Trillion Market Capitalization is not a Dream

Chapter 766: What do you think she said to me?

Feng Shilan, audit teacher, Zhao Manfu, and Zhang Yunqing continued to play on the island.

Due to traffic flow restrictions here, although there are many people on the island, they are still within the reception capacity of the scenic spot.

The only drawback to this location is that there is no chance to watch the sunrise from the cliff.

The four took the last ferry to leave the island.

Dinner at noon was too simple, and we went back to find seafood for a big dinner in the evening.

This was the consensus reached by the four people chatting in the car.

After the four of them arrived at the seafood stall, Zhao Manfu arranged for Zhang Yunqing to buy seafood.

The audit teacher also followed Zhang Yunqing to choose seafood.

Zhao Manfu took this opportunity to retain Feng Shilan, the head of the financial center.

After talking some nonsense in a roundabout way, he got to the point: "Mr. Feng happened to take advantage of the audit teacher to buy seafood. Let's have a few words alone.

I reported to you when you first came here, and I would like to ask you to come here to see how to solve the problem of the fund limit for the subsequent payment of our Nanshan project. "

Feng Shilan said with a smile: "This matter seems to be difficult to solve.

But it is also true in your situation, and it should not be one size fits all.

The main reason is that last year you overcharged the project funds, and then this year you are forced to grab jobs. If the money is not enough, you will not be able to grab the jobs. Is that what you mean? "

Zhao Manfu replied: “It’s not that we can’t grab jobs, it’s that we simply can’t arrange to grab jobs.

We definitely still have to arrange teams to rob forced workers, but those people did not get the corresponding money and did not obey the arrangement.

Or it may appear that they are obeying the arrangements, but in fact they don't do much behind the scenes.

Just sitting there and wasting it. "

Feng Shilan: "Okay, I understand.

When you go back, arrange for the project department to find a time to write a report. Someone from your business department will sign it and bring it to me. "

Zhao Manfu said in embarrassment: "As for the business department, there is no president now, there is only a new head of the business department.


Feng Shilan asked: "What is the name of the new person in charge of the Ministry of Commerce?"

Zhao Manfu replied: "It seems to be called Zhao Hong. I have never seen a real person."

Feng Shilan said with a smile: "Okay, then let the Zhao Hong you mentioned sign the signature, and then take the procedures to the finance department and come to me directly. You can't find anyone else to handle it for you."

Zhao Manfu smiled and thanked: "Thank you, Mr. Feng."

Feng Shilan smiled: "You're welcome."

Zhao Manfu asked another question carefully: "Mr. Feng, Zhou Wencheng of the Nanshan Project Department has prepared some local specialty fruits for you and the audit teacher.

Can you give me an address for express delivery?

It would be quite troublesome if you take it back by yourself by plane. "

Feng Shilan smiled and said, “Okay, I’ll send you a text message.

But I don’t have the one about auditing teachers. "

Zhao Manfu asked tentatively: "Can you please ask her to send one to me when the time is right?

If I asked her for it, she would probably be embarrassed and it would be difficult to handle. "

Feng Shilan smiled and replied: "Okay, I'll ask her to try."

Zhang Yunqing and the audit teacher spent 40 to 50 minutes buying many kinds of seafood that they had never seen before and processing them for eating.

This approach won unanimous praise from Zhao Manfu and Feng Shilan.

After finishing the seafood dinner, we took a taxi back to the hotel.

Zhang Yunqing returned to her room, couldn't wait to open her laptop, and logged into QQ.

Open the stock trading software.

Hope of Glory left a message on QQ, has it been sold? Sold? There are at least 10 of them.

Zhang Yunqing quickly checked the results of the automatic trading in the stock trading software.

Half of the shares were sold.

The other half remained untraded.

Zhang Yunqing quickly replied to the message on QQ to Glory Hope.

Glory hoped to reply and instructed Zhang Yunqing, there are still a few unsold stocks, sell them quickly tomorrow, they must be sold.

Zhang Yunqing replied on QQ: "Okay. What should I buy tomorrow? Do you know now?"

Glory Hope replied: "Not yet. We won't have more accurate information until tomorrow."

Zhang Yunqing: "The ones that were not sold in time today lost a lot, almost 20,000 yuan."

