Unrequited Love

Chapter 32: ? Bystander youth

She was sitting at the desk that afternoon. The locks of hair on her forehead were wet from the rain and clinging to her eyes softly, unable to pull them away. Emotions wandered down the skin, anger, grievance, incomprehension, sadness, and the slightest carelessness would surface, but she ignored it. Luo Zhi opened Agatha’s autobiography and kept seeing it at 8 o’clock in the evening, and then began to do statistics homework, then washed clothes, then cleaned the room, and then turned off the lights to sleep. He fell asleep very quickly without dreaming. Go to self-study refreshingly the next morning.

She is often sentimentally moved by some small details. When something big happens, she is indifferent. It is as if there is another stronger Luo Zhi in the depths of the soul, usually lurking, allowing her to occupy the body, weak and mischievous, but at critical moments, she will take over the body and dominate the soul, leaving the sensitive and worrying her aside ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ By 11:30, her eyes hurt a little. After washing, she lay on the bed and tried to fall asleep.

It may be that Luo Zhi couldn't sleep because he drank too much coffee to improve efficiency during the day. He turned out shuffle (an Apple MP3) and started listening, only to find that he had only stored the text of New Concept 4, and there was nothing else to listen to.

She can't listen to New Concept 4, she will go crazy if she listens.

Belle has not returned yet. She tossed over and over, and suddenly remembered at the end of the second year of high school, she sat on the steps and listened to the first lesson of New Concept 4, but couldn't understand it. She laughed inexplicably, smiled, and somehow she shed tears. Then it was out of control.

It's already past twelve o'clock midnight. She got up to wash her face, changed her clothes, put on headphones, and went for a walk.

The rain lasted two days and one night, and it stopped in the evening. The weather is already extremely cold. Luo Zhi shrank his neck and walked to the north of the business district because there were bright lights. Although many shops were closed, there were still people joking in several restaurants that were open 24 hours a day. Occasionally a few pedestrians hurried through the night on the street, but the most lively thing is flying garbage.

When she walked to the Chiba Building, she looked up, and the large advertisement that caught her eye was white crystal.


She suddenly thought of Ye Zhanyan.

In other words, she has never forgotten Ye Zhanyan for a moment, even more so than Belle put the photo of Chen Mohan in her purse.

The ex-girlfriend of Sheng Huainan, who was hidden by her subconscious mind and never mentioned it in front of him, but left a small tail for her to play with carefully.

As for why she avoided it, she didn't know. Maybe it was out of pity for myself, maybe out of scheming.

She can't remember the motive.

Those dark motives slowly merged with its pure disguise, and a layer of film was buckled on the body every day. The longer it took, the more painful it would be when it was torn off.

Luo Zhi and Ye Zhanyan have been in the same class since grading the arts and sciences, but there is hardly any friendship. They may say hello when they meet, but they only smile politely when they are too late. More often, she would turn her head to look at the portrait of the physicist on the wall to avoid the greeting. She and Ye Zhanyan had no holidays, and this avoidance and indifference was not only aimed at her alone. She thinks she has been in peace with most people.

There is nothing to do with each other, this sentence is already a bit rustic.

At that time, she had not read Zhang Ailing's book, and she had rarely heard of this female writer, so when she overheard Ye Zhanyan's favorite phrase "the world is stable, the years are good", she couldn't help but feel a little shocked, and she yearned for it. .

It's a pity that I learned later that it was not Zhang Ailing who wrote these two sentences in the marriage letter, but the amazing and brilliant negative person. The fate of the turbulent years is unbearable, leaving only the descendants who do not know the truth in the QQ signature with this oath to basking in happiness over and over again.

Luo Zhi never cared how other people lived or how they lived. But I have to admit that Ye Zhanyan's youthful and sincere smile always makes her a little envious. Sometimes she would think, many years later, will she regret not wearing beautiful clothes when she was young, wearing fashionable hair styles, and smiling happily as she stood in the sun?

It's not that I don't envy. That is another, more colorful youth.

She often looks at herself in the full-length mirror in front of the main staircase, not to tidy up the appearance. The girl in the mirror was slightly pale, with a delicate face and calm eyes. Maybe it's narcissism, maybe it's self-pity, maybe there is no difference between these two feelings. She likes to hold the paper in her arms and lower her head to walk through the long corridor. Every time she feels proud of herself for no reason. For many years, there was only this kind of unfounded pride that held her like a shadow, as if it was no longer lonely, or her pride came from this reserved loneliness—she didn't know.

March 24, the second class in the morning. Before she reached the door of the class, she heard cheers and applause inside. Ye Zhanyan was standing in front of the podium, surrounded by a group of people, his wheat-colored skin was slightly reddish, and his beautiful face had the usual flamboyance and confidence, but also brought a little shyness and a very special taste.

She walked around to the back door of the class, walked to her position in the third row, and scanned the boiling classroom, knowing that there was no chance to seize the podium. When I sat down, I saw that my deskmate Xu Qiqiao was snickering, and he glanced at her from the corner of his eye from time to time, with a line clearly written on his face: "Ask me, I know a lot of inside information."

