The alarm clock woke up Zhang Yunqing on time.

Get up and wash up.

Go to the hotel front desk and communicate with the hotel front desk clerk the check-out room numbers of Feng Shilan and the audit teacher.

Waiting for Feng Shilan and the audit teacher to come down.

About 10 minutes later, Feng Shilan and the audit teacher came down and handed the hotel room key card back to the front desk.

Zhang Yunqing helped the two of them quickly move the large suitcase into the trunk of the car and put it away.

After the three people got in the car, Zhang Yunqing drove to Yashan Airport.

Because I woke up early and there was no traffic jam.

We arrived at the airport in about half an hour.

Zhang Yunqing parked the car in the parking lot and helped Feng Shilan and the audit teacher move the large suitcase to the entrance of the airport's departure hall.

"Mr. Feng, have a safe journey!"


Bye-Bye. "

"Teacher, walk slowly, have a safe journey!"

"You're welcome, thank you for your hard work, bye."

After Zhang Yunqing said goodbye to Feng Shilan and the audit teacher, they drove back to the hotel.

Turn on the computer and go online to study the rising and falling patterns of stock prices.

Check out how house prices in Kyoto are changing.

But there is so much data that it is impossible to fully analyze it manually.

Zhang Yunqing gave full play to his ability to write programs.

Working hard on planning to develop two pieces of software.

One is to go to major stock trading websites and capture open and transparent data.

Research and analyze the lower and upper floating points of the stock price.

Let the computer analyze and predict a buying point. When the buying point is formed, a text message will be sent to notify the user.

Let the computer analyze and predict a selling point,

In the same way, let the computer send text messages to notify the user.

If such software is successful and stock trading no longer makes money, is there any justice?

Of course, the changes in the stock market are unpredictable, and it is definitely not something that can be completely predicted by a fixed software.

But the source code is in your own hands, can't you modify it at any time as needed?

Zhang Yunqing was particularly excited when he thought of this.

Zhang Yunqing even thought of a name for this software. It must be awesome and make him rich along the way.

What's a good name?

Stock guru?

Stock price prediction?

Stock trading?

Stock recommendations?

Sanjiang recommended?

Recommended by Qingyun?

Stock fortune teller?

Stock price divine calculator?

Help you become a millionaire?

Stock library?

Stock trading expert?

Stock trading magician?

Accurate stock price?

Easy to measure stock price?

Am I looking for opportunities in the stock market?

Stock market opportunity?

Do I want to become a stock god?

Do I make money in the stock market?

Ouch, this is all nonsense, forget it, think about it another day, this name is too hard to think of.

It’s better to design the database structure of this software first.

Just do it.

Zhang Yunqing opened the database software.

Conceived the database concept.

At the same time, I made more detailed notes on paper.

What Zhang Yunqing could predict was that this was a huge project that could not be completed in a short while.

Think about it, let’s do that simple thing first.

We also built a database software for Kyoto’s house buying information.

This is very simple. First design the database, think about the idea, and then make a simple program another day to manage the house purchase information.

It allows people to quickly find housing information, buy housing, sell housing and other detailed information.

This software also needs a name.

Zhang Yunqing thinks it’s called real estate speculation.

It's inappropriate to think about it.

This software is mainly used to help buyers and sellers of houses find information about these transactions.

The name of this software has some pre-fetched names, such as real estate speculator, real estate purchaser, house purchase and sale, real estate management, Yunqing house purchase, house purchase assistant, etc.

Zhang Yunqing recorded these names on paper, and would decide them later when the time was right.

Anyway, I have the source code in hand and can make changes at any time.

While Zhang Yunqing was thinking wildly, QQ on the computer made a chirping sound.

When I clicked on it, I saw that the Glory Hope profile picture was flashing, and what I saw was that the window was shaking.

Zhang Yunqing quickly asked in the chat window of Glory Hope: "What's going on?"

Looking forward to the glory, he replied anxiously: "There is a stock that you can't hold today. Sell it quickly. I have taken a picture and sent it to you."

Zhang Yunqing replied on QQ: "Okay, I should have time to deal with it this morning."

The stock market is open.

Zhang Yunqing logged into the stock trading software and skillfully listed the stocks he wanted to sell.

The deal was done in a few minutes.

Which stock should I buy with the remaining money from the sale? Zhang Yunqing sent this question to Glory Hope on QQ.

Glory's Hope waited for a long time before replying with a picture with a stock number that could be purchased.

Zhang Yunqing quickly made a purchase transaction according to the stock number provided in the picture.

Zhao Manfu's call came.

Zhang Yunqing and Zhao Manfu went to the hotel front desk to check out together.

