"The soldiers of Zen are coming. Fight back. Fight back quickly."

"The Iron Battalion is the Iron Battalion of the Jeko Group!"

"My hand, ah ah ah! My arm is gone. Has anyone seen my arm?"

"I can't fight. I can't fight at all. If I don't run, I will die. I really will die. I don't want to die!"

The whole military camp was in chaos, with cries, screams, and gunfire.

Sivawen's eyes widened. He felt that the military camp was on fire and explosions everywhere, and bullets whizzed by.


Suddenly, a shell fell, and the group of veterans who had bullied him just now were in the center of the shell explosion.

Cao Yangchun, the commander of the third company of the Iron Battalion, came to an abandoned mine alone.

But today, he realized the horror of the Iron Battalion's genetic warriors. The rumors were not exaggerated at all. Even one against a hundred was modest. To fight a weak army like the Siamese army, this number could still rise sharply.

Hao Guang smiled slightly: "This is Captain Cao, right? We are the newly established First Mech Combat Brigade. Our appearance is specifically for the enemy's armored forces."

There is a 20mm rotary machine gun on the back of the spider in the east, south, west and north.

But Sivawen, who was already frightened by the gene warriors of the Iron Battalion, hid until more than an hour later.

Before the expansion of the army, the total strength of the three armies of Siam was about 300,000, and the reserve was 50,000. Among them, the army reached more than 200,000, with a total of 9 infantry divisions (including 16 tank battalions), 1 heavy armored division, 3 cavalry divisions, 4 engineering divisions, 1 paratrooper division, 1 field artillery division, 1 anti-aircraft artillery division, 8 independent infantry battalions, and 3 air mobile companies.

But no matter how good the weapon is, it depends on people to use it.

So Sivawen lay motionless in the gun pit. It was really not easy to find him in the night environment.


As for firepower, the gap is even greater.

No one can escape the punishment of Gatling. Abandoning weapons and running away will only make their lives end faster.

The only counterattack, a few bullets fired, had no effect on the biological colonization suits and were directly bounced off.

"Boss, the mission is completed."

"Shi Genshang, damn Shi Genshang, who told you to kill everyone, have you forgotten what I told you before?"

As far as the eye can see, bloody corpses are lying on the ground, which is a horrible sight.

The weapons used by the gene warriors of the Iron Battalion are seriously overpowered for humans. When they hit people, there is almost no injury.

Under the night!

The two companies of the Iron Battalion, which had just completed the attack on the Sanka military camp, dispersed and left, breaking up into small pieces to avoid being too conspicuous and being attacked by the enemy's retaliatory bombing and missiles.

Obviously, some of their soldiers still carry rocket launchers and individual anti-tank missiles, which can threaten the gene warriors of the Iron Battalion.

Sivawen still didn't dare to move. Although he couldn't hear the gunfire and artillery fire from other places, the whole military camp was silent, as if the battle had stopped.

A few minutes later, when the gunfire stopped, there was no one standing at the scene.

The next moment, a three-meter-tall steel camp gene warrior covered with steel alloy appeared.

The reconnaissance eyeworm was clearer than any night vision equipment equipped by humans today. It hovered hundreds of meters in the air and synchronized the information to the gene warrior who controlled it.

The strongest army unit among them was undoubtedly this heavy armored division.

A few kilometers away, a gene warrior carrying a 150mm mortar squatted down and grabbed a shell and stuffed it into the muzzle.

The Siamese soldiers were like fallen wheat, shot down by dense bullets.

It was the first time he saw such a mecha. Compared with it, his biological colonization suit has now become a small bean.

The entire armored force is equipped with hundreds of tanks, armored vehicles, self-propelled howitzers, etc., especially after purchasing a large number of equipment from the United States, it has obtained a large number of main battle tanks and armored vehicles, replaced the original old equipment, and handed it over to the second line, and the overall strength has been greatly enhanced.

Hearing this, Cao Yangchun next to him was a little hesitant: "Boss, is our goal so big? Is this too aggressive?"

The middle-aged man had sharp eyes and wore a special military uniform. It was more like an exoskeleton shell than a piece of clothing.

The officer shouted loudly and was gathering the fleeing soldiers. There was also a supervisory team behind him, forcing the soldiers to fight.

He held a Gatling gun, and the muzzle rotated at high speed and spit out flames, tearing the flesh and blood in front of him.

Hao Guang talked about the data of the spider-type main battle mecha in front of him, and Cao Yangchun's mouth opened wider and wider, and he was stunned.

