Obviously, Dagu's words were not satisfactory.

The envoy's eyes were red, and his teeth were clattering: "You are provoking a war."

"Tsk!" This time, not only Dagu, but many barbarian soldiers laughed disdainfully.

"If you want to fight, then fight.

The Duke's loyal barbarian warriors are waiting for you to come."

Dagu looked at the other party with contempt. If it weren't for the other kingdoms, he would have destroyed the Barbarian Kingdom long ago.

Among the several countries, the Barbarian Kingdom is the weakest. How could it have the courage to threaten itself?

For the soldiers below, they just want to fight.

The tough attitude quickly eliminated this small conflict.

The Barbarian delegation applied to see the Duke, but there was no response.

Obviously, this was a show of force, letting the delegation that made trouble some time ago see, and if they dared to make trouble again, they would knock your teeth directly.

After dealing with this trivial matter, Dagu reported to the general above, took off his armor and went home.

This time to the capital is also a disguised vacation.

Before the celebration, you can be a little lazy.

In addition, he also has an invitation, which cannot be refused.

With his personal guards and carefully selected gifts, Dagu quickly arrived at the destination in a carriage.

Before getting off the car, he looked up at the mansion in front of him, and then looked down at the carriage he was sitting in.

"Thank you, Duke."

A few years ago, how could he have thought that a barbarian headman could do business in such a big city and own such a luxurious mansion.

How could he have thought that he would sit in a carriage and walk freely in this big city.

Everything is the gift of the Duke.

At the door, seeing the carriage coming, several servants quickly greeted it.

One of the mixed-blood barbarians recognized Dagu at a glance and shouted happily: "Brother Dagu."

Dagu also recognized the other party as a tribal partner.

Seeing that the other party was wearing exquisite clothes, the traces of wind and frost on his face had been reduced a lot, and it was obvious that he had lived well in the past few years.

He smiled and greeted: "Little Ward, why are you here too?"

"I'm working for the chief, and this time I came to the capital with him to attend the celebration." Little Ward explained happily, and asked enviously: "I heard that you, Dagu brother, became a general, is it true?"

Dagu smiled, he had never been so happy.

He touched the other's head and said: "Don't listen to people's nonsense, you will be laughed at if you tell others. He is just a thousand men, not a general."

"The thousand men of the barbarian army, the ace of the ace troops, is no worse than the generals of the miscellaneous brands."

Dagu looked in the direction of the voice, and the former tribal chief Guli was standing at the door. I don't know when he came.

This former tribal chief now has a plump face and is no longer as strong as he was in the past.

Time is a butcher knife, turning a tribal warrior into a fat businessman.

This is somewhat inconsistent with the aesthetics and values ​​of the barbarians.

But for Dagu, he prefers to see such a chief.

At least it is better to have a full stomach than the tough old people who starve to death every winter.

The memory of suffering became the source of gratitude in his heart.

He was reminded again and again that all this was the Duke's gift, and what he had to do was to keep it all for the Duke.

All enemies could not stop the barbarian civilians from wanting to survive.

The door was obviously not a place to chat, so Guli took Dagu into the house.

By the way, he told some of his own experiences.

"Thanks to the Duke's kindness, we barbarians also have the opportunity to be rich.

And I have also had a few drinks with the Duke, and the people below are very caring, so the business is getting bigger and bigger."

Guli was very emotional. An encounter that winter, now thinking about it, has become a turning point in fate.

"Although business is important, don't forget how all this came about. Don't learn from some Locke merchants who forget about courtesy, righteousness, integrity and shame because of money." Dagu reminded him that he didn't want his old acquaintance to fall.

Guli also laughed, the kid from the tribe had grown up and knew how to say these words.

Even if he heard the news about Dagu, he didn't have such an intuitive feeling. It wasn't until they sat together that the shadow of the past completely dissipated.

But he can pat his chest to guarantee: "We barbarians are definitely the most loyal merchants of the Duke."

Daggu was relieved, he believed that Guli would not do stupid things, otherwise he would not let him go.

The old tribesmen got together, and they drank more.

Guli talked about his experiences of meeting the Duke several times.

He didn't know how many times he had said it over the years, and he was equally proud every time.

Of course, there were some regrets: "I told the Duke that I would lead his horse, but now it seems that there is no chance. You should work hard and strive to lead the Duke's horse one day."

A businessman, no matter how big his business is, it is difficult to get the treatment of leading the Duke's horse.

Don't think this is a disgrace, in fact, not everyone can do it.

You see, usually, it is either General Simon who leads the Duke's horse, or General Virut.

At the very least, that is the Duke's personal guard.

Even Daggu is not qualified now.

Daggu was not completely drunk yet, and he remembered this matter in his heart.


Derrick finally arrived at Plan City. The Holy Cross Kingdom has been quiet recently. The impact of the attack on the City of Sighs was too great.

He simply looked through the recent intelligence on Plan City and rejected some whimsical applications.

"Before the celebration, arrange for all the envoys to meet together."

The squire quickly wrote down the Duke's orders.

"The outstanding generals in the army can arrange to take turns to come and meet with me."

"The celebration is ready, it doesn't have to be too fancy, it won't be used."

"How's the new infantry regiment doing?"

While the attendants brought the heads of various departments to report on the situation, they also recorded the Duke's orders and arranged the time for the people they should see.

Things are also divided into priorities and done separately.

Finally, it was the turn of Dagu's group of barbarian officers to pay their respects.

The atmosphere of the meeting was very relaxed, just a small dinner party.

While everyone was eating and drinking, Derek took the opportunity to ask about the situation on the front line and in the army, and listened to everyone's voices to see if there was any sign of being deceived.

Loyalty is not an absolute weapon, people have selfish motives.

In order to prevent major hidden dangers from arising, Derek tried to talk directly to mid-level officers.

Fortunately, the atmosphere in the Northern Principality is not bad and there is nothing messy.

Some are just minor problems that are unavoidable.

When it was Dagu's turn, he suddenly became cruel and mentioned the Gulitou people.

"Duke, do you remember Gulitou? I met him a few days ago, and he was still saying that he wanted to lead a horse for you. I think..."

Dagu couldn't go on. To be honest, this request was a bit too much, beyond the scope of his identity and permission.

Derek was also stunned. Fortunately, he had a good memory and remembered Gu Li.

Seeing the anxiety on Dagu's face, he smiled easily and said, "No problem, I'll send someone to find him to see if he is willing to lead a horse for me again."

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