Braque took the opportunity to pour out his bitterness, hoping to use Lawrence's mouth to tell the Duke the difficulties.

Lawrence quickly understood his intention and interrupted his complaint: "Don't think about it, no matter how difficult the New World is, it is much more comfortable than running on the sea.

And I mentioned the difficulties you encountered to His Excellency the Duke. The Duke suggested that you promote some people from the black slaves, give them the treatment of second-class citizens, and let them manage the black slaves.

Moreover, the consumption of slaves is too high. You can try to trade goods with the surrounding black slave tribes to see if anyone is willing to provide slaves. "

Lawrence is an old comrade after all, and this time he went back to try to solve his old friend's difficulties.

However, his deep-rooted thoughts made Brack less willing to believe this reliable suggestion.

“Black slaves are stupid and stupid, how can they control other people?

And these guys are very stubborn and will not sell their clansmen to us. "Brack was ten thousand reluctant.

"If you don't try, how do you know it won't work? I brought you a lot of supplies on this trip, but there is no other support.

You decide whether to do it or not, as long as you can deal with the Duke. "Lawrence forced him.

Sure enough, Brak's face was full of entanglements, and he finally gave in: "I'll give it a try right away.

You can have a good rest at my place for a few days, and then go back when I prepare the refined silver bricks for you. "

"It's up to you, but I can only stay for a maximum of seven days."

"Time is enough."

After the two talked, Brak took Lawrence to his residence to rest.

On the way back to arrange the dinner, he thought that there might be something he couldn't see through in His Excellency the Duke's suggestion.

After all, the Duke's legendary achievements are there, and his vision is not something that he can compare with.

"How about trying it now?"

Brack did what he said, and he immediately ordered his men to find a few black slaves who were usually more obedient.

After getting along with him for almost a year, the black slave can already understand Mega Man's words.

Some soldiers even knew the simple local dialect and could barely communicate.

"Thanks to the great Duke Leopold, I give you a chance. I need some overseers to enjoy the treatment of second-class citizens. I don't need to work, there will be enough food, and I can even own my own property. There will be more in the future. enough freedom.

The only thing we need you to do is to share the work for us, supervise the miners' work, and monitor their every move. "

The black slaves half understood what Braque said.

He repeated it several times, and the black slaves dubiously agreed.

They have no concept of racial glory and live entirely for themselves.

Putting aside everything else, being able to have a full meal without having to do heavy work is full of temptation.

The black slave Abraham is one of them. He has been smarter than his tribe since he was a child.

This time he was captured by Rock Man, and he learned Rock Man's language early.

In order to avoid being beaten while working and to have more bites when eating, he has always been very cooperative and even took the initiative to lead the tribesmen to work.

It was also because of this that he was lucky enough to be chosen.

The other black slaves seemed to understand Locke's words, but Abraham was undoubtedly the one who understood them most thoroughly.

He almost thought he was joking with himself. Would these yellow-skinned guys be so kind?

But soon the guards gave him a leather whip, changed into coarse cloth clothes, and even gave him a few pieces of cake in advance.

Abraham suddenly felt that his status had changed. After taking a bite of the pie, he felt the change even more clearly.

Returning to the mine again, his appearance attracted the attention of the black slaves.

But with the guards around, no one dared to come near.

"From now on, you will be in charge of this area, and this bunch of slaves will be under your control.

If someone is causing trouble, you come to me. "The guards probably divided a mining area and slaves and left it alone.

He didn't know what the adults above were so crazy about expecting these black slaves to be overseers.

But Abraham didn't care about the other party's bad attitude. He knew that he had a certain amount of power. Whoever dared to resist would have Rock Man to back him up.

He was submissive at first, but when he saw someone was slacking off, he whipped down the whip and hit the other person.

These black slaves were obviously not used to being controlled by their own people, and they roared and prepared to resist.

The guard not far away noticed it and came over angrily.

Although a black slave supervisor was appointed, after all, this policy had just been implemented, and he did not dare to go further. If anything happened, he would still be responsible.

From the bottom of his heart, he was willing to have someone share some of his work for him.

Moreover, the Lord specifically stated that these black slave overseers need to be given some support.

So he kicked the disobedient black slave over, pointed at Abraham and said, "This is your new overseer. If anyone dares to cause trouble, I will hang him."

There are crosses everywhere in the mines, and some black slaves who made serious mistakes were hanged on them to deter other dishonest people.

Abraham received support, and suddenly he felt confident, and his whip flew up.

The guard watched for a long time and found that he was really relaxed. He even went to the guard post to rest for a while. When he came back, he found that the black slave's work efficiency had actually improved.

"Good job." He encouraged and continued to lie down.

This day, happy.

When it's time to eat, Abraham gets the same treatment as Mega Man's overseer.

Not only did he eat noodles, but he also had a bowl of broth. This was a delicious taste that he had not enjoyed for a long time.

After eating, he even felt the difference in status.

Looking at those compatriots, they were still chewing the black bread. It was so miserable.

He watched for a while, and finally took out a piece of bread quietly, broke it apart secretly and gave it to a few friends who were on good terms with him.

"You running dog, what are you going to do?" Someone looked at him vigilantly.

"I was forced to do it. If I don't do the overseer, I will die, and Rockman will let others do it.

Now I can at least hide some food for you secretly. This is the right choice."

Some people believed it and felt that they had misunderstood Abraham.

Some people didn't believe it, but they ate the bread first.

Abraham observed silently. He knew which people were easy to deceive and which people could be bribed.

He did this to get in the eyes of the slaves and grasp their every move.

After all, there were many riots in the mines, and he didn't want to die unclearly one day.

Once his identity changed, he changed very quickly and began to exploit his compatriots.

At night, he returned to the small wooden house specially prepared for the overseers of black slaves. Four or five people shared a room, which was much more comfortable.

Although it is not very free, I can see the changes of Rockman.

And, I have indeed gained benefits.

Abraham fell into a deep sleep. Before he fell asleep, he was still thinking that he must force these lazy guys to improve their efficiency and dig more silver mines tomorrow, so that he can get the attention of Rockman and get better treatment.

As for saving the tribe... wait until I save myself first.

It's like the rich first drive the rich later. When I have 10 billion, I will definitely take out one dollar to drive the rich later.

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