construction Co., Ltd. in recent times.

Zhou Wencheng asked: "Boss Zhao, do you think this Tao Wuming, Boss Tao, is doing well? If he is doing well, he has a disease in his head, and he will resign voluntarily."

Zhao Manfu agreed casually: "Perhaps you haven't heard that Tao Wuming's three major kings have jointly reported him. Didn't you hear the news?"

"If you don't hear it, if you can let all three of your subordinates report you, then you must have made an unforgivable mistake."

"The legend is that his own background was caught by Qian Zheng, the boss's husband. The three kings reported him for one reason, but no real evidence could be found.

So if you think about it, Tao Wuming, Mr. Tao, is very powerful. "


Zhang Yunqing asked: "Since Tao Boss is so powerful and the company needs rapid development, why would he resign?"

Zhao Manfu replied: "This is because Boss Tao Wuming is so powerful.

You see, one business unit did 1.6 billion, and the entire company only did 2 billion.

This time he has achieved great success, which is a big taboo. It is too cold to be in high places. "

Zhang Yunqing said: "Now that the company has not developed and grown, we have begun to pay attention to this announcement."

Zhao Manfu laughed and said: "What do you think, the development of this enterprise to listing is equivalent to reaching a very critical time point.

At this time, the company has a reputation and money, so he doesn't need too powerful heroes.

At this time, he needs to pay attention to the balanced development within the group, and avoid the situation where one company is the dominant one, so as to avoid making it difficult for the boss to control. "

Zhang Yunqing replied: "Oh, it's a pity that Mr. Tao Wuming is such a talented person. Such a whole coin order is a waste."

Zhao Manfu laughed loudly and said: "Sometimes, the company doesn't need talents, it needs losers, obedient losers, do you understand?"

Zhang Yunqing shook his head and said it was unreasonable.

Zhou Wencheng smiled on the side and said: "Mr. Zhang, I can figure out what you are doing, but you still can't figure it out?"

Zhang Yunqing replied: "It's not that I can't understand it, it's that I think it's all unreasonable."

Zhao Manfu smiled and said: "The more you see it, the more you will understand what is unreasonable."

Everyone chatted until after get off work.

After dinner, Zhang Yunqing returned to the dormitory to rest and opened his laptop to take a look.

QQ uploaded it and saw the chat prompt sound. Click on the profile picture to see, oh, it's Han Zhaocai.

Han Zhaocai asked on QQ: "What did Mr. Zhang rely on to make a fortune recently?"

Zhang Yunqing replied: "I just work to earn some wages and make ends meet. How else can I make a fortune?"

"Do you want to make a little fortune?"

"Think about it, I have been dreaming about getting rich all day long."

“So have you heard of Bitcoin?”

"What is Bitcoin? I don't know if I've heard of it."

"Haha, this is an opportunity to make a fortune."

"Tell me about the opportunity to make a fortune."

"I met a buddy before I came to work at Western Construction Co., Ltd. last year. He recommended that I buy something called Bitcoin, which is a digital virtual currency on the Internet."

"Oh, I haven't heard of virtual currency. Can this thing make money? How to make money?"

"It means registering an account online, then you deposit money into it and convert it into U.S. dollars, and then use the U.S. dollars to buy a currency."

"Still don't understand how to make money? How do you make money after buying it?"

"How should I put it? This is equivalent to a rare resource. After you buy it, the price of this thing will slowly rise like a stock, and then you will make a profit on the price difference."

"So have you ever made any money?"

"I earned $1.1 each on April 16, 2011, and I bought hundreds of them at that time."

"Wow, what day is it today? Today is February 18, 2012. Have you ever made money from selling?"

"Yes, I sold 50 of them on June 1, 2011, for $8.3 each."

"8.3-1.1, earning 7.2 US dollars each?"

"Yes, $7.2 each."

"Wow, you are so awesome."

"It's awesome, it's awesome, but then it went up to 26.1 US dollars each on June 9th. I made a lot less money."