Glory's hope replied: "For normal stock trading, that's how it is. Either you lose or you make a profit. If you don't lose or make a profit, it's like working in vain."

Zhang Yunqing replied in the QQ chat: "Hahahahaha, okay, go to bed early."

Zhang Yunqing was thinking about how to solve the problem of selling the stock in time tomorrow morning. He still had to wait for the information to buy the stock.

Working as a part-time driver these days, Zhang Yunqing lost tens of thousands in the stock market.

I still feel a little uncomfortable inside.

After being woken up by the alarm, Zhang Yunqing got up, washed up, and went downstairs to have breakfast.

Return to the hotel room and seize the precious time in the morning to study the data patterns reflected in the rise and fall of stocks.

The alarm reminds me that the time has come to communicate with the hope of glory using QQ on the computer.

Glory Hope sent a QQ message: "Are you there? Those unsold stocks yesterday are slightly lower than the opening price today. Sell them quickly."

Zhang Yunqing replied on QQ: "Okay, I will set it up on the trading software right away."

Zhang Yunqing's phone rang at this moment.

At first glance, it belonged to Zhao Manfu.

I felt quite nervous.

I was afraid that I was urging myself to leave immediately.

After hesitating for a while, he finally picked up: "Hello, Mr. Zhao."

Zhao Manfu asked with a cheerful smile on the phone: "What are you doing? The phone has been ringing for so long without answering?"

Zhang Yunqing looked a little nervous and answered hesitantly: "No, I didn't do anything."

Zhao Manfu then said on the phone: "I was eating in the restaurant this morning and met Mr. Feng Shilan. What do you think she said to me?"

Zhang Yunqing's brain twitched and he joked: "What did you say? How could I guess?

Did she say she likes you? "

Zhao Manfu smiled and cursed on the phone: "Hmph, Zhang Yunqing, what are you thinking about all day long?

Can you have some normal thoughts? "

Since Zhang Yunqing had already started, he didn't care so much, and then joked: "Mr. Zhao, why is something abnormal? I think you two have the appearance of a wolf and a jackal, don't you?

Just the right time to work together.

Don't worry, I won't report you. "

Zhao Manfu said: "Hey, the rabbit doesn't eat the grass beside the nest."

Zhang Yunqing laughed and said: "Mr. Zhao, you are saying that rabbits don't eat grass beside their nests. There are a few more sentences after that."


"I haven't heard anyone say that rabbits don't eat grass around their nests. Why should they run all over the mountains if there is grass around their nests?"

Besides, people think the same way. Whoever eats it is not eating it. "

Zhao Manfu laughed loudly and said: "How did you hear this nonsense? This is the first time I have heard of it."

Zhang Yunqing said with a smile: "What is wrong? This is a saying left over from ancient times.

Besides, you work in the Nanhai area, and Mr. Feng works in the Kyoto headquarters.

The two places are thousands of kilometers apart.

It takes several hours to get there by plane, so how can you be considered a neighbor?

If you want to calculate it, the most it will be is that the grass has gone to the rabbit's mouth, and it depends on whether you eat it or not. "

Zhao Manfu said with a smile: "Oh, I can't get rid of you with this nonsense.

Let me tell you directly. What Mr. Feng means is that the audit teacher and she had too much fun on the island yesterday and were too tired.

I just wanted to take some more rest today and set off around 10:00. "

When Zhang Yunqing heard what Zhao Manfu said, he immediately said happily: "Okay, then why don't we check out in a hurry, and we can check out when they say they want to leave?

So as not to wait too long for them. "

Zhao Manchuan replied: “I think it’s okay.

You want to come to my room and play for a while. "

Zhang Yunqing joked: "Two grown men, what are you playing around with?

You go to Mr. Feng to play tricks. If you are really worried, you can go to the audit teacher to play tricks.

That one meets your standards and is not a piece of grass.

My stomach hurts a little. I need to stay in the room for a while. "

Zhao Manfu smiled and said: "Okay, forget it if you don't come.

You gave me orders to go here and there, what do you mean? Bye-Bye. "


After Zhang Yunqing waited for Zhao Manfu to hang up the phone, he quickly checked the QQ message sent by Honor Hope on his computer.

"Are you still there? Have you sold that stock?"