After the hotel front desk issued the invoice, the two drove away and returned to the Nanshan Project Department.

Li Wenwen from Human Resources called: "Mr. Zhang, there is a person named Wan Jin who is applying for a project business manager. When can you interview him?"

Zhang Yunqing replied: "I am now in the Nanshan Project Department and can come here at any time."

Li Wenwen gave Wan Jin's phone number to Zhang Yunqing, and Zhang Yunqing's phone number to Wan Jin, so that the two could contact them directly.

Zhang Yunqing called Wan Jin, and they agreed to come to the Nanshan Project Department for an interview that afternoon.

During the interview, Li Xixuan first gave Wan Jin the IQ test questions.

Wan Jin answered the questions within the stipulated time.

Li Xixuan gave Zhang Yunqing the IQ test questions Wan Jin answered.

Zhang Yunqing entered the Wanjin IQ test answers on a specific web page and immediately obtained the query results. The IQ value was 135 points.

The normal IQ value is between 90 and 110 points.

If this score is 135, it is a very high IQ value.

Zhang Yunqing felt a little unsure.

Quickly take Wanjin's test paper and go to Zhao Manfu's office to discuss it with him.

Zhang Yunqing told Zhao Manfu that Wan Jin, who came to interview the business manager of the Bowan project, had an IQ score of 135.

Zhao Manfu asked: "What's wrong? Isn't the higher the IQ value, the better?"

Zhang Yunqing smiled and said: "Of course the higher the IQ, the better, but if it is too high, can we manage him well?"

Zhao Manfu replied: "IQ should be a measure of intelligence. People with high IQs may not necessarily have high emotional intelligence.

It's better not to worry blindly. Go and see if this person can be used from a technical perspective.

If it works, you can bring him to show me.

I will judge whether it is worth using and whether I dare to use it. "

Zhang Yunqing now felt confident and returned to the office of the Ministry of Commerce.

Zhang Yunqing asked Li Xixuan to bring Wan Jin, who was here for an interview, to his workstation.

By the way, Li Xixuan was asked to pour Wan Jin a glass of boiled water.

Zhang Yunqing carefully observed Wan Jin who was approaching.

Visually estimated to be about 1.8 meters tall.

Grow tall and slender.

The facial features are well defined.

The top of the head is shiny and the head is bald.

There are some small flaws when walking. You have to observe carefully to find that it is a little unstable.

Zhang Yunqing took the initiative to invite Wan Jin to sit down and chat.

After the two exchanged pleasantries, they entered the formal interview process.

Zhang Yunqing first asked: "Wan Jin, tell me about this business manager position. What do you know now?"

Wan Jin replied: "Mr. Zhang, I studied business management in college.

Later, I became interested in finance and chose to study finance.

I now have a double bachelor's degree.

I am clear about the job responsibilities of this business manager. My strengths are being a person and communicating with others, and I am good at dealing with people.

No matter how awesome he is, as long as he lets me find him, I will be able to contact him one day and build a good relationship with him. "

Zhang Yunqing smiled and said: "Oh, that's good. Your advantages just make up for my shortcomings, and your advantages happen to be my shortcomings.

Aren’t we recruiting you to be the business manager of the Bowan project now?

At our place, Party A’s cost manager has changed, and a new cost consulting company CEO has come, but we have not contacted him yet.

Moreover, these two people are not easy to date.

These two people asked you to invite them to meet and have a conversation. How long do you estimate it will take? "

Wan Jin asked confidently: "Have you made an appointment before?"

Zhang Yunqing smiled awkwardly and said: "Of course we made an appointment, otherwise we wouldn't know it would be difficult to make an appointment with those two people.

We made several appointments and people refused to meet us for various reasons.

Mr. Zhao and I don't have that much time to wait for an appointment with him every day, so until now, everyone else has been on duty for a long time, and we haven't had a private chat with these key people.

Naturally, many things later will be difficult to deal with.

So now there is an urgent need for someone to connect with these two key figures. "

Wan Jin pondered for a while and replied: "Mr. Zhang, if I deal with people normally, from being unfamiliar with them at the first meeting to being more familiar with them, it usually takes half a month to deal with them.

But according to the situation you mentioned, there must be various special reasons for the two of them. He will not dare to contact us in the short term. He will reject you no matter who you go to. "

After hearing this, Zhang Yunqing replied: "Then is there any way you can contact them for more than half a month? It's fine as long as it doesn't last indefinitely.

After all, his current Bowan Phase II project has not officially started yet. We still have a buffer time in the meantime, so we can spend time with them to get familiar with them first. "

Wan Jin answered more confidently this time: "If Mr. Zhang says so, as long as he is not a dead person, I will definitely be able to get in touch with him.

