Qi Lin quietly hid in a corner and recorded every detail intently. He knows that only sufficient evidence can prevent these criminals from escaping legal punishment.

The transaction became more and more tense, and Qi Lin saw boxes of rare animals being delivered to buyers from criminal gangs. Anger rose in his heart, these innocent lives were being destroyed

Suddenly, a siren sounded, and the entire warehouse suddenly lit up. It turned out that Qi Lin had already secretly arranged monitoring equipment and transmitted every move at the scene to the eight law enforcement departments. The police commando team appeared at the door of the warehouse at lightning speed and controlled all the confused criminal gang members.

Qi Lin came out of hiding and revealed his identity. The police praised him and called him a hero.

The investigation and trial process of the case begins. As a key witness, Qi Lin provided detailed testimony and collected evidence. His hard work and ingenuity were recognized by the courts and the public.

In the end, the members of the criminal gang were sentenced to severe sentences and the rare animals they illegally trafficked were confiscated.

When Qi Lin stepped into the scene, he was greeted by the strong aroma of pine needles. He looked around, and a messy scene came into view - the trees had been cut down to pieces, and the remnants of trunks and branches were scattered on the ground. This is not an ordinary illegal logging case, but an organized and premeditated case of illegal tree felling.

Qi Lin walked to the area where the deforestation was most serious. He lowered his head and observed the marks on the ground. He found several different footprints and speculated that a group of people had committed the crime together. Qi Lin began to collect evidence from the scene and carefully put it into protective bags to avoid contamination.

Suddenly, a sneer came: "It seems that you are the first detective to arrive at the scene, Qi Lin." Qi Lin raised his head and saw a figure walking out of the woods, "That's another detective———— Lin Zihao.

"Lin Zihao, why are you here?" Qi Lin asked.

Lin Zihao smiled and said: "I also received the investigation task of this case, just like you. Since we are all here for fairness and justice, why not cooperate?"

Qi Lin hesitated slightly, but he understood that in this complex case, it might be more efficient to cooperate with Lin Zihao. So, he nodded in agreement.

Qi Lin and Lin Zihao began to carefully examine every corner of the scene. They found tracks, remnants of tools and particles from felled trees. By analyzing these clues, they gradually drew the outline of the case.

"These trees were cut down very neatly and should have been done by professionally trained people using special tools." Qi Lin said, pointing to the cuts on the tree trunks.

"Yes, the shapes of these cuts are very regular. It can be inferred that electric saws or other efficient methods were used." Lin Zihao added.

The two were immersed in the world of reasoning, using language to exchange ideas and collisions, and gradually formed a tacit understanding. They compared their observations with each other to find more clues.

"This is the work of an organized criminal gang. They should have a huge network for selling stolen goods." Qi Lin said, "We need to find out where they are hiding."

Lin Zihao frowned and thought for a moment and then said: "Yes, I have the same inference. These trees must not have been transported directly. They may have hidden them somewhere and waited for the time to mature before selling them."

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