Wandering Knight Start: I have a simple data panel

Chapter 223 News about Black Slaves

Abraham directed his people to carry heavy boxes. Rock would definitely not do this kind of hard work himself.

"Be careful. Everyone will have a bowl of broth after work. This is what I fought for with the masters. Move things quickly."

Abraham has been much more generous today and has obviously adapted to his new identity.

He ate well and slept well yesterday.

Today he wore clean coarse cloth clothes and his spirit was completely different.

The black slaves working, each of them smelled bad and wore tattered clothes, which made Abraham show a trace of disgust.

After climbing out of the mud pit, he now particularly disliked the people who were still in the mud pit.

The guards of the mine stood scattered on the periphery. They did not need to communicate with these black slaves in person, and their efficiency was higher.

A black traitor like Abraham knew what his people thought better and was very cruel when he squeezed them.

He whipped them with a whip, and was no softer than Rock.

After a while, Lawrence and Black came to the handling site together.

They were surrounded by a large number of guards, all of whom were strong and tough.

The originally lazy on-site guard immediately came forward and stood up straight.

"Mine manager, Commander Lawrence."

Black observed the black slaves on the scene and found that their efficiency had indeed improved a lot.

He couldn't understand how these stupid and animal-like guys could change so much.

"Your Excellency the Duke is really amazing. He can understand the situation of the black slaves far away from home." Black was convinced and of course it was easy to feel awe.

It is always easy to think too much about things that are hard to see through and understand.

Besides, few people can ignore Derek's legendary performance.

Lawrence, on the other hand, ran back and forth and understood the magic of his own Duke more.

"I told you a long time ago that Your Excellency the Duke is a god sent from heaven. How can we ordinary people understand it? Just listen to orders honestly."

Black is not a believer in God, but this time he did not refute.

The two walked into the warehouse. Because of the poor ventilation, there was a strange smell in the air.

The bright whale oil lamp was lit, and it was very clear.

The simple wooden boxes were nailed shut and neatly stacked.

There was also a large number of bison skins piled up next to them. After a simple treatment, they were randomly piled together.

The strange smell in the warehouse was half the responsibility of these cowhides.

There were also some other goods, such as some sheep horns and some giant beasts' teeth.

In short, this place was like a grocery store, piled up randomly.

The New World is rich in biological resources, and this kind of thing is not valuable.

Black's own office is luxuriously decorated, and it is really not embezzled.

It is really that the land here is vast and sparsely populated, and those so-called luxury goods are not as valuable as the goods from his hometown.

Although it was not the first time to transport, Lawrence couldn't help squinting his eyes.

The huge temptation of wealth almost made him betray his loyalty.

However, there was a precedent before. A captain under his command did this for the first time and was caught as soon as he set foot on land.

Not only was he finished, but his whole family was hanged on the cross.

Unless he made a fortune and ran away, no matter how much wealth he had, it would not be his.

As for running away, Lawrence was not that stupid.

His Excellency the Duke's salary was very generous, and he would not be held accountable if he smuggled some goods in private.

His income was very considerable, and his status, honor and loyalty were not so easy to abandon.

Unless he went to a deserted island to be a native, it would be difficult to avoid the Duke's eyes and hunting with money.

The price was too high and it was not worth it.

But Black was used to it, and he ordered his men: "Open it and let me see."

The soldier took a crowbar and opened several boxes with a few swipes.

The boxes were just rough wooden boards directly stapled together, and the appearance was terrible.

But after opening it, huge silver bars were placed in the boxes, which made people dizzy.

"The conditions here in the New World are limited, I can only refine it simply, but it is much easier to transport than before." Black picked out a silver bar casually, and the heavy weight made his arms a little tired.

But he no longer felt anything for silver, it was just too much.

And it couldn't be spent in the New World, it was not as useful as a can of canned food from home.

Lawrence forced himself to look away, the temptation was too great.

"I will check it again when I get on board, this is the rule, don't think too much."

"I understand, we are all working for the Duke."

After a simple handover, the two of them completed most of the work.

Although they are comrades, their identities are different now.

Lawrence is here to transport goods, and he can take on the task of observing Black.

The latter understands very well, and there is no need to be too shy.

Walking outside and avoiding his men, Black took the initiative to say: "I still have to trouble you to bring some things back to me this time."

"Simple, the Duke met me and mentioned this matter, allowing you people outside to smuggle some things, don't worry about the customs." Lawrence gave him good news.

Black breathed a sigh of relief, after all, it was illegal, and it was fine with the Duke's permission.

"Thank you for your understanding, Your Excellency the Duke. We are having a hard time out there."

This is the truth. Lawrence patted his shoulder in understanding. He could go back several times a year. Black was really stationed there for a long time.

In this environment, what's wrong with making a little money?

Derrick was also very open-minded and was willing to give a lot of compensation in terms of money, but everything had to be allowed, otherwise, like those idiots who were discovered, the whole family would go down and reunite.

Abraham, who was far away, quietly watched the actions of the leader of the Rockman.

He was very envious of the other party's tall stature, more delicate clothes, and sophisticated weapons.

He yearned for the strength of the Rockman.

He longed to live like the Rockman.

He didn't have the opportunity before, but now he has the opportunity.

After moving today's work, the Rockman gave everyone a bowl of broth.

This was what Abraham asked for, but fortunately Blake gave a lot of support.

Compared with the improved work efficiency, such a small expenditure is very small.

Drinking the broth, Abraham's prestige gradually stood up.

No matter what the reason, a group of black slaves surrounded Abraham.

Anyway, they didn't have any concept of race. Whoever can make them live a better life, they are willing to support.

A mouthful of broth with a few pieces of meat floating in it, a bite of fine grain bread, this is the fairy life that has never been enjoyed.

Abraham was very smart. Although he despised these dirty tribesmen, he knew his own value, so he was very close to them.

This kind of dedication was soon rewarded.

A black slave who secretly ate his bread yesterday revealed a piece of news to him.

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