Zhang Yunqing quickly replied: "I just received a call from a leader, and my departure time has been postponed to after 10:00.

I'll check immediately to see if those stocks have been sold. "

Zhang Yunqing opened the stock trading software and checked intensively.

Glory's hope sent a message on QQ: "Sell it quickly, it will continue to fall. Sell it immediately at a slightly lower price than the normal trading price."

Zhang Yunqing: "Okay, it's in operation."

A few minutes later, Zhang Yunqing wiped the sweat from his forehead and felt that he was in danger. The stock prices of the stocks he had just sold were falling all the way and were about to reach their limit.

After the operation, I replied to Honor Hope on QQ: "It's sold out, and I've lost a lot."

Glory Hope replied to Zhang Yunqing on QQ: "Did you see it? The stocks that have been sold out have fallen so hard. If you sell them too late, you will lose even more and you will be directly trapped."

Zhang Yunqing replied: "I was so scared that I was sweating.

This stock trading is so exciting, tens of thousands are gone in an instant. "

Glory's hope responded with a smile: "How much capital you have, it's still very early.

If you operate well and keep making money, it will be more exciting when the amount of funds becomes larger later. "

Zhang Yunqing replied: "Well, I hope I will have the opportunity to conduct large-amount transactions in the future.

Is there any information on which stock to buy today? "

Glory Hope replied: "It's out, please wait a moment."

After waiting for a few minutes, Zhang Yunqing received a picture.

Glory Hope said on QQ: "Buy according to the stock codes on this picture. The more you buy, the better."

Zhang Yunqing replied with an OK gesture.

Zhang Yunqing purchased the stocks recommended by Glory Hope in the trading software at almost the average amount.

Strictly follow the principle of not putting all your eggs in one basket.

I also asked Glory Hope for some professional knowledge on stock trading.

Zhao Manfu's call came.

"Yun Qing, get ready to go downstairs."

"Okay, turn off the computer and come down." Zhang Yunqing said.

"Turn off the computer? What are you doing with the computer on? I've been running around all day. Is there anything going on with the construction?" Zhao Manfu asked.

“It’s nothing, I just opened it, read the news, and gained some knowledge.

By the way, take a look at the introduction of those tourist attractions. "Zhang Yunqing said.

Zhao Manfu didn't ask any more questions and hung up the phone directly.

Zhang Yunqing quickly packed up and went downstairs.

The attraction we are going to visit today is a Buddhist holy place and a famous tourist attraction in Asan, Asan Nanshan Temple.

The four of them drove to a tourist attraction.

From a distance, you can see the 108-meter-high Guanyin statue in the sea in front of the temple.

Later, after getting closer and observing more closely, I discovered that it turned out to be three integrated statues. They were majestic and magnificent, and were indeed the best statues in the world.

The Jingzao Project is known as a "world-class, century-class" Buddhist project because of its grand scale, special significance and rich Buddhist heritage.

The president of the Buddhist Association inscribed the statue of "Guanyin on the Sea in Nanshan".

In 1999, on the 19th day of the ninth lunar month, Nanshan held a grand opening ceremony for the "Nanshan Sea Guanyin" construction project. The project lasted for six years and was completed on April 15, 2005. A grand consecration ceremony was held on April 24, 2005 (the 16th day of the third lunar month, the birthday of Chunti Bodhisattva).

Some of this information is from hearsay, and some is introduced from some materials during the visit.

The four of us played until the afternoon.

Feng Shilan received a call from Bai Qingting's secretary Bai Qingmeng, asking her to return to Kyoto as soon as possible.

Because Gu Xiaozhen, the audit director of Jiangcheng Securities, needs Feng Shilan to cooperate with her work.

After consultation, it was finally confirmed that we would fly back to Kyoto at noon on the second day.

Zhao Manfu took the initiative to reduce some other tourist attractions based on Feng Shilan's itinerary. After seeking Feng Shilan's consent, the four of them went straight to the duty-free shop.

This is the first duty-free shop in the Nanhai area. It mainly sells duty-free perfumes, cosmetics, jewelry, watches, clothing, clothing, leather goods, sunglasses, food, domestic tourism products and local specialty products in the Nanhai area.

It has settled in many top international and luxury brands.

