Derrick spared no effort to encourage childbirth, but perhaps no effect can be seen in ten or eight years.

But this is a long-term plan, and those who do not plan for eternity are not qualified to plan for the moment.

Survival is always the basis of rule.

How to keep the people alive and how to get more people to support themselves is very important.

Derek has always known that everything brought by the data panel has a premise, that is, people.

When people's hearts gather, the increase in the data panel will be infinitely magnified.

Without people's support, the data panel is almost useless.

So no matter how anxious he is to go back to see his wife and children, he still carefully inspected the living conditions of the grassroots people in the north.

The result is naturally satisfactory.

No regime is perfect, but it is qualified if it can roughly execute its own orders.

It is never the middle and low-level executors who really make the bottom unable to survive.

As long as he is not stupid, this situation will not happen.

Because of these trivial matters, when Derek returned to Swan Castle, it was almost New Year.

This year, Mrs. Ferreira also came to Swan Castle in advance and will spend the first New Year with her grandson here.

It was snowing outside, but the castle was very warm.

After the renovation, the heating could reach every corner of the castle.

Even in winter, it was no different from spring.

The only drawback was that the maintenance cost was too expensive.

Derek took off his outer robe and shook off the snow on his trouser legs. The maid knelt down to change a pair of shoes for him.

"Where is the lady?"

"On the third-floor terrace to enjoy the snow." The housekeeper lowered his head and answered.

Derek nodded and went straight to the third-floor terrace.

Tiona was lying on a chair, and the little one was sleeping in the cradle. Several maids were watching beside her. She only needed to take a look occasionally.

It was snowing outside, but in this glass greenhouse, it was like spring.

There were even a few pots of flowers still blooming, which was completely out of season.


Derek stepped forward and kissed her on the forehead before turning to look at the little one.

He has grown a lot in the past few months.

"Is everything okay at home?"

"There were some minor problems, but they were all solved." Tiona stood up and walked to Derek. She looked at her son and her husband, and was very satisfied. Then she whispered, "I received your letter. I have arranged for the daughter and son of Manager Philip."

"Okay, remember, you must keep an eye on his children and try to take care of them." Derek nodded.

Philip is now in charge of the Nameless Island. He has always been loyal. It is also a reward to care more about his family.

Tiona didn't know where Manager Philip was now, but her husband took it so seriously, and it was obvious that he was doing something very important.

She reminded herself again to pay attention to this matter, such as introducing a good marriage for his children.

"This year, I will invite some nobles to Swan Castle. You need to prepare in advance." Derek continued.

"Which nobles?"

"There are some from the Holy Cross Kingdom and the North."

"Is there going to be a war again?"

Tiona is very sensitive. She is actually very satisfied with her current life.

Derek turned around and held her hand, saying hard: "Don't worry, I know what I am doing."

Some things must be done.

The Kingdom of the Holy Cross has taken a breath in the past two years. If they don't take action, the other party will do it.

In addition, the location of Port Degen is becoming more and more important. Derek needs more space and ports.

Finally... the news of the New World can't be concealed for long. Port Degen will be a trouble at that time.

Instead of giving the initiative to others, it is better to hold it yourself.

In the past, there was no choice.

Now, you can make your own decision.


Viscount Larry Yanes received a letter this winter.

As a surrenderer of the Kingdom of the Holy Cross, he has always been unwelcome.

Even if the new governor Ronald hopes to win over these surrendered nobles, the rejection of his subordinates still makes him feel particularly uncomfortable.

The most important thing is that he thinks that the object of his surrender is not the Kingdom of Locke, but Duke Leopold.

With the rise of His Excellency the Duke, he is even more determined on this point.

As a vassal of the Duke, let alone other benefits, at least he can get money easily.

In order to please the Duke, he bought a merchant ship and made a fortune directly.

Viscount Yanes added ships several times to expand the caravan, and gold coins flowed into his pocket.

This beautiful day almost made him forget his situation.

However, with a letter from the Duke, he recalled that disgraceful experience again.

In the winter study, Viscount Yanes read the short letter over and over again.

To put it nicely, he was a vassal of Duke Leopold.

To put it bluntly, he was like a transparent person under the Duke.

Now, at the level of the New Year approaching, it was unexpected to receive an invitation to spend the New Year at Swan Castle.

He analyzed it repeatedly and didn't even dare to share the news with others.

The content of the letter was very simple.

"... Every time I think of the experience two years ago, I miss it especially... Is the Halei Castle still there? The blood of the Halei family is still fresh in my memory. I wonder if their descendants are living well in the capital of the king... I specially invite the Viscount to come and see it..."

There were no questions raised throughout the article, but there were hints everywhere.

Viscount Yanes pondered over it again and again, and felt a little relieved.

Of course, he was clear about the situation on the border in the past two years.

Although there are wars of varying sizes, a large-scale offensive was organized there not long ago.

But it was just a joke, he would go back to visit his relatives when he had nothing to do.

His caravans were never blocked from traveling between the two countries.

Rather than being in a state of war, it was more like everyone was acting.

King Bruno was not as good as Louis II in terms of balance, and was despised by local nobles.

Especially the border nobles now, they were just perfunctory to him.

After all, Duke Leopold gave too much.

So... the Duke wanted to take action?

Viscount Yanes strangely did not have any regrets, but was very excited.

Two years ago, he thought about pretending to surrender and then fighting back.

A year and a half ago, he thought about serving the new lord honestly and would not take action against his homeland.

A year ago, he felt that his homeland was a bit annoying, causing him to give up a lot of profits.

Now, he thinks he can fight and let Duke Leopold's flag be planted on every piece of land.

"I need to prepare early and not fall behind." Viscount Yanes made a decision quickly, prepared for war in advance, and even wrote letters to contact some relatives.

In the Holy Cross Kingdom, his network of relationships is very complicated.

Then, under the protection of the family knights, he set off to the east.

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