Normally, it takes a month to a month and a half. For a person as difficult as him, he should be able to make an appointment to chat alone and talk about what's on his mind. "

Zhang Yunqing replied: "If you can reach this level of proficiency with him within a month to a month and a half, it's okay.

Our current buffer time is approximately two months.

You must ensure that within these two months or so, you will conquer both of these people and become friends with whom you can talk about everything.

In this way, they can help us at the right time, otherwise it will be difficult for us to make money from this project. "

Wan Jin replied: "No problem, Mr. Zhang, don't worry."

Zhang Yunqing continued: "In addition to your excellent interpersonal skills, our business managers also need to understand project budgets and prepare fund schedules, that is, how much to pay to whom.

These tables are spreadsheets.

Can you do these things? "

Wan Jin replied: "To be honest, I don't understand the project budget. When I came here, I also wanted to learn how the project budget is made.

When it comes to compiling a financial plan, I can do it using an Excel spreadsheet, but I'm not particularly skilled at it.

But I can learn.

If you are willing to teach me, I will learn quickly.

My learning ability is still very strong. "

Zhang Yunqing replied: "Well, learning Excel tables is very fast.

After you come to join the company, I will send you the original capital plan for you to take a look at first.

There are calculation formulas in the cells. Take a look at it. If you don’t understand something, come back to me and I will explain it to you again.

It is expected that in no more than a week, you will be able to fully understand how to compile and fill out the form.

There is only a project budget. If you are a layman and have never done engineering before, it will be a little more troublesome to teach.

But your most important task now may not put you in the direction of this project budget.

The most important thing is to let you get in touch with external interpersonal relationships, and then take care of the scattered materials on the project and the work of material procurement.

In this case, I think it is more reasonable for you to join this business manager based on your current actual situation.

We have hired a budget clerk named Zhao Guixiang, who understands project budgeting.

He has been arranged to come to your Bowan project and he will cooperate with you.

In this way, you can basically manage the business work of the project department. "

Wan Jin replied: "If there is someone who understands project budgets, I am confident and capable of managing the business work of a project well.

I just came to Nanhai, and I still need this job opportunity.

I hope Mr. Zhang can take good care of me. "

Zhang Yunqing replied: "Well, I am satisfied with you.

But you have to remember that you must handle the interpersonal relationships you told me today.

If you don't handle it well, others will definitely not keep you when the time comes.

Because the advantage of your ability to work in engineering is currently not available, you must have the value of your existence in the project department. "

Wan Jin replied: "Don't worry, Mr. Zhang, I won't have any problems with interpersonal relationships."

Zhang Yunqing asked Wan Jin to follow him to Zhao Manfu's office for an interview.

"Wan Jin, this is the production manager of our Nanhai area, Mr. Zhao Manfu and Zhao."

"Mr. Zhao, this is Wan Jin who I just came to report to you, who has a relatively high IQ."

Zhao Manfu asked: "How is it? You are more satisfied with the way you brought it here."

Zhang Yunqing replied: "Yes, I think he can handle interpersonal relationships well, which just makes up for my shortcomings.

If I cooperate with him in this way, the Bowen project will be easy to handle. "

Zhao Manfu immediately asked the key point: "Wan Jin, do you understand the project budget?"

Wan Jin replied awkwardly: "Mr. Zhao, I just reported it to Mr. Zhang.

We also discussed it. I really don’t understand project budgeting, but I can learn it slowly.

My strength is in dealing with interpersonal relationships. Those peripheral interpersonal relationships outside the project department are related to our business. I am sure I can handle them all well.

Mr. Zhao, please rest assured about this.

And about the budget, which I don’t understand, Mr. Zhang said that there will be a person named Zhao Guixiang who will specialize in budgeting.

If this person works with me, I have full confidence and ability to manage the business work of the Boan project well. "

Zhao Manfu nodded: "Wan Jin, where are you from?"

Wan Jin replied: "Mr. Zhao, my hometown is Xichuan, in Anguang."

Zhao Manfu chuckled and said: "Oh, I know that place in Anguang.

My father originally lived there before he joined the workforce, which means my ancestral home is Anguang, Nishikawa. "

Wan Jin immediately said with a smile: "Well, Mr. Zhao and we are both from Anguang, Xichuan. Why do you still have concerns about me? Right?"

Zhao Manfu smiled and replied: "Yes, Wan Jin, you have very strong communication skills and affinity with people. I like you. When can you come to work?"

With doubts on his face, Wan Jin quietly asked Zhang Yunqing: "Hey, you, the leader, like men?"