Feng Shilan, the audit teacher, and Zhao Manfu all chose some perfumes, cosmetics and the like.

Zhao Manfu asked Zhang Yunqing to choose some perfume.

Zhang Yunqing refused on the grounds that no one in his family used perfume.

After the three of them selected the items, Zhang Yunqing paid for them.

Something went wrong while paying the order.

Zhang Yunqing: "Waiter, please pay the bill."

Waiter: "Okay sir, let's settle the account first."

Zhang Yunqing handed the items purchased by the three people to the waiter.

After the waiter finished calculating, he said, "Sir, I'm sorry you can't buy so many things."

Zhang Yunqing asked confusedly: "Oh, that's not right, isn't this a store?

How much do you restrict others from purchasing when you sell something? "

The waiter replied with a smile: "Yes, sir, you are right.

This is a shop, but it is not an ordinary shop, it is an offshore duty-free shop.

The current limit is that the total amount of these goods you purchase cannot exceed 5,000 yuan per person. "

Zhang Yunqing asked again: "Besides this amount limit, are there any other regulations?

This is my first time visiting a duty-free shop, and I don’t understand many policies. "

After hearing what Zhang Yunqing said, the waiter immediately took out an announcement and handed it to Zhang Yunqing and explained: "Sir, let me tell you some of the key contents of this tax exemption announcement.

The types of duty-free goods and the quantity limits for each purchase shall be implemented in accordance with the attachment of this announcement. For the portion exceeding the duty-free limit or limit, import tax on imported items will be levied in accordance with regulations.

If a passenger leaves the island by plane, train, or ship after shopping, it will be counted as a duty-free shopping.

The term "passengers" as mentioned in this announcement refers to those who are over 16 years old, have purchased air tickets, train tickets, and boat tickets for outlying islands, and hold valid identity documents (domestic passengers hold resident identity cards, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan passengers hold travel documents, and foreign passengers hold passports). Domestic and foreign travelers who leave the island but do not leave the country, including residents of the South China Sea. "

After hearing what the waiter said, Zhang Yunqing said, "It's so complicated. I'll take a closer look."

Zhang Yunqing looked at it for several minutes and felt that he understood it clearly.

But I still have a question for the waiter: "She is such a beautiful woman, and the item I purchased is actually just me paying for it.

The items were actually purchased by three people.

Then, do they need to provide proof of departure from the island for the three of them before they can purchase duty-free goods? "

The waiter replied: "Yes, that's what sir means."

Zhang Yunqing replied: "Okay, just wait a moment, I'll call them and invite them over."

Zhang Yunqing took out his mobile phone and called Zhao Manfu: "Mr. Zhao, there are a lot of restrictions when paying, and you need to come over together to solve them."

After Zhao Manfu received the call, he asked Feng Shilan and the audit teacher to go to the cashier together.

Zhao Manfu asked very dissatisfied: "Just pay the bill, what trouble can there be? You can't handle such a small thing."

Zhang Yunqing had no choice but to explain patiently: "Mr. Zhao is like this, because it is my first time to come to this duty-free shop, and I didn't know he had so many rules.

The first rule is that for the items we are buying now, the beautiful waiter said that the purchase amount for each person cannot exceed 5,000 yuan. "

Zhao Manfu asked: "No, ours must be more than 5,000 yuan. What should we do if it exceeds 5,000 yuan? Can't we buy it?"

Zhang Yunqing couldn't explain clearly even standing nearby, so he had to ask the beautiful waiter to explain.

The beautiful waiter explained: "This gentleman, it's not that he doesn't want to buy it, he does.

But it is not a tax-free commodity.

For the portion exceeding the duty-free limit or limit, import tax on imported items will be levied in accordance with regulations. "

Zhao Manfu asked: "Then what this means is that the price of imported goods purchased here that exceeds the quota or limit is actually about the same as that of other places across the country. Is this what you mean?"

The beautiful waiter replied: "Sir, because the price of each item in each store is not certain.

I can't guarantee that prices will be the same everywhere.

But what is certain is that the import tax for each identical imported product is basically the same. "

Zhao Manfu asked Zhang Yunqing again: "Okay, I understand the issue of limiting the purchase amount. Are there any other restrictions?"

