Prince Arthur was very considerate and gave up some of his interests to Derek.

But he still had to be cheated.

There was nothing wrong with the fake seal and the forged edict.

Prince Radek knew it was fake, Prince Arthur knew it was fake, and everyone knew it was fake.

All they needed was an excuse, a name.

Those who supported Prince Radek would naturally admit that the fake was also real.

Those who supported Prince Arthur would definitely not admit that the real was also fake.

Derek chose to stand on the side of Prince Radek.

The reason was simple, Prince Radek was weaker.

Louis II played out of balance, but it did not mean that balance was wrong.

Support Prince Radek and let him cause some trouble for Prince Arthur, preferably to severely consume the power of the royal family.

That was all Derek could do.

It was difficult for outsiders to intervene in the internal strife of the royal family, and there was no reason to intervene.

The control of the royal family near the capital was difficult for outsiders to imagine.

The eldest prince Arthur took over the power of the royal family and quickly stabilized the situation.

Hundreds of thousands of palace guards, city guards and royal private troops can make all discordant voices disappear.

If an outsider kills Louis II, he will face a fierce counterattack from the royal family.

But the eldest prince Arthur is different. He is the legitimate heir to the throne and a member of the royal family.

No matter how tragic the murder is, it is just an internal conflict.

Derek was just watching the whole conspiracy process with cold eyes.

When seeing the black slaves being hanged on the city wall one by one, some nobles also went to hell with them.

Prince Arthur's promise was obviously impossible to fulfill.

"How could King Arthur, who regards himself as orthodox, allow black slaves to obtain the same power?"

Derek saw it very clearly. The more illegitimate the position, the more the other party attaches importance to the word orthodoxy.

The black slaves are still naive after all. They have never seen what a politician's promise is.

It's like a piece of paper for wiping your butt. After being used by the eldest prince, he not only ruthlessly discarded it, but also complained that they were scratching their butts.

"What a pity, these black slaves work quite well, I was planning to buy a batch to use in the manor." Simon was very regretful.

"Don't worry, as long as there is profit, there will be black slaves for you.

The king only wants orthodoxy and will not refuse gold coins." Virut revealed the cruel truth.

Do you really think that black slaves can escape their original fate? Isn't that a joke?

The southern nobles can tolerate their own people taking the blame, but they can't tolerate such a way of wealth being cut off by King Arthur.

Unless the latter really wants to force the southern nobles to rebel, they will never make an irrational choice.

Derek sat and watched the situation very leisurely, watching the black slaves fall from the peak to the trough, seeing the nobles being confiscated, and seeing the new nobles rise.

The handover of power, especially the bloody handover, is naturally inevitable with ups and downs.

Then King Arthur, who had freed his hands, finally remembered the powerful figure of Duke Leopold.

Faced with the king's invitation, Derek refused without hesitation.

"Please tell the new king that the current situation... I dare not enter the city." Derek told the king's envoy very frankly.

The latter did not feel embarrassed. The sequelae of patricide and seizure of the throne have begun to show.

He immediately took out another piece of parchment: "Your Excellency the Duke, His Majesty has explained that he is willing to continue to fulfill the promise of the previous king and reduce taxes in the North for five years.

In addition, a group of northern nobles can be promoted, commercial exchanges can be increased, and your legal rights to the province of Melgen can be recognized. I hope to gain your trust."

The new king is very generous and gave up a lot of interests.

It can be imagined that the power of the royal family will inevitably be weakened in the future.

However, only what you can control is meaningful.

Otherwise, what does the royal family's interests have to do with yourself?

The new king saw it very clearly, so he gave it up very happily.

Derek naturally accepted it all, and supporting Prince Radek did not affect accepting the new king's goodwill.

The weak are called fence-sitters, and the strong are called neutrals.

"Tell His Majesty that the northern nobles will not cause trouble for no reason. The disputes within the royal family have nothing to do with us."

The envoy was very satisfied with the promise, left a generous gift and returned directly.

King Arthur heard the envoy's reply and breathed a sigh of relief. At least the largest military group in the kingdom was not going to participate in the internal conflict of the royal family. This was the best news.

As for Derek's other words, he just took it as a fart and didn't rebel directly.

He didn't have a good time these days. He dealt with various opposition voices, held the funeral of Louis II, and ascended the throne in a hurry.

Everything takes up a lot of energy, and the most important thing is to win over the nobles and military commanders of various families.

Rewards, promises, gold coins and jewelry, all scattered out.

Thanks to the stability of the Locke Kingdom for thirty years, the royal family has accumulated a lot of wealth, and now he has taken them out for public relations.

Poor Louis II's accumulated wealth has become the strongest nail in his coffin.

"What is the reaction of the southern nobles?"

The new king asked another sensitive question.

The scapegoat he chose was a member of the southern nobles.

On the one hand, it was the relatively weak military power of the southern nobles.

On the other hand, it was also to divide and attack the gradually expanding power of the southern nobles.

Economic strength could be transformed into military power at any time. If you don't prepare in advance, you will regret it when the outbreak comes.

"The situation is not good. The southern nobles are generally quite excited. They are afraid that similar things will happen to them.

But... I think they want to get some benefits more." The think tank said.

"Let my people continue to hunt down the traitors who are plotting rebellion, and then select a few noble ladies. I want to find a few fiancées for my son." King Arthur said.

The southern nobles are not monolithic. There is no better way to win people over than marriage.

He learned this trick from his dead father, pulling one faction against another.

The eldest prince deals with similar things every day. Regardless of the undercurrents in the Locke Kingdom, he gradually sits on the throne.

Derek will naturally not give the new king a chance easily. Louis II dare not take action, but it does not mean that the new king dare not.

Originally, he wanted to kill the chicken to scare the monkey and take back the land attached to the title of Duke Leopold.

Unexpectedly, that noble family has been dealt with by the eldest prince.

But it is normal to think about it. It is normal for such a short-sighted guy to be used as a scapegoat.

Derek took back the land and began to reinforce the manor on the spot.

Instead, he led his army away from the capital and retreated to the province of Monta.

Then, he met Prince Radek who came on horseback.

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