Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

199: Miss Nanny, I Believe What You Say

Qi Lin observed the nanny's expression and tone and felt that her words had a certain degree of credibility. He began to wonder whether this new clue could be corroborated with other evidence.

"Do you have any evidence that can prove the time period after you left home?" Qi Lin asked.

The nanny put her hand into her pocket, took out her cell phone and handed it to Qi Lin. A string of text messages and phone records were displayed on the phone, proving that she indeed had a conversation with her sister in the time after Mr. Wang was killed.

Qi Lin carefully checked this information and compared it with other evidence. He gradually began to believe what the nanny said.

"Miss Nanny, I believe in your innocence." Qi Lin finally said, "But we still need to find other clues to solve this mystery." It's possible someone else was involved

The nanny breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Qi Lin with gratitude.

"Please believe me, I really didn't kill anyone." She said firmly.

Qi Lin nodded, expressing understanding. He told the nanny that he would continue to investigate the case and look for more key clues.

As the investigation deepened, Qi Lin discovered some new evidence pointing to another potential suspect. Through conversations with relevant people, he gradually uncovered a complex conspiracy. In the end, Qi Lin successfully brought the real murderer to justice and cleared Wang Fang and the nanny's suspicion.

The cracking of this murder case did not rely solely on Qi Lin's efforts alone, but through comprehensive analysis of a large number of conversations and clues, the truth was finally restored. Qi Lin brings fairness and justice to his clients with his keen observation and in-depth thinking ability.

In Qilin Detective Agency, documents on various cases pile up like mountains. He understands that conversations are a vital part of his job, that they can reveal hidden truths and solve complex mysteries.

Qi Lin was sitting in the office, recalling the process of solving the love murder case. Dialogue is the key to his success, but he is also aware of the challenges.

He was constantly faced with contradictory statements and false claims from different people. Sometimes, he needs to carefully observe the other person's body language and subtle expression changes to judge whether there is anything to hide. At other times, he needs to use clever questions and guidance to get the other party to reveal more important clues.

…Please give me flowers…

In order to better improve his conversation skills, Qi Lin often communicates with other detectives and psychologists. They shared some effective techniques, such as non-verbal cue analysis, application of psychological principles, etc. This help allows Qi Lin to more accurately interpret and infer people's motives and intentions.


As time goes by, Qi Lin's detective agency's reputation grows day by day. More and more people are turning to him for help, hoping that he can uncover the mystery and restore the truth. Each case became an opportunity for him to hone his skills and knowledge.

However, Qi Lin also knows the limitations of dialogue. Sometimes people deliberately conceal the truth or provide false information. He needs to verify and corroborate the clues in the conversation through other channels, such as physical evidence, video surveillance, bank records, etc.

After the murder case, Qi Lin learned some important lessons. He realized that everyone has their own story and motivations, and relying solely on dialogue wasn't enough. He learned more detective skills in depth, such as searching scenes, analyzing DNA, tracking communications, etc. .

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