Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

197: Only Power And Money Can Rule The World

Qi Lin's heart brightened. The information provided by this informant was crucial to solving the smuggling case. He looked at the middle-aged man gratefully.

"Thank you for your help, we will take action." Qi Lin said firmly.

The police officers also expressed their gratitude to the middle-aged man and promised to protect his safety.

Qi Lin and the police organized a secret operation aimed at destroying the Shadow Hand's smuggling activities. They carefully formulated a plan to attack this criminal organization in one fell swoop.

When night fell, Qi Lin and a special police team quietly entered the abandoned factory. They walked cautiously through the dark corridors and heard whispers coming from the foul-smelling dark room.

Qi Lin directed the special police to launch an operation and raid the hiding spot. The panicked criminals were unable to react and were quickly subdued. During the search, they discovered a large amount of smuggled items, confirming the illegal activities of the Shadow Hand.

Just when Qi Lin and the special police officers thought their mission had been completed, they discovered a door with iron bars. This must lead to a deeper place.

"We can't let go of any clues..." Qi Lin made up his mind and ordered the special police to open the door.

Behind the door, they discovered a huge underground warehouse. Shockingly, the warehouse was filled with all kinds of contraband, weapons and luxury goods. The scale of this case exceeded Qi Lin's imagination.

While investigating the items in the warehouse, Qi Lin suddenly felt someone approaching. He turned around and found a figure gradually emerging from the darkness. A tall and sinister man stood there, staring at Qi Lin with burning eyes.

"Are you Qi Lin?" the man sneered, "I heard that you thought you could solve this mystery, but now it seems that you are just a mediocre little detective."

Qi Lin looked at the man calmly, his heart full of vigilance. "You are the leader of the Shadow Hand, right?"

The man nodded proudly. "Yes, I am. You stupid policemen and detectives always think you can defeat our plans. Ridiculous!" He laughed sarcastically at the gangster.

Qi Lin said calmly: "Your crimes will eventually be exposed, and justice will defeat evil.

The man shrugged dismissively. "Justice? That's just an illusion. In this world, only power and money can truly dominate everything."

Qi Lin responded unwaveringly: "Maybe you can escape for a while, but sin will have a price after all. We will track you no matter how hidden you are.

A trace of anger flashed in the man's eyes, and he quickly pulled out a dagger and rushed towards Qi Lin. Qi Lin ducked away keenly and started a fierce fight with the man.

Qi Lin uses his detective skills and extraordinary skills amidst the fights, the flash of swords and the shadow of swords. Sometimes he dodges and sometimes fights back, trying hard to subdue this evil leader.

Finally, after a fierce battle, Qi Lin successfully subdued the man, tied him up and handed him over to the special police. The leader of the Shadow Hand has finally fallen into the hands of justice.

With the arrest of the leader of the Shadow Hand (Qian Nuohao), the mystery of the smuggling case was finally solved. Qi Lin and the police worked together to clear out smuggled items in the abandoned factory, demonstrating the power of justice.

During the subsequent investigation, Qi Lin discovered more evidence and clues, revealing the truth behind the Shadow Hand. It turns out that this organization has close ties with the black market group and makes huge profits through smuggling activities. They use abandoned factories as secret bases to conduct various illegal transactions. .

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