"Who told you not to sell until you hold on to the highest peak?"

"It's easy to say. It's the same as buying and selling stocks. Who knows which time point is the peak? As long as you can make some money, run away."

“Then are you still in the business of buying Bitcoins?”

“I’m not in this business, I just buy a few and sell a few occasionally.

The person doing this business is another friend I told you about first. "

"Where is this man?"

"This person is in the United States."

"Not from China."

"It's domestic people living abroad."

"Oh, then if I want to buy it, can you help me buy it or how?"

"I can't help you, Mr. Zhang. Those softwares are all in English. I asked that buddy to help me get them. I gave him a mobile phone number and then transferred the money to him. Just a bank card number and he’ll do it for you.”

"This thing is too profitable, I want to give it a try."

"Then let me tell you his QQ number. His nickname is Hope of Glory."

"Then how can I tell him that he won't cheat me?"

"Hehe, just tell him that he is my brother Han Zhaocai. Naturally, he won't trick you."

"Do you have a good relationship?"

"Why are we not on good terms? We grew up together. He studied well and went to the United States, while I studied poorly in China."

"Okay, I understand. Thank you. Lucky."

Zhang Yunqing copied the QQ account Han Zhaocai sent him and immediately added him as a friend.

But there was no response for a long time.

Zhang Yunqing anxiously asked Han Zhaocai on QQ: "Oh, there was no response when I added him."

"Gong Zhang, it's normal to have no reaction. It's daytime for us and night for them. Their night is daytime for us."

"Oh, how to fix it?"

"I'll say hello to him again on QQ, let him see your friend-adding information, and then leave him a message after you've been approved. Basically, you can read it the next day after you leave the message."

"Okay, thanks, thanks."

Zhang Yunqing finished washing and lay on the bed, carefully calculating this Bitcoin money-making plan.

Han Zhaocai earned US$360 from selling 50 Bitcoins in just one and a half months. He only spent US$110 of capital. Now he still has at least 50 Bitcoins in his hand. At the current market price, he is totally making a profit.

What if he bought 10,000 Bitcoins?

What about selling 5,000 Bitcoins?

That would make $36,000.

It’s terrible, and then she still has 5,000 Bitcoins in her hand.

The money earned is equivalent to a year's salary, maybe a little more.

After much calculation, Zhang Yunqing felt that this business was still a good deal.

But Zhang Yunqing doesn't have the capital now.

Zhang Yunqing was wondering when he could find some capital to buy 10,000 coins.

Zhang Yunqing, who was troubled by money, slowly fell asleep while thinking about what to do with this Bitcoin.

In his sleep, Zhang Yunqing dreamed that because of his purchase of Bitcoin, he would have immense wealth in the future, and even saw that he could become the boss of a listed company in the future, with unlimited glory.

There was always a voice in the dream that clearly repeated to Zhang Yunqing: “Buy Bitcoin, buy Bitcoin, buy Bitcoin!

Repeat important things three times and remember them. "

When Zhang Yunqing woke up the next morning, he found that he was covered in sweat and the sheets were wet.

Zhang Yunqing quickly washed his face and mouth, and drank boiled water.

Carefully recall the scene in the dream.

Isn’t it said that dreams are reversed? Why do I remind myself repeatedly to buy Bitcoin this time?

Does it mean to tell yourself not to buy Bitcoin, don’t buy Bitcoin, don’t buy Bitcoin.

Oops, Zhang Yunqing’s head exploded.


I've been doing this for how many years, and I've always done it in a disciplined manner, but nothing seems to have changed.

Every time a dream is said to be negative, it will be negative, and if it is positive, it will be positive. So what, there will be no good results.

Zhang Yunqing thought no, he had to start changing his destiny today.

If you want to take action, you have to do it as soon as you think about it. You can't just have an idea for everything and without action, what will be the result?

