Technology is improving.

These big guys are Derek's trump card.

Dimensionality reduction is the kingly way.

The deep ruts are printed in the history books of the times.

The generals in the City of Sighs thought that the previous artillery fire was the limit, but that was just the beginning.

When the lightly dressed artillerymen assembled the big guys, the dark barrels, with a caliber as thick as the waist, brought the most intuitive impact.

Even if you have never seen a big guy show his power, you can imagine how powerful its roar will be.

Derek stepped forward to touch it, and the cold barrel was the guarantee of combat effectiveness.

The times have really changed.

The romance of the knight has begun to countdown.

The next era will be a concerto of guns and cannons.

"Duke... can this thing really sound?" The Bull took off his helmet with a very complicated look.

As a knight, the previous artillery was already difficult for him to accept. Now there is a bigger guy. Where will the knight go in the future?

This kind of complicated emotion is probably in every knight's heart.

"Of course it can be sounded," Derek told him without hesitation: "The development of firearms will not make knights go desolate, it just exists in a different form."

This is what Derek thought in his heart, but this knight is more of an identity than a profession.

The cavalry will end, but the knight will not.

And musketeers are easier to train, maybe it's a good thing for the king?

The officers at the scene had different expressions.

But for many people, there is no essential difference between serving the duke with a sword or serving the duke with a gun.

"Hurry up and adjust these big treasures, and start giving the Holy Cross some new things to see tomorrow." Derek left at last.

These big guys are good, but the weight is too much, and they are a beat slower, so they can only show their power tomorrow.

But there is one good thing, the range is longer.

Even if the army in the City of Sighs wants to take down the artillery position, it will become very difficult.

The days of passive beating are inevitable.

The next day, the loud horn awakened the sleeping barracks.

After a simple breakfast, each infantry regiment began to prepare.

Derek and his officers watched the battle from a distance.

Ant-like soldiers quickly took their positions.

Artillery messengers holding red flags took their positions.

Rogers and other artillerymen built their positions, but today's protagonists were not them, but the newly arrived heavy artillery.

"Let's get started!"

Derek ordered.


Adjust the shooting!!!


The messenger waved his small flag wildly, and the artillery, under the command of the artillery commander, skillfully stuffed the shells into the barrel.



The dull sound of the artillery was completely different from yesterday's bombardment.

The generals in the City of Sighs hid behind, and a gentleman would not stand under a dangerous wall.



The entire city wall seemed to shake, as if a thunder hammer had hit the city wall hard.

The fierce flames and iron storms, the heat waves that were set off swept the soldiers in front of the landing point of the shells.

The eardrums of the soldiers who were closer were instantly pierced, and they could no longer hear the roar of the artillery fire.

The place where it was hit was a big pit, and the surrounding area was already charred.

This was just the beginning, and the shells fell like raindrops.

Ordinary artillery was also roaring.

The entire army in the city was stunned.

They had prepared themselves mentally in advance, and even made some protections that they didn't know if they were useful.

But now, they realized that what they did was useless.

The generals were so scared that they dropped their bowls on the ground.

Some guards risked their lives to check the situation, and then found that the city wall was in a mess and chaos.

As long as the heavy artillery landed, it would clear a piece, leaving a large piece of flesh and blood and blank space.

The officers who were commanding on the spot were not prepared at all, and the command was chaotic for a while, and it was a mess.

Fortunately, the army of the Northern Principality did not take the opportunity to attack.

After a while, several centurions crawled back with the guards.

"General, it's too tragic, it's really too tragic.

One shell hit, and the whole flag team was scrapped. How can we fight such a battle?"

"We can't hold it anymore, General, let's retreat!?!"

"The Duke of the North is destined to be the emperor. They all say he is a saint incarnate. It's okay for us to surrender!"

For the officers on the front line, seeing such a tragic situation for the first time will really cause mental collapse.

Especially seeing the living soldiers of the flag evaporate in front of their eyes, the impact is very great.

It's not that they have never seen dead people, but it's just that such easy death is too scary.

Life is worthless in front of heavy artillery, like grass.

This is the awe and fear of life, and it is difficult to recover for a while.

But the generals who stayed in the rear felt much better. Hearing some numbers disappear is not as shocking as seeing it with their own eyes.

"You useless people, look at your current state, do you know what you are talking about?

Have you fed all the food and money of His Majesty to the dogs? Are you scared like this by a mere artillery?"

The general stood up angrily and kicked the centurion kneeling on the ground, and then ordered unsatisfiedly: "Remove him."

Then, he directly selected someone from his personal guards to take over.

At this time, ability and background are not important, loyalty is the most important.

"Everyone, no matter how powerful the artillery is, how many people can it kill?

Look, are the walls still intact? The City of Sighs will never fall, and we can hold it. "

The big stick and the sweet date together barely calmed people's hearts.

After driving away these crying subordinates, the general began to write a letter for help with a dark face.

Although he said in the letter to the king last night that he did not need support, if he did not slap himself in the face at this time, he might be hanged on the city wall by the nobles of the Northern Principality.

In comparison, face is not important.

After writing the letter, he knew that it was no longer possible to stay in the rear.

Even if there was a risk of being hit, he had to go to the front line in person.

In the face of artillery fire, the generals went to different places to express their condolences.

Seeing with their own eyes that the artillery was not falling, it was like The hammer of thunder hammered on the chest again and again.

Their morale was low, and the threat of death and the frustration of being beaten passively had been eating away their will.

This battle... was going to be difficult.


Suddenly a shell landed behind the city wall. The soldiers who had learned to be smart long ago dodged along the city wall, but the huge explosion range still affected some unlucky people.

Right under the general's eyes, a squad of soldiers was directly written off.

The body shot through by the fragments fell to the ground like a rag doll, and a large pool of blood quickly spread.

This tragic situation was finally intuitive enough.

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