The spring breeze on the campus was blowing the flowers and trees, and two young mathematics teachers, Qi Lin and Zhang Man, were preparing an interesting mathematics class. They know that in order for students to truly master knowledge, they need to carefully arouse students' interest, so they decided to incorporate the concept of entertaining and entertaining throughout the entire teaching process.

In the first class, Qi Lin and Zhang Man chose a topic about sequence. They wrote the first few numbers of several sequence on the blackboard, and then Qi Lin smiled and said to the students: "Students, let's take a look at the rules of these sequence." He pointed at the first sequence with his finger and said: " This is an arithmetic sequence, can you find its tolerance?"

The students discussed in low voices, and finally a brave student stood up and answered: "The tolerance is 2!"

"Very good!" Qi Lin nodded encouragingly, "Then can you tell me the general formula of this sequence?" He cast an expectant look at the students.

There was silence, and the students were all lost in thought. Seeing this, Zhang Man stepped forward and encouraged: "Students, mathematics is not terrible. Let us deduce the general formula of this sequence~!"

Zhang Man took out some small balls and arranged them into a graphic of an arithmetic sequence: "Suppose this is the first item, let's record it as a?, and then move two units to the right each time. She pointed at the graphic and moved it. Quick calculation: “Then the second term is a?+2, the third term is a?+4, and so on. "

"Oh! That's it!" A student suddenly said.

Qi Lin smiled and nodded approvingly: "Yes, we can write this rule as: the nth term is a?+(n-1)d." He explained.

Later, Qi Lin and Zhang Man encouraged students to use their own methods to try to derive the general term formulas of other sequence. They provided sufficient guidance and support, allowing students to gradually master the solution method of sequence through active thinking.

In the next few classes, Qi Lin and Zhang Man continued to stimulate students' enthusiasm for mathematics by introducing some game elements. They designed a mathematics competition for students to compete in groups to solve problems. Each group needs to work together to solve a series of mathematical problems and find breakthroughs through thinking and discussion. This form of competition not only cultivates students' teamwork skills, but also stimulates their interest in mathematical problems.

In a class, Qi Lin and Zhang Man brought an interesting mathematical story to the students. In the story, the protagonist needs to solve a series of mathematical problems to find the location of the treasure. The students followed the storyline, used their wisdom and solving abilities to solve the puzzles step by step, and finally helped the protagonist find the treasure. Throughout the process, students unknowingly improved their problem-solving skills and

Amid the laughter and laughter, the students unknowingly improved their problem-solving skills and developed a strong interest in mathematical problems.

Over time, Qi Lin and Zhang Man found that the students' mathematics (Li Qianzhao) performance had improved significantly. They decided to further challenge the students' thinking skills and introduce more complex mathematical concepts and problems.

One day, Zhang Man brought an example about probability in class: throwing dice. She used diagrams and practical operations to demonstrate various possible combinations of points when throwing two dice.

And worked with the students to calculate the probability of each combination of points. Students were attracted by this intuitive practice and actively participated in it. . 1

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