Zhang Yunqing decided that starting from today, he must treat this Bitcoin matter as a career. What if he succeeds?

I don’t know who told me that dreams must come true if they come true, right?

Who said this?

Zhang Yunqing can't remember who said this, who cares?

No matter who says it, it is useful. At least it can support my current desire to buy Bitcoin.

Zhang Yunqing still feels a little guilty. Is this virtual currency a scam?

Zhang Yunqing, who was thinking, walked to the business office and sat at his desk.

Turn on the computer and take a look, there are a lot of QQ messages.

Zhang Yunqing opened and checked them one by one.

I saw Han Zhaocai's message: "Gong Zhang, I made an agreement with Glory Hope, you can just find him."

Zhang Yunqing sent a message back to Han Zhaocai: "Received, thank you Han Gong."

Zhang Yunqing then looked through QQ messages and finally saw that Glory's hope had added friends and replied to the messages.

"I heard that you are a friend who attracts wealth. Hey, do you want to buy Bitcoin?"

Zhang Yunqing did not rush to reply to the hope of glory, but opened his QQ signature and looked at it.

The signature of the glorious hope is: “Today you are indifferent to me, but tomorrow you will be unable to reach a higher level!

Bitcoin China Promotion Ambassador! "

Zhang Yunqing murmured to himself: "Bitcoin China Promotion Ambassador, what a resounding title!"

Zhang Yunqing thought about her hope for Glory for a while and replied with a message: "I want to get rich. Can I get rich by buying Bitcoin?"

The other party actually replied immediately: "Of course you can make a fortune by buying Bitcoin. Do you think Han Zhaocai has made more than 300 US dollars?"

"Well, Han Zhaocai Cai told me this on QQ, saying that he sold 50 Bitcoins and made a profit of 360 US dollars.

Then he originally bought 100, and now he still has 50, right? "

"Yes, the US$360 equivalent to the 50 Bitcoins he sold was completely earned in vain. If he still has the 50 Bitcoins in his hand now, the unit price is much higher than when he bought it."

"So how much is the unit price of a Bitcoin today?"

"Today is February 19, 2012. Let me see how much the current price is?

Oh, they sell for at least $4.3 each now. "

"So he can still earn US$3.20 for each of the remaining Bitcoins in his hand?"

"Yes, he still has 50 Bitcoins in his hand to win 3.2 US dollars. He can still earn 160 US dollars now."

"Wow, so awesome."

"How about it? Want to make a little fortune?"

"Of course I want to get rich, but I don't understand how to buy and sell this."

"You, download the Mt4 software. Just tell me your mobile phone number, and then give me your bank card number, and I will set it up for you."

"It's so simple, don't you need an ID number?"

"You need it, but you don't have to give it to me."

"When can I get one?"

“If you have any of these now, you can provide me with one.

I suggest you, if you don’t understand this at first, spend some money to buy a Bitcoin first.

Then you observe it every day, and you will feel whether your Bitcoin is rising or falling. In the future, you will judge whether you want to buy more. Of course, I hope you buy more. "

"Okay, can you introduce the process of purchasing Bitcoin?"

"Okay. To put it simply: Find a platform, such as Mt4, register a wallet on the platform in advance, click Purchase on the platform, and the platform will give you a bank account number, and the payment will be made according to the amount. No remarks can be made. After completion, return to the platform and click 'Payment', and wait for the coins sold by the other party to be released."

"That's it." Zhang Yunqing obviously didn't understand, and continued to leave a message to Glory's Hope on QQ: "This way I can understand how this Bitcoin is bought back, how it is spent, and then how it is turned into Money. I’d better buy a Bitcoin first, otherwise if you tell me so much, I might not understand it.”

So Zhang Yunqing provided the relevant information to Glory Hope. The exchange rate that day was 631.27 yuan, and he deposited 7 yuan into the bank card he provided.

After downloading the Mt4 software, I started the long road of Bitcoin trading, upgrades and monster fighting.

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