Zhang Yunqing explained: "The second restriction is that if you want to pay here, the waiter needs to see the documents proving that we left the island."

Zhao Manfu asked: "What documents are considered as proof of leaving the island?"

Zhang Yunqing explained: “You must be over 16 years old, have purchased air tickets, train tickets, and boat tickets for outlying islands, and hold a valid ID.

Only in this way can you enjoy the preferential policies for purchasing duty-free goods on outlying islands. "

After hearing the two main conditions explained by Zhang Yunqing, Zhao Manfu discussed it with Feng Shilan and the audit teacher.

Feng Shilan called her assistant and asked her to help book tickets for herself and the audit teacher to fly from Nanhai Yashan Airport to Kyoto Airport tomorrow.

Soon, both Feng Shilan and the audit teacher received text message reminders that the ticket booking was successful.

Feng Shilan and auditor Liu showed their successful ticket booking information to the beautiful lady at the cashier, and the other party said: "Well, now you can buy duty-free goods.

However, since the amount of duty-free goods purchased by each person is only 5,000 yuan, please make your choice. "

Feng Shilan and auditor Liu once again counted the items they needed to purchase.

The beautiful waitress at the checkout counter checked the purchase amount of the items they selected. After several repeated selections, the purchase amount was finally controlled within 5,000 yuan.

Zhao Manfu cannot purchase duty-free goods because he does not have a certificate of leaving the island.

After Zhang Yunqing paid for the duty-free goods purchased by Feng Shilan and the audit teacher, they took the duty-free goods with them and prepared to take them away.

The waiter quickly explained: "Two beauties, you cannot take away this duty-free product directly now."

The audit teacher asked: "Why? Haven't we already purchased it? We have paid all the money."

The beautiful waiter had no choice but to explain patiently: "Sorry, this duty-free product cannot be taken away directly by your customers. We need to pack it for you and send it to the airport, and then you can go to the airport to collect it through the procedures."

The audit teacher asked: "Why is it so troublesome?"

The beautiful waiter explained: "This is stipulated in relevant policies. We have no choice but to implement it according to the regulations."

Feng Shilan and the audit teacher had no choice but to hand over the purchased duty-free goods to the waiter to pack and send them to Yashan Airport.

Afterwards, the four people left the duty-free store.

That night, Zhao Manfu sought Feng Shilan's opinion and did not have another seafood dinner. Instead, he chose to dine at a local Nanhai specialty restaurant in Yashan.

Wenchang chicken, Dongyang goat, and Jiaji duck were all sold in just one restaurant.

The selection of coconut rice is also good.

When I returned to the hotel, I saw that there was a shop selling refreshing drinks downstairs.

Zhang Yunqing introduced the three of them: "Let's all try a small bowl of this. It's delicious, not expensive and relatively cool."

The four people, who couldn't resist the temptation of delicious food, had another bowl of refreshing food.

Qingbu Liang is Nanhai’s famous summer icy dessert. It is a thirst-quenching drink mainly made from red beans (mung beans), barley, peanuts, hollow noodles, coconut meat, red dates, watermelon dices, pineapple dices, jelly, coconut milk and other ingredients. It tastes sweet and refreshing, refreshing. The red beans, barley, red dates, etc. in the raw materials are all excellent health care materials for girls. Remember to eat a few more bowls when you go to Asan. Qingliangbu stalls are all over the streets and alleys of Assan, and they can be found in all seasons. The price is cheap, usually about ten yuan per bowl, and you can ask the store to choose more or less ingredients according to your personal preferences.

After eating and refreshing, the four of them dispersed back to their respective rooms.

Zhang Yunqing hurriedly checked the stocks he bought this morning. They were so impressive. Some of them had reached their daily limit, while others had risen by as much as sixty-seven percent.

Zhang Yunqing logged onto QQ to tell the hope of Glory the good news.

Glory's hope replied on QQ: "The stocks I bought this time should be held for a few more days. There is still a big rise in the market."

Zhang Yunqing replied to Glory's hope on QQ: "Okay."

Zhang Yunqing was outside today, walking a lot and feeling tired.

After setting the alarm for getting up early the next morning to send Feng Shilan and the audit teacher to the airport, she finished washing and went to bed.

I didn't dream at all that night and slept well.

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