Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 424: War Begins

"The so-called assassination is nothing but nonsense from some people. If Siam continues to provoke, all consequences will be borne by itself."

On November 25, the Jeko Group officially responded to the official Siamese assassination accusation.

At the press conference, facing journalists and media from various countries, the senior executive of the Jeko Group, Liu Yingying, gave a speech with a tough attitude.

On the same day, King Pupeng of Siam made another televised speech. The central idea was that the Jeko Group must apologize and compensate, otherwise they would choose to use all sanctions including war.

The response from Siam surprised many countries and people around the world.

The Jeko Group dared to pull out the tiger's whiskers even from the United States. I don't know who gave Siam the courage to provoke the Jeko Group in this way.

This conflict quickly became the fuse of war.

On the Internet, people from both sides cursed each other. You said I assassinated the king, and I said you made it up.

Siam has 77 provinces, which are divided into counties, districts and villages. Among them, 10 provinces border the Kingdom of Zen. The exercise was held in Kanchanaburi in the south, which has a flat terrain and borders Karen State and Mon State of the Kingdom of Zen.

In the border cities bordering the Kingdom of Zen, many Siamese people here are very uncomfortable.

The Jeko Group is waiting for this opportunity, and Siam also wants this opportunity.

These provincial borders are very close to the Gulf of Siam, with the shortest straight-line distance of only more than 100 kilometers.

But this time is different. No one knows who fired the first shot. Both sides used guns and caused more than a dozen casualties.

In addition, Su Jie and the Jeko Group have a high prestige in the Kingdom of Zen, which can be said to be a call for a hundred responses, and most of them support the war.

They feel the coming of war, so they will naturally not stay here.

So, on December 24, Christmas Eve, a small group of Siamese soldiers crossed the border and exchanged fire.

Although there were small-scale armed conflicts on the border before, both sides remained restrained and did not fire.

With enough capital, they can be carefree in any country, but they will not stay to share the hardships with their motherland.

The major newspapers in Zen, such as Zen New Light, Zen Mirror, Zen Times, Seven Days Weekly, Voice Weekly and Jeko New Power Weekly, also responded fiercely.

An old soldier with a cigarette in his mouth glared at them, and Sivawen, who was making tea for them, shuddered and stood up quickly.


Because the top military officials were busy with corruption, it was lucky that one-third of the military funds could be used for the soldiers. On weekdays, the three meals a day were very tight, and most of the time they ate cheap vegetables, and only occasionally they could eat meat.

At this time, here, Su Jie looked at the behemoths being loaded, and waved his hand indifferently: "Let's go."

An officer saluted, then turned and left.

Both sides were outputting firepower at a long distance, and the trenches and air-raid shelters dug in the exercise were not for show, everyone was hiding from the mole.

On December 12, during the military exercise, the Jeko Group officially launched the evacuation operation to evacuate the Chinese people who were traveling, working, and doing business in Siam.

With the rapid development of the Internet, the speed of information dissemination is unprecedentedly fast. With a mobile phone and a computer, you can know everything in the world.

However, the real killer of the Jeko Group is not these artillery and fighter planes.

Mand City No. 1 Underground Base, this is a large military base located underground. It is regarded as the new weapon training ground of the Jeko Group. Many new weapons will be tested and modified here.

However, a small number of Siamese people have become a little scared when they see the tense situation between the two countries.

Siam has been peaceful for a long time and has not experienced war for many years.

Although the quality of the Siamese army is poor, they can still withstand the bloody confrontation in the long-distance confrontation with the advanced equipment sold by the United States. They did not collapse and fought against the Jeko Group fiercely.

Just as these people were bullying, some strange sounds came from a distance, but these people who were laughing and joking were not paying attention to this and did not notice it.

Including 1 helicopter aircraft carrier, 4 frigates, 6 small frigates, 1 20,000-ton integrated supply ship, etc., cruising in the Gulf of Siam, intimidating Mon State and Taklimakan Province within the territory of Zen.

After more than ten seconds, Sivawen couldn't stand it anymore. He dropped the teapot and was then kicked by these veterans, making him dizzy.

On the same day, Siam also announced the severance of diplomatic relations and evacuated diplomatic members.

