In one class, Zhang Man walked into the classroom with a small fan. She said to the students: "Today we are going to discuss the principle of wind. Do you know why the wind can blow leaves and take away pieces of paper?" The students shook their heads and said they didn't know.

Zhang Man went on to explain: "Wind is generated by the movement of air. When the fan rotates, it pushes the surrounding air forward, forming an air flow. This air flow will blow the leaves and take away the paper." She When the fan was turned on, a breeze came to the face, and the students stretched out their hands to feel it.

Qi Lin walked up to the podium, took out a small windmill model and placed it by the window. He asked: "If I move the fan to the windmill

Students 02 thought about it one after another. One student raised his hand and answered: "When the fan blows towards the windmill, it will make the windmill rotate." Qi Lin nodded and said affirmatively: "That's right! When the fan blows towards the windmill, the force of the airflow will push the windmill. The blades rotate. This is our common example of converting wind energy into mechanical energy.

Zhang Man added: "In fact, there are many applications that utilize wind energy in our daily lives, such as wind power generation. By using wind power to drive a wind wheel and then converting it into electrical energy, renewable energy is generated.

Qi Lin picked up a small windmill toy, walked to the classroom window, and said to the students: "Now, I want to demonstrate an interesting experiment to you. Please pay attention, when I put the windmill outside the window, let it be exposed to the natural environment." What happens in the wind." He placed the windmill outside the window, and as the breeze blew, the windmill began to rotate.

The students shouted excitedly: "Wow! Wind energy is so powerful!" Qi Lin said with a smile: "Yes, wind is a very important energy source, and we can use it to do many things.

In the next class, Qi Lin and Zhang Man used a fireball model to demonstrate the process of converting thermal energy into mechanical energy; they used magnets and iron powder to demonstrate the wonderful effects of magnetism; they also used lasers to point at mirrors to demonstrate the reflection and refraction of light. etc. Each experiment aroused students' strong interest and allowed them to intuitively understand physical principles.

In addition to experiments, Qi Lin and Zhang Man also focus on interaction and dialogue with students. They encourage students to ask questions and share their ideas, promoting the collision of ideas and the exchange of knowledge. In their classes, the atmosphere is lively and relaxed, and students are willing to participate in discussions and actively think about problems.

Over time, students' interest in physics continued to grow. They began to actively explore and research knowledge about physics, and some even organized group experimental projects

Showcase their results. Qi Lin and Zhang Man were very pleased to see that their efforts had paid off as the students grew from initial curiosity to current love. f

During the last 917 class, Qi Lin and Zhang Man said goodbye to the students. They said with emotion: "During this period, we have spent many interesting physics journeys together. You have truly understood the knowledge through experiments and discussions, and have shown your creativity and thinking ability. We feel for you." pride."

The classroom was filled with lively laughter and excited chatter. Qi Lin and Zhang Man are biology teachers loved by students in the school. Their creative and humorous teaching methods have aroused strong interest among students in the classroom. .

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