Qi Lin continued to explain: "Okay, have you seen this anthill? It is composed of different types of ants. You need to observe their activities and guess what their tasks are."

The students watched intently the behavior of the ants on the screen. Some ants are carrying food, some are cleaning their nests, and some are building anthills.

Zhang Man walked into the students and observed with them. "Classmates, what did you see?" she asked encouragingly.

A student immediately raised his hand, "Teacher, I observed some ants carrying food. They should be responsible for providing food to the entire ant colony!|383

Qi Lin nodded with great satisfaction and said: "That's right! These ants are called worker ants, and they are responsible for collecting food and bringing it back to the nest. Next, who can guess what the tasks of other ants are?"

Another student raised his hand and said, "I think the ants who are cleaning the nest should be responsible for keeping the entire nest clean and hygienic.

"That's great! You're absolutely right." Zhang Man smiled encouragingly. Do any other students have any ideas?"

In the next few minutes, students actively participated in the discussion. Qi Lin and Zhang Man constantly guided their thinking (aecg) and helped them discover more about the behavior and division of labor of ants.

After the class ended, the students were full of interest and curiosity about this lesson. They exchanged their observations with each other and discussed the behavioral characteristics and division of labor of ants. Qi Lin and Zhang Man were very satisfied to see the students' active participation.

In the next class, Qi Lin and Zhang Man decided to use a more interactive way to teach biological knowledge. They prepared a simulation experiment for students to observe the construction and operation in person.

Zhang Man said excitedly: "Students, today we are going to conduct an interesting experiment. We will learn about photosynthesis of plants. Please bring over the small potted plants on the table.

The students quickly took out the small potted plants and placed them on their desks, looking at Zhang Man curiously.

Qi Lin explained: "Photosynthesis is the process by which plants convert sunlight into energy. We will demonstrate this process by observing the growth of wheat seedlings. I will give everyone a piece of black paper, which you need to cover part of the potted plant. , and then observe the differences between the two regions.”

The students took action and covered part of the potted plant with black paper. Over time, they noticed that the shaded parts did not grow green leaves, while the uncovered parts thrived.

Zhang Man smiled and said: "Very good! You have observed the key to photosynthesis. Sunlight is the energy source required by plants for photosynthesis. Through photosynthesis, plants can produce the nutrients they need."

Qi Lin added: "It is because of photosynthesis that we can breathe fresh oxygen [and enjoy a rich food chain]. This process is of great importance to all living things on the earth."

important. "

Students picked up their notebooks and recorded the results of the experiments and their observations. They began to discuss the mechanism and significance of photosynthesis.

In the following class, Qi Lin and Zhang Man used a variety of methods to continue to arouse students' interest. They organized field trips to lead students to explore biodiversity; they also organized team competitions to allow students to use the knowledge they learned to solve problems in games.

At the end of every class, students are filled with a sense of harvest and accomplishment. Their interest in biology continues to grow and they are eager to learn more about the mysteries of life.

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