She arranged the paper and smiled slightly: "What's the matter?"

Before the end of the word "了", Xu Qiqiao said anxiously: "Sheng Huainan from Class 3 confessed to her."

She was stunned for less than a second, and continued to smile stiffly, setting the pencil case on the table and saying nothing. Xu Qiqiao looked at her several times, and she realized that her performance was a bit irritating. Such a hot news only gave this kind of reaction. No wonder Xu Qiqiao was a little unhappy. This girl who regards gossip career as the focus of her life Already started pouting. She knew early on that Xu Qiqiao was unwilling to sit next to her. It was simple because of her indifference, and the head teacher took advantage of this to correct Xu Qiqiao.

She asked in a timely manner: "You confessed by text message?"

"Have you heard? How did you know?"

Everyone was passing Ye Zhanyan's mobile phone within the scope of Yu Guang, and Ye Zhanyan was rushing back to grab it, with anxious and happy eyes in full view. She shrugged, her face was a little stiff with a smile, and said, "Look at this situation."

"Yes, guess what Sheng Huainan said?"

The phone was passed to them, and the girl in the front row turned and dropped the phone on her desk. Ye Zhanyan had already rushed over, Xu Qiqiao's eyesight quickly took the phone away, and Ye Zhanyan and Luo Zhi hit a solid side.

It seems that closing my eyes can clearly recall the swelling and pain of the cheekbones.

Everyone asked, "Are you okay?", they were still laughing. She didn't care about rubbing her face, and hurriedly said to the flushed Ye Zhanyan: "Are you okay?"

Ye Zhanyan shook his head and stood up straight and shouted: "You unscrupulous people, quickly get my old lady's cell phone!" Xu Qiqiao's dumb voice rang almost at the same time, "Ye Zhanyan and Ye Zhanyan, Sheng Huainan is calling"!

The classroom was boiling again. Ye Zhanyan snatched the phone and ran away. The boys behind shouted: "Ye Zhanyan, you must not tell Sheng Huainan,'They bully the old lady'!"

Sheng Huainan. She remembered the name, when the man was standing on the steps holding the ball, and the setting sun shone from behind him, and her eyes were covered with warm colors. He smiled with crooked eyes and said to her: "My name is Sheng Huainan."

In the first year of high school, when she heard the name again, she felt a sense of dislocation in time and space.

Now, the name appeared crisply in her ear again. Luo Zhi lay on the table, plugged his earphones and closed his eyes, the sound of the Scottish bagpipes overwhelmed the noise outside.

The album is called "Irish Thrush", and God knows why.

About five minutes after class, Ye Zhanyan knocked on the door and walked into the classroom. Many people snickered underneath. The English teacher glared at Ye Zhanyan and didn't say anything. The English teacher always speaks in a shrill and pretentious manner, but her voice is extremely weak during that class, and she seems to be unaware of the laughter underneath the classroom. Xu Qiqiao had been passing notes to the girls at the back table, but Luo Zhi was anxious to listen to the album.

After the class was over again, everyone's enthusiasm was still high, and they asked Ye Zhanyan. Luo Zhi lowered his head, quietly walked to the podium and began to write.

It would be fine to just say it directly, but I don't want to shout hoarsely at this time "Everyone be quiet", let alone ruin the atmosphere. It's a big sin to be horrible, and she doesn't want to make everyone happy. She wrote all the requirements of the math teacher for the monthly examination papers in the corner of the blackboard. After finishing writing, she turned around and found a boy standing at the front door of the classroom. At that moment, only her position could see him.

"Are you looking for someone?" she asked.

"Oh, trouble you, I'm looking for Ye Zhanyan." The boy has a nice and gentle smile and a voice that is more intoxicating than a smile. She nodded and shouted at the hot spot in the middle of the classroom: Ye Zhanyan!

Originally, her voice was not loud, but at this time it was overwhelmed by the sound of the classroom. She yelled twice and no one paid any attention to her, and greeted everyone's mother fiercely in her heart. She still smiled gently at the boy at the door and said, "You wait a moment."

She squeezed to Ye Zhanyan's side, controlled her expression, tried to make a mysterious look, and told her that there was a handsome guy looking for you at the door.

Unsurprisingly, there was another hoopla, and she ended the curtain call like all passers-by. She turned back to the blackboard and wrote the mathematics teacher's babbling instructions one by one.

If someone really pays attention to her and really wants to know her, they will be able to see that Luo Zhi, who has always been indifferent, showed a gossip smile in front of everyone that day, and everything is revealed. Her panic and desire to cover up, however, no one noticed.

She wrote seriously and hard, without looking back, she believed that the door must be full of people. The angle that only she saw two minutes ago is now crowded with people.

They have lived in this school for three years. Gradually, everyone’s faces have become familiar, whether in the boiling water room or in the commissary, even if they can’t tell the other’s name and class, but when they see it on the street Will immediately realize that this person used to stop and go in a school with himself.

However, Sheng Huainan asked her seriously at the skating rink: "Do you often stay in the classroom? Why have I never seen you?"

How come I have never seen you before.

Even she herself wondered if she ever existed.

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