Wandering Knight Start: I have a simple data panel

Chapter 224 Is the power of faith so strong?

Abraham's eyes widened, almost thinking he had misheard.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I saw the weapons they prepared with my own eyes. If I hadn't been hiding in the mine, I would have been killed."

"Okay, I'll go see Rockman right away. If the news you brought is confirmed, there will definitely be a lot of rewards. Don't tell others."

Abraham was very smart. He didn't rush to leave in front of others.

On the contrary, he waited until he finished his meal and went back to rest before finding an opportunity to leave the wooden house.

After all, he was an overseer, and he lived in a better place and was far away from the slave shack.

However, he did not get complete freedom and was discovered as soon as he went out.

The guard vigilantly pulled out his revolver. Because of the special nature of the mine, they were equipped with this expensive and low-yield thing.

"Abraham, why are you running around in the middle of the night?"

The guard was very impressed with this smart black slave.

"I have important information to report to the mine manager. Please take me there." Abraham's Rock language was still a little strange, but it made people understand what he meant.

The guard's expression changed. If the black slaves had any movements, their own people would definitely be able to detect it.

"You'd better make sure it's important news, otherwise the mine manager will be very angry."

"I'm sure, sir."

Abraham was very humble. The guard did not relax his vigilance and still held the revolver in his hand.

Soon, Black met this special black slave.

"What do you want to tell me?"

"There are some guys with bad intentions who secretly hid a batch of weapons. I suspect they want to riot."


Black was really surprised that it was the black slaves who reported it.

To be honest, the so-called riot was a joke, but it did lead to the loss of many tools.

Being able to avoid losses is to protect production and deserves a reward.

"Good job, I will reward you well when it is confirmed. Do you want anything?" Black was very generous. He felt that the black slave did a good job and was worth cultivating.

Of course, the reward should be within a reasonable range, otherwise he would turn against him.

Abraham was very happy. He took the risk to report the situation, wasn't it just to get the attention of Rockman?

But he was very cautious and answered carefully: "I want a few men to better monitor these dishonest slaves and serve you."

Want power? Blake smiled, it's a small matter.

"I promise you, you can choose a few people to help you tomorrow."

"Thank you, great mine manager."

After sending Abraham away, Blanca quickly called several centurions of the mine.

"Some slaves want to make trouble and hide a batch of weapons. I will solve this trouble tomorrow. I don't want to lose too many tools."

"No problem, just a group of ignorant natives."

The centurions were very confident, and it was difficult for them to take the performance of the black slaves seriously.

The next day, Abraham developed the informer as his first subordinate as promised.

Rockman quickly appointed him as the head of the overseers, with the right to develop some men.

Then, under the leadership of the insider, a team of soldiers came to a place in the mine.

"It's in this mine, the weapons they hid are here."

The management of the mine was still loose, giving these people a chance.

Some nobles among the black slaves still had a lot of prestige even here.

They secretly colluded and arranged some people to grind some stone weapons, which was very simple.

And the black slave nobles brought their men to report together, and they were all wiped out.

Seeing the black slaves coming with Rockman, they were almost dumbfounded.


The leading black slave noble's eyes seemed to be spitting fire, and the good plan was betrayed by a traitor.

If he was given a chance, he would definitely cut the traitor into pieces.

But now...it can only be launched hastily.

"Follow me, kill these invaders, and we will have a hope of escaping."

The black slave noble encouraged his men, trying to get a glimmer of life.

However, the army of the New World was reorganized according to the new army.

Seeing that the black slaves still wanted to resist, the centurion leader gave a cold order to shoot freely.

The shieldman stood in front and squatted.

The spearmen started firing without hesitation in a scattered line.

White smoke rose, and soon there were only a few black slaves standing.

There were still sword and shield soldiers who barely rushed to the front.

Abraham and his new men were weak in the knees. They were captured by the cavalry and had never seen the power of firearms.

Now they have seen it, and the result is that they are left with the impression that Rockman is invincible.

The battle ended too quickly, and Abraham was quickly ordered to find weapons.

The enemy's hiding place was not hidden, buried in an abandoned mine passage.

The centurion looked at the stone weapons dug out on the ground with disdain.

"A group of wishful monkeys."

It's really ridiculous to try to resist with such things.

In the distance, Lawrence heard the gunshots. He was about to return to the ship and arrange the handover.

"What happened?"

"Just found some restless slaves."

Blake was very calm.

Lawrence didn't ask, as long as Blake was prepared.

Soon, the goods were loaded onto the ship, counted and sealed on the spot.

Then some miscellaneous goods were stuffed onto the ship.

"I have prepared some small gifts for the brothers. You can give them to them on my behalf."

Brack was very polite. Although the Duke agreed to bring private goods, he couldn't say nothing at all.

"Are there any for me?" Lawrence asked directly.

"Yes, you can take a look at it yourself later. I marked it for you."

The two smiled at each other, each with a tacit understanding.


In the province of Monta, Simon had arrived here one step ahead.

He came with the army, but he didn't attack. Instead, he was waiting for the enemy to report the situation.

Reality is so magical. The general of the army took the lead in surrendering before the battle.

Dean Massimo sat below him, his face flushed.

"Dean Massimo, your work is amazing. I don't doubt you. Did the garrison really surrender?"

Simon didn't know the details. When he heard the news from Dean Massimo, he almost thought he had heard it wrong.

The officers of the garrison of the province of Monta are all from the capital. Are they so easily convinced?

He knew Dean Massimo, a priest with a great reputation.

But this is not the reason why the garrison of Monta Province defected.

The power of faith... is it so strong?

Simon was somewhat skeptical of this world, and this was the only reason he could think of.

Dean Massimo was confident of victory, and he was calm: "The weather is not as good as the location, the location is not as good as the people, and the people are not as good as money.

General Simon, you are better at fighting than me, but I know people's hearts better than you, so let's wait and see."

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