Instead, there were explosions that sounded at some unknown time and the panicked voices of the veterans.

This is almost an important signal that a war is about to break out. The top leaders of both countries have already felt the imminence of the war.

The two sides not only competed in their respective territories, but also repeatedly clashed in global public opinion.

He was going to carry out a real battle and become the sharp spear of the Jeko Group to enter Siam, pierce into the heart of Siam, and kill to the core area of ​​the enemy's hinterland.

For example, the 2nd Infantry Regiment of the 9th Infantry Division of Siam is stationed here now. There are 3,200 people in the regiment, including a large number of new recruits. They are often bullied by veterans and dare not speak out. Sivawen is just a microcosm of this.

With the support of the United States, the countries in the southeast region also responded, accusing the Jeko Group and preparing the army.

The establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries is a major event, and the severance of diplomatic relations is very serious. It represents an irreconcilable contradiction, and it is no longer possible to communicate normally. The relationship is on the verge of breaking up.

The new King of Siam, Pupeng, began to frequently connect with neighboring countries to seek external assistance.

This panic spread, causing severe turmoil in the domestic economy, a large amount of capital flight, stock market crash, gold price surge, and people frantically hoarding supplies.

An old soldier grabbed Sivawen by his hair, then picked up the still hot teapot and threw it directly into his hand.

However, the people in Siam who opposed it were a minority. Many people were overwhelmed by various propaganda and public opinion offensives and clamored for the Jeko Group to pay the price.

The first to open fire were the artillery deployed by both sides, firing at the preset positions, and fighter planes took off from the rear airport and dropped bombs.

On the other hand, the Zen Kingdom had just been unified by the Jeko Group to end the civil war. Many people here had experienced the baptism of war and were completely familiar with war.

From the global multinational social platform to the United Nations Security Council, they quarreled fiercely.

"Stupid, look at what you have done."

This phenomenon has been around for a long time in Siam, and the military management has never stopped it, but has acquiesced.

Many troops that have made outstanding contributions in the Siamese civil war, such as the First Heavy Combined Brigade that participated in the Battle of Jiwei City, the Sixth Mountain Division that participated in the Battle of Twin Peaks, and the famous Steel Battalion, all appeared on the exercise list, with a total of more than 80,000 people participating in this exercise, confronting Siam.

Sivawen joined the army during this round of Siam's military expansion. Siam expanded its army by 300,000. He was unlucky and was selected in the lottery. He could only join the army and entered a miserable military life.

If there is no war to divert the contradiction, a king who dares not avenge his father will be overthrown by the people in the country first.


Several veterans surrounded Sivawen and punched and kicked the new recruit.

On November 28, the Jeko Group announced the severance of diplomatic relations with Siam and evacuated all diplomatic members in Siam.

As the economy turbulent, some people whose interests have been damaged began to miss the beauty of peace and took the initiative to call for peace and sit down for negotiations.

These big guys covered by tarpaulins will be the real protagonists of this war.

But he moved too hastily and tripped over the teapot. The boiling tea inside rolled out, and some of it spilled on his trouser legs, scalding him and making him jump up and down.

A loud slap sounded, and Sivawen was slapped several times. His cheeks immediately became red and swollen, and then he was kicked to the ground.

On December 3, the Jeko Group announced that it would hold a large-scale military exercise code-named "Goshawk" in Karen State.

In Siam, the army is full of bullying. Veterans bully new recruits. It is not only mentally repressive, but also accompanied by physical torture.

And these wealthy businessmen are the most shrewd and afraid of death.

Siam also made simultaneous evacuations, while cutting off all trade between the two sides, mobilizing reserves, and canceling all military vacations.

But more people have been swept up by this kind of public opinion, clamoring for war crazily, and they want war to vent their anger.

And the member countries of the Group of Eight, such as Temasek, Luzon, Java, Johor, and Sakura Country, also increased the number of troops stationed in Siam.

On the next day, major newspapers in Siam, such as "People's Opinion", "Manager", "Xing Siam Daily", "Manchester Post", "National Daily", etc., began to constantly slander the Jeko Group in the news.

Sivawen gritted his teeth and could only endure the pain in his hands. He kept supporting the bottom of the teapot. His palm was in contact with the hot teapot. The severe pain made his forehead sweat and shiver all over.