In the past six months, the Iron Battalion has been expanded from four companies to eight companies, and the number of genetic warriors has doubled from one hundred to two hundred now.

"The Spider main battle mecha is the latest military achievement of the Jeko Group. It has a combat weight of 98 tons, a height of 12.5 meters, a maximum road speed of 120 kilometers per hour, an off-road speed of 85 kilometers per hour, and a maximum range of 750 kilometers. It has a 203mm main gun, two 30mm machine guns, four 20mm machine guns, and eight heavy machine guns. The total number of ammunition is more than 30,000 rounds. The mecha has a built-in new biological radar, external heavy armor, and unique biological protection. Its main body can effectively resist the direct fire of a tank's 120mm smoothbore gun. It has one driver, who needs to be a genetic warrior to drive it, and has all-weather combat capabilities."

A piece of intestine flew onto Siwavin's neck. The smell of blood was pungent, causing his body to tremble violently uncontrollably, and dense goosebumps appeared on his skin.

Afraid of encountering the Steel Battalion again, Siwawen wiped the corners of his mouth, not daring to stay in this hellish military camp for a moment, and fled here like crazy.

What's more, he also saw that among those soldiers, there were veterans who had bullied him. He wished they were dead, so he would not risk his life for them.

Miao Lun stood up and turned his eyes to the two of them.

They felt the aura of the same kind in this person, and he seemed to be a genetic warrior as well.

The cruel battlefield had long frightened him to death.

Cao Yangchun looked back and saw a huge figure appearing behind him at some point.

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

The shells fell rapidly and accurately landed several kilometers away. The explosions caused blood and flesh to fly everywhere. Broken limbs and broken arms were scattered around. Those injured by shrapnel fell to the ground and wailed.

However, the speed of escape was far less than that of bullets. Gatling's super high rate of fire and the tracer bullets mixed with bullets pulled out a chain of fire in the night, like a red whip, knocking down the Siamese soldiers who were escaping one by one.

The biological reproductive equipment only weighs two or three tons, but this spider main battle mecha weighs 98 tons, making it a walking land monster.

The cannonball slid freely in the barrel, fired the firing pin at the bottom, and then roared out of the muzzle for rapid firing.

Miao Lun nodded and looked at the middle-aged officer standing next to him: "Other attacking companies have also achieved results. A total of three military camps were attacked tonight. This is enough to attract their attention. It depends on whether they can get there." It’s a trap. If you can successfully attract the heavy armored division, it’s up to you, Major General Hao Guang.”

In the spider's mouth, there are also two 30mm cannons mounted here. It looks like a metal bunker, with fire points protruding from the inside.

Hiding here, holding half of the dead body covered with his body, Shivan, who was pretending to be dead, was so frightened that his body stiffened and his heart stopped in fear.

Siwawen was stunned for more than ten seconds, and his body suddenly trembled. Hearing the screams all around him, the survival instinct of the human body made him roll and crawl into the big hole that had just been blasted by the shell. .

With a violent roar, the veterans disappeared in an instant, and what was replaced by a large pit with scorching smoke and human body parts scattered nearby.

Seeing this metal monster that suddenly appeared, Cao Yangchun was stunned. He subconsciously took two steps back and swallowed his saliva.

While speaking, Shi Genshang glanced at the cannon pit.

Opposite him, the man Miao Lun called Hao Guang raised his head and said with extremely confident eyes: "Don't worry, we are looking for this heavy armored division. If they come to encircle and suppress them, just leave it to us."

Although Siam is expanding its army very quickly, the armored troops are not trained as ordinary infantry. They can rush to the battlefield and serve as cannon fodder with just a gun.

Siwawen was horrified and frightened. He didn't see any living people. He didn't know if they were all dead or had escaped. There were ruins and crackling sounds of flames everywhere, as well as a large number of fragmented corpses.

This group of Siamese soldiers moved forward cautiously, searching for enemies in the darkness.

Cao Yangchun walked up to Miao Lun and reported the mission. Not long ago, his two companies, the Third Company and the Eighth Company, with a total of more than fifty soldiers from the Steel Battalion, destroyed the entire Sanka Army Camp and caused a massacre.

"Hurry up and come back as a team, the battle is over."

He had always heard about the terrifying Steel Battalion, which was said to be able to defeat a hundred with one, but he had no intuitive impression in the past.

Under Cao Yangchun's suspicious eyes, there was a strange sound in the mine.

