"The Type Zero One heavy artillery is really powerful."

Rogers held up the telescope. He is one of the technical officers who knows the most about artillery today.

This powerful weapon, named the Principality Zero-1 heavy artillery, is impressive for its power on the battlefield.

If the army is fighting in the field, one shot can wipe out a centurion.

It's an infantryman's nightmare.

Apart from the heavy body, there are no shortcomings.

No, the cost of use also counts.

Although the barrel is thick and hard, it will probably be scrapped after two or three hundred shots.

However, there are enough spare parts for use.

Of course, the artillery under his command is sufficient, and the infantry cooperates perfectly in combat.

What he is concerned about now is the future of the artillery force.

Seeing these big guys dominating the scene, no one can deny the importance of artillery.

However, including himself, it is actually a temporary establishment. The Duke has not yet given a fixed establishment to the artillery unit.

Of course, what I have to do now is to try my best to show the role of the artillery.

There is no conflict between being loyal to the Duke and thinking about your own future.

Rogers put down the telescope and began to shout orders: "Aim a little closer, the barrel is cleared, for the sake of Your Excellency, blast these stepmothers to death."

Derek actually happened to see Rogers, and the officers around him all had binoculars.

Everyone didn't know much about artillery officers before, but after several battles, especially the appearance of heavy artillery, everyone quickly realized the importance of artillery.

Even a knight advocate like Man Niu had to change his mind.

After all, they were Derek's soldiers first and knights second.

Unlike traditional noble knights, civilian knights really don't care that much about history and knightly honor.

Of course, since we already know the importance of artillery, we must take action in advance.

Man Niu licked his face and came over: "Duke, how will we arrange the artillery unit in the future? Why don't you give me a team first?"

Derek put down the telescope and glanced at the bull. This guy's little thoughts were too obvious.

"I have my own arrangements for the artillery unit. If you have ideas, you can equip each infantry regiment with a few artillery pieces first, but artillery officers, you have to wait in line."

This is no joke. Although the production of artillery is slow, the training of artillery officers is even slower.

It is ridiculous to expect the soldiers who were holding dung forks to have a high level of education.

Even among the nobility, there are many people who know nothing about mathematics.

As for artillery officers, they probably have the highest cultural requirements in this era.

If there are one or two artillery teams, it may not matter if they grow wildly.

But if you want to formalize and scale, you must have a complete system.

Adrian didn't open his mouth at all. He knew that if he didn't speak, he wouldn't lose his share, and... there were some things that were hard to say.

What he is thinking now is, should he send a few of his cronies to learn artillery?

Holy Cross Capital.

King Bruno was not in a very good mood. In his eyes, the establishment of the Northern Principality was just a country boy who had some achievements by chance and wanted to be on an equal footing with himself.

What kind of Duke is Derek?

The son of a baron, he got the title of duke through many twists and turns.

The humble bloodline can only be shown off in front of the common people, and is not worth mentioning in front of the royal family.

Especially in recent years, I have offended myself many times.

He had long received a letter from King Arthur of the Rock Kingdom, and the two had made an appointment to attack the Northern Principality together and divide the interests.

But the church kept dragging its feet and fell into the struggle between divine power and royal power.

What's even more disturbing is that the Northern Principality dares to take the initiative.

"A bunch of daring bastards."

King Bruno cursed angrily.

Fortunately, the letters from the City of Sighs arrived soon one after another.

His Majesty the King took it apart and took a look. He skipped the nonsense about showing loyalty at the beginning and went straight to the key points.

"...Although the Northern Principality has many troops and Duke Leopold is famous, I still have the confidence to repeat the past...First defeat the enemy in the city, then continue to pursue, regain the lost territory, and march to the Kingdom of Locke..."

Huh, what is this guy talking about? What's that guy Leopold's reputation like? It was just some dirty tricks.

If you can't do what you say, I'll find an excuse and chop you off.

King Bruno read several letters in succession, and the words of several generals were similar.

He actually didn't think there was any danger in the City of Sighs, and he finally heard some good news.

He just doesn't have much confidence in counterattacking.

With this good mood, His Majesty the King had a rather comfortable breakfast.

He has realized that the City of Sighs lacks a commander.

While the quarrel with the church continues, it is not difficult to appoint a local battlefield commander.

Through letters from frontline generals, he sensed hidden dangers.

If there is internal strife among the generals, there will really be some hidden dangers.

His Majesty the King is considering which one should bear the crown first.

"Your Majesty, a letter from the City of Sighs."

The chamberlain carefully came to the king with a pile of letters.

"Another letter?"

His Majesty the King felt a thump in his heart. It was not good news that the letters came so frequently.

Sure enough, when he opened it, his good mood ended there.

"...The enemy is fierce, the artillery falls like thunder, smashing for miles with one shot, the city wall shakes..."

Just now I saw a letter that was still shouting to attack the enemy's lair, and now they are shamelessly asking for help. The gap is too big, so big that His Majesty the King can't accept it.

Good guy, don't think about hidden dangers, the other party can win without any tricks.

"Call the ministers to discuss matters!!! Right here."

The king couldn't wait any longer and started a court meeting on the spot.

The news that the Northern Principality had called had spread a long time ago.

Most people were optimistic about the situation on the front line.

Even if they were beaten several times, their inertial thinking still believed that the City of Sighs would not be in trouble.

Otherwise, the king would not be in the mood to enjoy breakfast leisurely, and he would have been anxious.

But it's not too late to know now. King Bruno introduced the situation and then glanced at the ministers he relied on.

"What should I do now?"

There was silence. This situation was very sudden.

And this time the Northern Principality did not play tricks, but attacked openly.

"Tell me, do you want to wait for the Northern Principality to enter the capital before you suggest that I surrender?"

Faced with the king's anger, everyone knelt on one knee, not even saying they dared.

Seeing that they could not escape, someone finally spoke up.

"Your Majesty, it's time to ask the Pope to come and talk. It's not good for them if we lose.

The Northern Principality is not the Locke Kingdom. Can we leave some monasteries for them?"

This has historical basis. Louis I of the Locke Kingdom expelled the church and only kept some monasteries for priests.

The Northern Principality will be even more ruthless than the Locke Kingdom.

At most, they suppress the church, and the Pope and other high-level officials have little impact.

But the duke is known as the incarnation of a saint, and he wants to ride on the Pope's head. He doesn't believe that the Pope can tolerate it.

After all, no matter how much the church loses, it is a loss for the public.

But Derek wants the Pope's own power, which he can't tolerate.

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