Qi Lin understands that as a detective, he must continue to improve and learn. Only by continuously improving your skills and knowledge can you find key answers in complex cases. He firmly believes that by making full use of a combination of dialogue and other investigative methods, he can continue to solve more mysteries and create a safe society for justice.

Detective Qi Lin was sitting in his "010" office, looking at the piles of case files and investigation reports on the table. This is a commercial espionage case involving the theft of secrets from a well-known company. Qi Lin took a deep breath, knowing that the next task would not be easy.

Just when Qi Lin was about to collect his thoughts, the office door was suddenly pushed open. A young and beautiful woman walked in, her eyes showing anxiety and worry.

"Are you Detective Qi Lin?" the woman asked.

Qi Lin stood up and replied with a smile: "Yes, I am. Do you need my help with anything? 11

"Well, my name is Li Yating, and I am a senior manager of the company whose secrets were stolen. Our company was recently invaded by commercial espionage, and important R&D project documents were stolen. This is a big problem for our company. Huge blow, we need to find the man behind it. I heard that you are an expert in this field, so I came here to ask you to help solve this problem.

Qi Lin thought for a moment, and then said: "Miss Li, I will try my best to help you solve this problem. But before starting, I need to know more details. Can you tell me the specific circumstances of this case?"

Li Yating sat on the chair and began to tell the story of the whole incident: "About a month ago, our company's R&D department discovered some abnormal data activities. Our confidential documents were stolen, but we could not determine who was behind it. Black hands. We invited a network security company to investigate, and they confirmed that we were attacked by industrial espionage. But they could not provide specific clues, so I found you.

"Thank you very much for your trust, Miss Li. I will re-investigate the entire case and look for possible clues. During this period, please cooperate with your team and cooperate with our work. We may need to conduct some in-depth investigations and evidence collection work to identify the suspect as soon as possible.

Li Yating nodded, expressing her trust in Qi Lin. She knows this is a complicated case, but believes that Qi Lin's ability can solve this problem.

In the next few days, Qi Lin and his assistants launched a series of investigations. They went deep into the R&D department, conducted detailed interviews with employees, and carefully analyzed the company's network security system. By collecting evidence from various aspects and listening to various opinions, Qi Lin gradually sketched the outline of this case.

One night, Qi Lin and his assistant were sitting in the office, sorting out the latest investigation reports.

"According to our investigation, there are three employees whose behavior is relatively suspicious. They are Ms. Li's secretary Liu Ting, senior engineer Wang Bin of the R&D department, and Wang Zhigang, the system administrator of the IT department. These three people were involved in the incident during the incident. They have been exposed to relevant confidential documents, and their behavior is somewhat abnormal. We need to further investigate their background and motives to determine whether there is a possibility that they are involved."

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