"Aha, it's late at night, the temperature dropped so fast, hey, Sivawen, you bastard, what are you still doing, don't you see that we are freezing here, hurry up and get clothes."

The omen of war always appears first in less intuitive places.

The old soldiers nearby saw this and laughed at him. These sounds were full of teasing. Obviously, such humiliation made them feel superior.

He had just joined the army and resisted stubbornly, but in return, he was bullied more severely.

For example, Annan, Lancang, and Zhenla, all three countries mobilized their troops to the border, ready to enter the country for support at any time.


In the Sangka military camp in Siam, a group of people gathered together to cook tea and barbecue.

A total of 120,000 troops participated in this exercise, including 3 infantry divisions, 2 armored divisions, 2 special warfare divisions, and 2 artillery divisions. At this time, a large number of ships including the navy were also dispatched.

As if to express their attitude of seeking justice, on December 1, Siam announced that a military exercise code-named "Black Cobra" would be held on the border with Zen.

Long before the blood flowed like a river and the bones were scattered all over the ground, long before the cannons roared and the flags fluttered, long before the big men were passionate and the small men fled in panic, the signs of war had already appeared.

"Get up, hold on steadily."

Seeing the conflict between the two countries intensifying and the trend of a war, many people were a little scared, and opposition gradually sounded.

At this time, Pu Peng realized in his heart that this war had reached the point where it had to be fought.

The old soldier slapped Sivawen with a slap, making him stagger and let out a cold laugh.

Under such circumstances, it is conceivable what the Siamese army is like. This kind of bullying has become a culture.

The war started on December 25.

Sivawen's facial muscles twitched, and he subconsciously wanted to drop the teapot.

Especially the big businessmen rushed to flee Siam one by one.

The current huge public opinion and contradictions in Siam are like a powder keg. Under the vigorous propaganda of Pupeng and Meiguo, he held high the banner of justice and tied the country's honor and disgrace to revenge for his father.

Because the embassy has been cancelled, the two sides issued declarations of war and declared war on each other.

Under the influence of this public opinion, an armed conflict occurred on the border a few days later, and relations between the two parties further deteriorated.

"If you dare to leave me, you will know the consequences."

This military camp is located far behind the border. Although there was a firefight on the front line today, in the eyes of many soldiers, their side is still safe and it will not be their turn to play in a short time.

This day happens to be Christmas in the West.

Siam domestically felt the pressure from the Jieke Group and took the initiative to start its economic layout, constantly coordinate manpower planning, increase military production quotas, reorganize the industrial structure and product structure, implement industrial conversion, expand military production, expand national material reserves, etc.

On the border, artillery roared and flames shot into the sky.

It is also connected to multiple underground military factories through underground tunnels, which can pass trains and vehicles, ensuring concealment and safety to avoid damage by the enemy during war.

But suddenly, the beating stopped.

The troops conducting exercises on both sides changed their ammunition on the spot at the border, from the ammunition used in the exercise to bullets that can actually kill people, and from the exercise to a real war.

As a new recruit in the army, he had been bullied like this for more than a day or two.

When both sides use the media to actively shape public opinion about the war, win sympathy, and win public support, many countries have already felt the smell of war. Conflict in public opinion often indicates that the war is approaching.

"Yes, Commander Su, I will definitely bring you news of victory."

Their peaceful and free life suddenly switched to a controlled state of war. They needed to comply with the curfew, traffic control, communication control, and even power supply and light control imposed by the Siamese government. This caused great pressure and panic.

Shivan curled up into a ball and remained silent without saying a word.

At first glance, you can tell that this exercise is for Siam. Your exercise code name is Cobra, and my exercise code name is Goshawk. The eagle eats the snake, which made Siamese people yell and curse in anger.

"The Jieko Group must be responsible for the assassination. If you want to use the assassination to shake the situation in Siam from within, you made the wrong idea. 》

Shivan raised his head in a daze and saw a killing taking place here.

Dozens of Steel Battalion soldiers were wearing biological reproductive suits. With their three-meter-tall heavy-fire mechas and the powerful bodies of genetic warriors, they forced their way directly into the infantry regiment and started a killing spree.

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