Because he made a lot of money in the past two years, Viscount Yanez's life was much better.

In the past, I only relied on a little land output to make money, but now my income is too much.

So he traveled, bringing with him hundreds of followers.

There were even a dozen fully armed knights.

The square flag bearing the shield banner was rolled into a ball in the wind and snow, and sat the newest carriage in the North.

The shock absorber springs minimize bumps, and the small stove under the body provides heat.

Viscount Yanez was even able to have a good sleep in the car.

But now he couldn't sleep, so he carefully took out the wooden box as a gift and opened it.

A box of snow-white pearls exudes crystal light.

This is a good thing that his family's fleet brought back from the south. If it were not given to Duke Leopold, he would not be willing to part with it.

After looking at it carefully, Viscount Yanez put the box away again.

Just as the carriage stopped, a knight knocked on the carriage and reported: "Your Excellency, there is a resting station ahead, do you want to take a rest?"

Yaneszi opened the car door, lifted the thick hanging cloth, and took a look.

The cold wind made him shiver, but there was indeed a carriage shop in front of him.

It is obviously not easy to open a store next to the official road.

Viscount Yanez happened to want to take a rest, so he agreed.

"Just rest here, let everyone take turns to rest, and watch the horses."

The knights surrounded Viscount Yanes and walked into the carriage shop. There were seven or eight tables in the lobby, and there were already two tables of customers.

After a quick glance, the other party should be an ordinary businessman.

After the knight made a simple judgment, he happened to say to the store owner who came to greet him: "Store, is there a quieter place?"

"Yes, there are single rooms on the second floor specially prepared for noble gentlemen."

Soon, Viscount Yanez sat in the single room on the second floor.

The store recommended several specialty dishes, and there were no extra choices. Viscount Yanes agreed.

While waiting, another convoy seemed to arrive.

There was the sound of armor clanking, and the stairs to the second floor creaked.

Viscount Yanes did not move. He knew that a certain noble might be coming.

But at this time, there was a quarrel downstairs. It seemed that the new team was quarreling with their own people.

The knight opened the window and saw the two sides arguing.

The sound below was clearer.

Viscount Yanez sat firmly on his butt.

"Our master is still a count, why should we let you?"

"We are here first, first-come, first-served, do you understand?"

Viscount Yanes looked sideways. If a certain earl were to come, he would have to be careful.

The earls in the North are all ruthless people.

"Go and see what's going on?"

Viscount Yanez said a word, and the entourage left in a hurry.

After a while, the other party came back again.

"Your Majesty the Viscount, I have already dealt with this minor conflict.

In addition, this was a convoy of a rising nobleman, and the servant was just a slip of the tongue. "

Slip of the tongue?

Viscount Yanes felt something was wrong. His servant might have misspoken, but this would definitely not include misrepresenting the master's identity in front of the master.

He always felt uneasy, so he stretched his head and took a look, and saw that the other team's convoy was also crowded into the shed. It was not a big one.

Looking at the square flag again, it is an eagle with no redundant markings.

He tried to remember the nobles who used the eagle as their family emblem. It was a very common symbol, so he had no clue.

When the food was served, he took a few bites and suddenly realized something was wrong.

If the other party is just a baron, can he sit safely if there is a conflict?

After all, he is a viscount, so the other party should be polite.

Only those who are confident will ignore themselves.

Viscount Yanez didn't know whether his guess was correct.

Give it a try. Is there anything to lose?

He quickly tidied his clothes and clothes, threw down the table full of food, and took the initiative to visit.

The knight in front of the opponent's door exudes a familiar feeling.

Viscount Yanes frowned, did he come down from the battlefield?

He said softly: "I am Viscount Yanes. The little misunderstanding just now disturbed you. I want to meet the master of your family."

The knight nodded, indicating that he wanted to report.

Before he could enter the room to ask, the door opened from the inside.

A nobleman stood in front of him to greet the unexpected guest.

Viscount Yanes squinted his eyes and looked carefully. He didn't recognize the noble flag, but he happened to know the person in front of him.

It's been a long time, and it's a bit blurry to think about it now.

"Ser Balin Rudd?"

"Are you... Viscount Yanes?"

Both parties know each other, but are not familiar with each other.

Baron Barin also smiled bitterly. He didn't expect to be recognized like this.

However, he was not pretentious and took the initiative to let Viscount Yanes into the house.

During these few steps, Viscount Yanez had already thought about many questions in his mind.

By the time he sat down, he had already figured it out.

There was still a little bit of guilt, but now it's completely gone.

"Damn moth, more shameless than me."

Who is Baron Baring?

All you need to know is that the Sword of God, Earl Connoll, is named Ladd.

The son of an earl of the Holy Cross Kingdom, the son of a border general, suddenly appeared here, under the banner of a nobleman of the Rock Kingdom, there was something very telling about it.

Viscount Yanez is so envious and jealous, so shameless.

He hated people who played both sides the most, especially when he couldn't play both sides.

He cursed in his heart, but Viscount Yanes smiled, as if he didn't notice this little secret.

Baron Balin certainly hoped that he didn't see it.

The two exchanged a few polite words, and a little misunderstanding was not worth holding a grudge.

Besides, they were not very familiar with each other, and it was a bit awkward to sit together.

Viscount Yanes chatted with him for a long time, and when he learned that the other party's destination was also Swan Castle, an idea suddenly came to his mind.

"Are you here at the invitation of Duke Leopold?"

"You too?"

Baron Balin guessed it when he asked this.

The two looked at each other and nodded in unison.

At this moment, they felt much closer.

Since they are now in the same boat, they naturally have to work together.

"I think we should set off together? It happens that I have a lot of things to ask you." Viscount Yanes suggested.

Baron Barin has always been a loner and has very little contact with the nobles under Duke Leopold.

He readily agreed to the proposal.

The two traveled together, and when they arrived at Swan Castle, Viscount Yanes had already obtained a lot of information.

For example, some secrets of the border, the opinions of the upper echelons of the Holy Cross Kingdom, and the ideological changes of the border generals.

In this regard, he had only one thought, the time has come.

The seemingly stable Bruno family has greatly weakened its influence on the border.

Duke Leopold is popular, his knights are fierce, and he has many supporters in the Holy Cross Kingdom.

Once a war breaks out, the consequences can be imagined.

Of course, Viscount Yanes has become more determined.

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