Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

202: If You Answer The Question Correctly, You Will Get A Gift.

On this day, Qi Lin and Zhang Man are going to give the students an interesting biology lesson. On the blackboard, they wrote the four characters "Fantastic Beasts" and then waved their magic wands, and a huge projector appeared in front of the classroom.

Zhang Man said with a smile: "Students, today we are going to introduce some very magical animals. Are you ready?"

The students in the audience nodded and looked at Qi Lin and Zhang Man expectantly.

Qi Lin took out a cartoon-shaped tiger head mask and put it on his head, imitating the appearance of a tiger and shouted: "I am a tiger! A tiger, a tiger, a tiger!"

The students burst into laughter.

Zhang Man held up a strange-shaped wooden block and explained in a passionate tone: "This is a magic wooden block. When you put it on the ground, it will transform into a strange creature!"

The students applauded one after another and were eager to try.

Qi Lin and Zhang Man led the students into the laboratory. Various specimens and models are placed in the laboratory, and every corner reveals a strong biological atmosphere.

Qi Lin took out a glass jar containing bee specimens, shook it gently and said: "Students, bees are one of the very important insects around us. They collect nectar, not only for themselves, but also to make delicious honey for us. Oh~~!"

Zhang Man pointed to a butterfly specimen in the display case and said with a smile: "Look, this butterfly has colorful spots and patterns on its wings. They are not only beautiful, but they also play an important role as pollinators, helping plants." To reproduce.”

The students listened intently. They were attracted by the vivid language and interesting teaching aids used by Qi Lin and Zhang Man, and were full of curiosity about the class.

In the following class, Qi Lin and Zhang Man used games, small experiments, etc. to allow students to participate personally and experience the wonders of biological knowledge. Sometimes they organize students to participate in group competitions, such as competitions to build insect models, or learn about the characteristics of aquatic creatures by observing their activities.

In a class about plants, Qi Lin and Zhang Man took the students to the flower bed on campus. They brought some stones of various colors and placed them next to different flower beds. Qi Lin smiled and said to the students: "Students, have you seen it? These stones represent different colors, just like the petals of plants. Let's play a game. Who can find the ones that match the color of the flowers? Stone, you get a small gift!"

The students looked around excitedly. They carefully observed the color of each flower and then quickly found the corresponding stone. When they put matching stones together, the entire flower bed becomes more beautiful and colorful.

Zhang Man nodded approvingly: "That's great, students! Not only did you learn the colors of plants, you also exercised your ability to observe and match."

In class, Qi Lin and Zhang Man patiently answered students' questions and encouraged them to ask more questions. They use interactive teaching to stimulate students' desire to think and explore through dialogue and debate.

(Li Lihao) In a course about ecosystems, Qi Lin and Zhang Man led students to visit a park near the school. They observed birds in the lake, insects in the meadows, and animals in the woods. The students brought notebooks and cameras and actively recorded what they saw and heard.

After returning to the classroom, Qi Lin and Zhang Man organized students to share the biological information they observed in the park. The students showed their photos and observation records with great interest, and everyone learned and communicated with each other. .

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