"Duke, thank you for your help.

I wonder if our agreement still counts?"

Prince Radek came clean as soon as they met.

Compared to the evasive conversation during the first meeting, he was much more direct this time.

Of course, they were all going to be killed by the new king, so if they didn't come straight, they would die.

Derek was also very straightforward and said, "You should have seen my sincerity."

Neither of them mentioned the origin of Leopold's title of Duke, and Prince Radek didn't even ask Derek to publicly support him.

With the death of Louis II, the market has changed.

"I need your help, and I will give you a generous reward."

"Weapons, war horses, and even knight training, I can support you.

But you need to tell me why I support you, and I need to be responsible for the knights who trust me."

If you want to attract investment, of course you have to be open.

What cards does Prince Radek have? Hurry up and show them.

Otherwise, why should I support you?

Prince Radek did not bargain and directly revealed his trump card: "My grandfather is Count Hena Bergen, one of the leaders of the Southern Chamber of Commerce.

Count Asier Lesgo Unamuno, who was slandered by my brother, is also my supporter.

I have many supporters in the south and even in the capital.

Although we have suffered heavy losses now, we are rich. With a little help, I can fight back to the capital, avenge my father, and send the fake king to the gallows."

Prince Radek was very confident and did have the strength.

Louis II supported Radek to compete with his eldest son, of course he would not support a waste.

The power behind the little prince is the capital for him to compete with the eldest prince.

Coincidentally, the southern nobles' trading faction also cooperated a lot with Derek, and both sides had common interests.

Of course, the most important thing is to keep the royal family bleeding.

"It sounds interesting. I will give you some help in secret."

Derek gave Prince Radek a certain promise. Of course, all this would not be free. It happened that these southern nobles had money.

Prince Radek came and went in a hurry. He would go around Port Degen and return to the south by sea.

Now he is a wanted criminal in the kingdom, and there is no place for him in most places.

Returning to the south, gaining the support of local nobles, and pulling an army to fight the new king is his only choice.

As soon as Prince Radek left, Viscount Angelo Chavez from the Southern Chamber of Commerce came again.

Since the two sides reached a trade agreement, they have benefited a lot and cooperated very happily.

Viscount Chavez has been in charge of the north-south trade in the north and is considered a representative of the Southern Chamber of Commerce.

Derek is very familiar with him. He is a smart man who knows how to make choices.

Including causing some trouble for Count Rowett, he did a great job.

Viscount Chavez has always paid more attention to his image, but this time he didn't have time to bathe and change clothes, and went directly to Derek.

"Congratulations, Your Excellency the Duke, Leopold's name will shine again." Viscount Chavez took off his hat and saluted, and he never slacked off in etiquette.

"My old friend, no need to be polite, sit down and have a cup of hot coffee first," Derek personally poured him a cup of hot water: "Are you really going to support Prince Radek?"

Derrick certainly didn't believe Prince Radek's words so easily.

Now that Viscount Chavez has arrived, it's time to really talk about the details.

When this matter was mentioned, Viscount Chavez became a little excited and said indignantly: "We have no choice. Arthur, that guy, forced us."

Just looking at Viscount Chavez's expression, you would think he hated the new king.

But Derek quickly exposed his lies: "I heard that several of your noble ladies were sent to the capital for marriage?"

"Rumors, all rumors, the royal family married people from Rowett's faction, it has nothing to do with us.

On the contrary, our business has been severely hit.

Count Asir is even more of our supporter, and his experience is even more outrageous.

We decided to fight the fake king to the end."

Viscount Chavez was indignant, his expression was angry and real.

Derek clapped his hands in appreciation and said in agreement: "My friend, I sympathize with your plight. How about this... you pay the money, and I will immediately send troops to enter the capital with you to vent your anger for you?"

Derek looked at Viscount Chavez 'sincerely', and the latter was embarrassed.

He touched his nose and began to stammer: "This... or... it's unnecessary. I advocate a peaceful solution to the problem."

"Are you sure? Peace?" Derek asked mischievously.

"Well, our goals are the same," Viscount Chavez spread his hands and looked helpless: "The power of the royal family is too strong and needs to be weakened a little bit."

"Wouldn't it be simple if you said this earlier? Tell me... how are you going to support this little prince?"

"We plan to purchase a batch of weapons and war horses from you, and the first batch will purchase more than 100,000 gold coins."

"What do you want to do? Are you really going to help Radek seize the throne?"

Derek was surprised. 100,000 gold coins can form an army of tens of thousands, and this is still the first batch.

The southern nobles have money, but they don't spend it like this.

The military is not just about spending money to buy a batch of equipment; maintenance costs are also a big problem.

Viscount Chavez smiled awkwardly: "Duke, don't get excited. The situation is unstable now. We also need some weapons and war horses to prevent some accidents."

Good guy, this purchase is not for Prince Radek, but in the name of supporting Prince Radek, secretly increasing their own strength.

After the royal civil strife, no matter who wins or loses, the southern nobles will rise.

Derrick smiled and said very straightforwardly: "No problem, as long as you pay, there will be enough weapons."

Viscount Chavez expressed his gratitude again, and the two discussed some details and agreed on the attitude towards the royal civil strife before temporarily ending the conversation.

As soon as Viscount Chavez left, Derek, who had been smiling all the time, fell into deep thought.

After a while, he called Virut: "Let our people check it out quickly. What do these guys in the south want so many weapons for?"

He didn't show it before, but since the opening of the North-South trade, the South has been purchasing weapons.

The South itself has a certain ability to produce weapons, and it has been sold to the North before.

Even if they want to expand the army, there is no need to ask for help from the North.

They can be completely self-sufficient, and simply buying a batch of weapons and horses for Prince Radek is considered protection money.

But if they buy it themselves, the subsequent plan is estimated to be even larger, which is very abnormal.

This demand is too strange.

Derek had to think more about what the southern nobles were doing.

Information flow in this era is not smooth, and many secrets are easily hidden.

For example, black slaves have never been heard of before.

In the past year, many of them suddenly appeared, making a lot of money for the southern nobles.

According to them, they were captured from overseas islands.

The key is, which island has so many black slaves for them to capture?

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