Shi Genshang scratched the back of his head and said sheepishly: "Sorry, company commander, I didn't expect these Siamese soldiers to be so cowardly. They would run away as soon as they saw me. I accidentally killed them. But I didn't kill them all, it seems. There is still one alive."

Before, he didn't feel anything due to the surge of adrenaline, but now he was blown by the cold wind, and the smell of blood wafted between his nose. He bent over and vomited on the spot, as if he wanted to spit out all the stomach acid.

Just when Siwawen thought he could not escape death, the Iron Battalion genetic warrior did not kill him, as if he did not notice his presence, and looked away again.

Cao Yangchun replied that if they hadn't deliberately left him alive, they could have made dumplings for Sangka.

Cao Yangchun felt unbelievable. The thing in front of him was completely different from any armor in his memory.

"If anyone is alive, pick up your gun. Anyone who dares to escape will be shot."

"Are you keeping all alive?"

As soon as I was charged by the genetic warriors of the Steel Battalion, I only had the idea of ​​running away to survive, and there was absolutely no thought of fighting to the end.

Siwawen didn't dare to breathe, and he had no intention of going out at all.

Under the main body of the spider are eight long metal spider limbs. Above the limbs, each limb is equipped with a 12.7 mm heavy machine gun.

Its exterior is covered with thick armor, and there is a backpack turret on its back. This is actually a 203mm heavy gun weighing more than ten tons. The barrel diameter is more than 40 by visual inspection. The entire turret can rotate freely and shoot at high and low elevation angles. It is huge, and because the spider body under the turret can also move forward, backward, left, right, and up and down, the shooting range is much larger than the panel data.

This group of Siamese soldiers were surrounded by bombs. Before the smoke from the bombardment dispersed, heavy footsteps could be heard from the front, as well as the unique sound of the motor turning after Gatling opened fire.

This heavy armored division is the trump card of the Siamese Army.

As soon as he got into the artillery pit, he saw hundreds of soldiers being forced by officers, holding weapons tremblingly, trying to fight back.

"This...what is this?"

Shivan witnessed this scene quietly and felt that the blood all over his body was freezing.

Miao Lun patted Cao Yangchun on the shoulder and raised his head to look at this behemoth. Although it was not the first time he saw it, he was still deeply moved.

"You're surprised, aren't you? I was the same as you when I first saw it."

The quality of the Siamese army made it impossible for them to withstand such a cruel battlefield environment.

"Some Siamese soldiers were let go. They must have passed the news back."

The Kanchanaburi Province where the Steel Battalion is now located is a plain area in southern Siam with open terrain. If they are surrounded by this heavy armored division, they will not be an opponent of the heavy armored division on the open plains.

"This thing... this thing is too ruthless. The 203mm gun barrel is already out."

Company Commander Cao Yangchun's voice came through the headset. Shi Genshang responded and turned around to leave.

The most weapons they have in their reproductive equipment are heavy machine guns and rocket launchers, and this spider main battle mecha even uses a 203mm cannon.

It was a strange machine about ten meters high, with eight long metal limbs, like a giant living spider.

In this mine, Miao Lun, the battalion commander of the Steel Battalion, has been waiting for a long time. He is talking to a middle-aged man at this time.

The morale of the Siamese soldiers suddenly collapsed. They turned around in panic, fled, screamed, and cried.

He didn't know whether to report everything that happened here to his superiors, or to become a complete deserter. He only knew that he never wanted to experience a war again, he wanted to live.

Little did they know, their every move was being watched by the eyeworms in the sky.

After not hearing any movement for an hour, Siwawen pushed aside the half-dead body on his body and carefully got out of the cannon pit.

The feet of the genetic warrior holding Gatling were covered with bullet casings, and the cold metal mecha was blackened. He shook the loose soil on his body, and a curse suddenly came from the headset. It was from his company commander Wen Yangchun. sound.

Cao Yangchun was extremely shocked. The spider-type main battle mecha in front of him gave him a sense of oppression far greater than that of a main battle tank.

Including the officers and the supervising team, when they saw the genetic warriors from the Iron Battalion appeared, they also turned around and ran away.

If such an artillery fire hits, even a main battle tank will be blasted into parts. It is simply an existence that is not human.

Not to mention, the Spider main battle mecha is densely packed with firearms, including eight 12.7mm heavy machine guns, four 20mm cannons, and two 30mm cannons, which perfectly illustrates what is called the phobia of insufficient firepower.

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