Zhang Yunqing said: "No, it's normal. He likes women."

Wan Jin finally answered Zhao Manfu's question with confidence and said: "It depends on how Mr. Zhao arranges it.

Anyway, I have just arrived in Nanhai and settled down. You can go to work at any time. Whenever you need me to come, I will come. "

Zhao Manfu glanced at Zhang Yunqing: "Then please ask Mr. Zhang to arrange a specific time for you to come to work."

Zhang Yunqing said: "Okay, Mr. Zhao, then I will take Wan Jin out to communicate with the human resources and complete his entry procedures for him.

What I think means is that after completing the on-boarding procedures and everything is normal, he can come to work. "

Zhao Manfu said: "Okay, you can contact him to arrange these specific details. I don't care about the details."

Zhang Yunqing and Wan Jin left Zhao Manfu's office and returned to the Ministry of Commerce office.

Zhang Yunqing called Human Resources Li Wenwen and said, "I passed the interview worth ten thousand dollars. At the same time, I also brought Zhao Manfu to Mr. Zhao to check it.

Mr. Zhao also agreed to put Wan Jin in the Bowan project to be the business manager of that project. Now I need to discuss this salary situation with you. "

Li Wenwen from Human Resources replied to Zhang Yunqing: "Okay, I'll call Wan Jin right away to discuss the salary situation.

If that's okay, I'll send you some forms related to employment. Just fill them out and sign them. "

After Zhang Yunqing ended the call with Li Wenwen, he greeted Wan Jin and said, "You should quickly think about your salary requirements. Li Wenwen from the human resources department will call you soon to discuss it."

Wan Jin replied: "Okay, thank you Mr. Zhang for the reminder."

Wan Jin's phone rang, and it was Li Wenwen calling.

Wan Jin said to Zhang Yunqing: "I'm sorry, Mr. Zhang, I'm going to take a call from Human Resources Li Wenwen."

Zhang Yunqing waved his hand and signaled Wan Jin to find a quiet place to answer Li Wenwen's call and discuss his salary.

About 30 minutes later, Wan Jin returned to the office of the Ministry of Commerce and said to Zhang Yunqing: "Mr. Zhang, we just discussed it with Li Wenwen from Human Resources. We agreed that the salary should be set at 6,000 yuan before tax. The bonus will be calculated separately according to the company's standards. There is a provident fund. , buying insurance has already been agreed upon.

Mr. Zhang and Li Wenwen of Human Resources also said that there are some entry forms. He will upload them to you on QQ and print them out. After I fill them in, I need the leaders to sign and pass them to her. "

Zhang Yunqing nodded and replied: "Well, the manpower Li Wenwen has already passed it to me. I will print it out to you right away. You can fill it out."

Wan Jin took out the employment-related forms printed by Zhang Yunqing from the printer, filled them out and handed them to Zhang Yunqing.

Zhang Yunqing signed first, then went to find Zhao Manfu to sign. After signing, he returned to the office of the Ministry of Commerce to scan and send it to Li Wenwen of Human Resources.

Zhang Yunqing arranged for Wan Jin: "That's it for today.

You go home first and wait for news. Once all your employment applications are signed and approved, you will report to the Bowan project.

I will give you the address and contact number at that time or I will take you there if appropriate.

If Zhao Guixiang is coming, it would be best for the two of you to go there together so that I won't have to make a trip. "

Wan Jin said: "Okay, if that's the case, once the company is approved, you can give me Zhao Guixiang's phone number and I can make an appointment with him to go to the Bowen project together.

In this case, you'd better take us to the project department to report.

In this way, you can introduce the people in the project department to me, and at the same time find time to introduce those difficult people you mentioned from Party A to me, and my work can start normally. "

Zhang Yunqing smiled and glanced at Wan Jin and said: "Well, Wan Jin, your suggestion is good, let's do what you want.

There is no need to wait for the company to sign and approve the phone number before giving it to you. What I am writing on this small note now is the number of your future work partner, Zhao Guixiang. Save it. "

Human resources manager Li Wenwen quickly passed Wan Jin's entry approval form to Zhang Yunqing, asking Zhang Yunqing to notify Wan Jin at any time that he could come to work in the project department.

Zhang Yunqing immediately told Wan Jin the good news.

At the same time, Zhang Yunqing picked up the phone and called the budget clerk Zhao Guixiang, telling him that the business manager of the Bowan Project Department was hired today and his name was Wan Jin.

Leaving the phone numbers of both parties to each other, Zhang Yunqing asked the two to contact each other to confirm the specific time to arrive at the Bowen Project Department.

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