Viscount Yanes arrived as scheduled, accompanied by Baron Barin.

At first, the atmosphere between the two was a little awkward, but along the way, they became more familiar with each other.

The most important thing is that after the communication, the two found that there were too many areas for cooperation.

Before, they didn't know each other, and some things were not convenient to communicate.

Now when they met, they found that they had needs for each other.

When they walked into Swan Castle, they were already very familiar with each other.

Just a little bit of common interests can become good friends.

"Viscount Yanes, Baron Barin, His Excellency the Duke is waiting for you, please follow me."

The butler greeted the Duke at the door on behalf of the Duke, which was already very face-saving.

Now that his status is different, Derek certainly can't go out to greet him in person, otherwise the signal he sends will make many people think too much.

Of course, when it is his turn to go out to greet him in person, it must be as a killer.

Viscount Yanes and Baron Barin were not surprised, and politely asked the butler to lead the way.

As for why the other party was waiting for him at the door, this is the North, and Duke Leopold doesn't have this ability, then it's over.

Then...the two of them stopped unconsciously.

On the first floor of the castle, the stairs are winding upwards, and there are two rows of heavy armor.

It is the kind of knight heavy armor, lined up one by one on both sides.

At first glance, it looks like a real person.

But if you look closely, you can find that these are all supported by brackets.

Viscount Yanes stepped forward and looked carefully at the armor in the front.

It was covered with traces of war, various scratches and cuts, dents and scrapes.

Although it has been cleaned, you can still smell the bloody smell.

Just put it there, it's as if you saw a strong knight wearing it to fight on the battlefield.

And such armor, winding upwards, densely packed.

Being in it, you can only feel a strong sense of oppression.

Moreover, this is too wasteful.

For the knight's heavy armor, these injuries are not fatal, and they can be repaired and used again, but they are all placed here as decorations.

The butler stopped very tactfully. This is a decoration that has just been placed here, but every guest's reaction is similar.

"Is this... too wasteful?" Viscount Yanes had a very complicated expression.

"Some of the owners of these armors are still in service, some have retired or even died. Each piece of armor is a symbol of the knights' loyalty, and it is just right to put it here." The butler explained softly.

He touched the armor on the steps and said admiringly: "The owner of this armor is from the Monastery Knights, and died in the battle of the barbarians."

Yanes noticed that the silver armor was sunken at the chest, and he could imagine the situation at that time.

The butler went up a step and continued: "Look, the owner of this armor is Knight Simon. He charged into the battle many times with heavy armor on his back. If he had a little less luck, he would not have come back."

Yanes saw that there were scars everywhere on the armor, and the battle at that time must have been very fierce.

The butler knew the origin of the armor very well, and told the two guests little by little.

Viscount Yanes and Baron Barin gradually became solemn.

As the butler told the story, they seemed to see knight after knight, under the banner of the two-headed dragon, launching fearless charges.

The knights carrying heavy armor are the tanks on the battlefield of this era.

One person is enough to change a small battlefield.

A hundred people are enough to influence the victory of a battle.

A thousand people can go all over the world.

Ten thousand people are the Duke Leopold today.

Moreover, the bravery, sacrifice and loyalty of the Northland Knights are indeed eye-catching.

This is the most terrifying.

The short but heavy history has forged a gorgeous crown for the Leopold family.

The two unconsciously forgot everything, leaving only awe and respect in their hearts.

With every step, they felt under the gaze of the knight's heroic spirit.

When they walked in front of Duke Leopold, what other thoughts were there?

"Welcome, Viscount Yanes, Baron Barin."

His Excellency the Duke looked very friendly.

But the two were very nervous.

"Greetings, Duke."

"I'm very sorry to ask you to come here on New Year's Day."

Derrick apologized, and the two said they didn't dare.

After the small talk, Derek directly stated his intention.

Since the two of them chose to come to the appointment, they were obviously prepared, and they definitely didn't fail to understand what he meant.

"Viscount Yanes, I need you to form an army to manage the local security after my army conquers the territory."

Derrick explained briefly that it was mainly based on the surrendered nobles of the Holy Cross Kingdom, and that the nobles in the occupied areas could be absorbed while fighting.

Viscount Yanes's task was to maintain local stability and relieve the main force of worries.

Viscount Yanes immediately stood up and promised solemnly: "I will complete the task."

If he was asked to attack, he would definitely not have the confidence.

But as a sheriff, he would be very good.

The business in the past two years was not done in vain. Needless to say, the relationship with the surrendered nobles was also maintained very well.

Once the army went there, it would be easy to win over those old friends.

And they were doing the same thing, wasn't it just maintaining stability in the local area?

It didn't matter who they worked for, especially since Duke Leopold gave them a lot and was powerful enough.

Derrick was satisfied with Yanes' attitude. This is what a good subordinate should do.

"Baron Barin, I need you to provide some accurate information, and even cooperate with my military operations at critical moments. Can you do it?" Derek asked Baron Barin again.

However, the question was asked to Baron Barin on the surface, but actually to Earl Connor.

Earl Connor is an old fox. He took the benefits but did not get involved in any trouble.

Although they were in close contact in secret, Derek did not dare to confirm the other party's true thoughts.

Baron Barin thought for a while before replying affirmatively: "Your Excellency the Duke, it's not a big problem.

I will try my best to provide information. Even if my father does not cooperate, we brothers will work hard to provide you with information."

Baron Barin saw clearly that everything his father had belonged to his eldest brother, and it was not his turn to inherit.

But everything he got from Duke Leopold was his own.

Just like this title, although it was a puppet, it also had a certain degree of autonomy, which was much better than before.

Derek understood the underlying meaning of his words and immediately stated: "I will not mistreat meritorious officials. As long as you get enough information, I will not be stingy with some titles and land."

"Thank you for your generosity."

"Now, please spend the New Year in Swan Castle. We still need to discuss the specific details of the operation."

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