Guli was sitting at home, and was overjoyed.

Suddenly, a duke's attendant came and asked him if he was willing to lead the duke's horse on the celebration day.

Guli was stunned. He never thought that there would be such a good thing.

If he had this experience, he would be able to walk sideways in the Northern Principality in the future, but no one would dare to bully him.

This is half a gold medal of immunity from death!

The attendant saw that he didn't speak, and thought he was unwilling, frowned and said: "This is the opportunity that Captain Dagu fought for you, don't you want it?"

How could he not want it? Guli nodded frantically, and it took him a long time to remember to speak: "Yes, of course I am willing, it's my honor..."

"Okay, someone will arrange it for you later, just remember this."

The attendant left quickly, but Guli was extremely excited.

"Dagu is a good kid, I want to give him a big gift."

"The duke is kind, and still remembers me, old Guli."

Excited, moved, fortunate.

All kinds of emotions surged up, making Guli dizzy.

Outside the city of Plan, many armies gathered, but one was particularly special.

Sharif wore a light new military uniform and a round steel helmet.

All the students in the infantry training class were organized into a small square team.

Compared with other teams, their square team was particularly thin and looked very weak.

Their daily task was to train, train and train again.

Sharif did not even go home once, just like ordinary officers, eating and living in the barracks.

Near them were other soldiers preparing to participate in the celebration. Every day, they could hear the roar of horses and the shouts of soldiers.

Speaking of which, there has been a habit of kings reviewing since ancient times, but this time the Northern Principality was more purposeful.

The entire city of Plan was immersed in a tense and fanatical atmosphere.

It was not just the kingdom's delegation that came.

There were also nobles from all over the country, merchants and travelers from afar, and specially selected civilian representatives.

The last group of people was the most special. They were not simple civilians, but local tycoons and descendants of nobles.

In short, they were all powerful people in their villages and towns. Derek specially invited them.

Finally, the time came to the celebration day.

Before dawn, the whole city was unusually lively.

A large number of outsiders poured into the streets, and local residents were willing to watch the excitement.

A large number of soldiers stood on both sides of the street, responsible for maintaining order today.

The delegation came later, and they arrived at the viewing platform at dawn.

To be honest, it was a bit shabby.

Plan City was originally a northern city. Even though it has developed rapidly in recent years, it has no palace and lacks planning, revealing a sense of pettiness.

Not to mention the luxury of the Holy Cross Kingdom, the hugeness of the Locke Kingdom, and the martial arts of the Griffin Kingdom, even the palace of the Barbarian Kingdom is more majestic than here.

"Nouveau riche!!"

The envoy of the Holy Cross Kingdom said sourly, and his voice was so low that no one could hear it clearly.

He felt sour in his heart, but he saw the guys in the barbarian delegation who had their teeth knocked out, and he didn't want to experience it again.

But they were definitely not the only ones who had similar thoughts.

The nobles valued their reputation, and the duke was really not particular about this, which made it easy for people to look down on him.

In the distance, there were suddenly cheers.

The attention of the delegation was attracted, and they only heard waves of sound, like the tide, rolling in.

There was no gorgeous opening, and no honor guard was in place in advance.

I saw two rows of knights, slowly coming along the passage left in the middle.

The flags of various colors were the only colors, the two-headed dragon flag, the noble square flag, and the armor on the two rows of knights was also the bottom of the box.

Of course, the bottom of the box does not mean how sophisticated it is.

In fact, the styles of the armor are not uniform, and they are even covered with scars and uneven.

But no one doubts the combat effectiveness of these knights.

These are meritorious knights, and there is even dark red in the gaps of the armor that cannot be wiped clean.

The blood of the enemy is their confidence.

Scars all over their bodies are like medals.

The envoys who were chattering suddenly became quiet.

Even the most insensitive people know that it is not that the Northern Principality is too poor to collect a few sets of armor.

The envoy of the Griffin Kingdom sat up straight, but his eyes kept looking at the envoys around him.

He came here to watch the fun. After all, the Griffin Kingdom has a special location and is separated from everyone by a strait.

The previous experiences of the Locke Kingdom and the Holy Cross Kingdom were all objects of their ridicule.

The more glorious the knights of the Northern Principality are, the more these people's faces hurt.


What are barbarians? The envoys of the Griffin Kingdom have never taken this new country seriously.

Unless it is like the Northern Principality, which has no rivals in the surrounding areas, it is difficult for a new country to be taken seriously by others.

Behind the knight is Guli, who is dressed in traditional barbarian clothes.

For the Locke people, barbarians are looked down upon, and barbarians' animal skin clothing is also regarded as barbaric.

In the past, Guli would avoid wearing barbarian clothes outside and flaunt his civilization everywhere.

But today, he took the initiative to change into animal skin clothes, proudly holding the reins, his eyes almost raised to the sky.


If you are civilized, come and lead the Duke's horse!!!

I am a barbarian, but I am the one who leads the Duke's horse. Come and scold me if you have the guts.

Gu Li felt light all over, as if he was dreaming.

Of course, leading the horse was just symbolic. The open carriage with eight horses was controlled by a special rider.

The Duke and Duchess sat in the carriage, and the little Duke also sat upright and honestly.

The places they passed by were full of cheers from civilians.

Looking at the envoy of the Holy Cross Kingdom, his face was black.

This open carriage still had the mark of the Holy Cross Kingdom's royal family on it, but at this moment it represented not glory, but shame.

"Damn Duke Fernandez!!!"

The envoy complained wildly in his heart, if you like to sit in an open carriage, just sit, why did you want to be captured by the Northern Principality, isn't this embarrassing?

On this special day, it was really interesting to sit on the spoils of war.

Only the envoy of the Griffin Kingdom didn't react for a while, and thought the carriage was a bit shabby.

Even the barbarian envoy laughed at this time.

It's really fun to see others in trouble.

But soon, he couldn't laugh anymore.

Because the Duke and Duchess got off the carriage and went to the viewing platform next door, the first to be reviewed by the Duke and Duchess were the barbarian heavy infantry.

The tall and mighty barbarians, wearing a full set of armor, could not be seen at first, but when they passed by the viewing platform, the leading officer shouted, and suddenly all pulled up their masks.


This time, it was the turn of the Holy Cross Kingdom's envoy to laugh.

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