The envoy of the Barbarian Kingdom was not stupid, so he could understand the implicit meaning, but he had no way to chase Derek for confirmation, otherwise it would not be a request, but a death wish.

The envoy of the Barbarian Kingdom had no choice but to retreat, and then the envoy of the Locke Kingdom presented a gift.

"Dear Duke, I greet you on behalf of His Majesty.

His Majesty thinks there may be some misunderstandings between you, so he sent me to clarify it."

The envoy of the Locke Kingdom spoke in a gentle tone. In fact, his appearance here already showed King Arthur's attitude.

"Your Majesty thinks that the Northern Duchy and the Kingdom are one, and the Duke has made great contributions to the North and the Kingdom, and he should split the land and establish a country.

If there were no rebellion in the country, His Majesty would be willing to come to the North to participate in the celebration in person."

The envoy of the Locke Kingdom spoke in a roundabout way, meaning that I recognize the Northern Duchy, and you should stop supporting that bastard Radek.

But for Derek, this recognition is useless.

Since you don't want to say it clearly, I will pretend that I didn't hear it.

As for the remaining two countries, the envoys of the Griffin Kingdom were calm and composed. They did not border the Northern Duchy, so there was no major conflict and no need to rush.

Seeing this, the envoys of the Holy Cross Kingdom could not take care of the airs of a great power and had to step out.

"Your Excellency the Duke, I bring greetings from King Bruno. Please stop the war on the border. We can slowly discuss the territories that have been occupied by you."

The Holy Cross Kingdom was really tired. It was not easy to start a war.

Even if it was passively invaded, it would take a lot of manpower and material resources, and it was necessary to integrate domestic contradictions.

In particular, the fall of the City of Sighs made the Holy Cross Kingdom completely lose its barrier.

If you are not careful, it is possible to lose the country.

"Okay, I will send someone to talk to you."

Derek agreed directly, and the other party was so straightforward that he could not believe it.

But this was finally good news, and he retreated in a daze.

The envoys of the Griffin Kingdom appeared calmly, presented gifts, brought the king's blessings, and finally said some polite words.

It is not bordering the Northern Duchy, and the other two countries have not had the energy to harass the Griffin Kingdom recently. They have lived very comfortably in recent years.

Derek also smiled back. For those who have no conflicts for the time being, he is willing to send them a signal of goodwill.

The banquet on the celebration day was very grand, and the Northern Duchy was not picky about food.

In the evening performance, several clowns who were temporarily found performed very well, which made the Duchess laugh happily several times.

It can be predicted that in the future, the demand for clown actors in the Northern Duchy will increase significantly.

The guests left, but Derek was not idle.

"Because of your policy, the number of adult civilians has increased slightly in recent years.

There is no large-scale statistics. According to our small-scale survey, the number of adult civilians has increased by about 5% to 10%.

The real explosive growth is expected to start from ten years later, when the population of the Duchy will usher in an explosion."

The administrative official was reporting the data that had just been counted, which was also required by Derek.

Five years is obviously not enough for the new generation to grow up.

However, from teenagers to adults, there is also a considerable population loss in these five years.

Because of the change in the environment in the North, there are more adults and the mortality rate has decreased.

About ten years later, the first batch of babies encouraged to have children will grow up, and the number will increase year by year.

The population advantage has begun to rise slowly.

More advanced medical care, higher food production, and the reduction of head tax, these superimposed benefits are the future of the Northern Principality.

Derek was really impressed by the demographic dividend.

"Continue to encourage childbirth, and the population demand will only increase in the future.

In addition, I will send people to keep an eye on it. Anyone who dares to destroy the Principality's strategy will wait for the whole family to be hanged together."

The administrative officials collectively felt cold in their necks. To be honest, the Duke kept his word. If he said that your whole family would hang together, he would definitely not miss a single one.

There are too many similar examples.

The key is that you can't resist yet. Not to mention that the Principality has first-class treatment, you could go on strike before, but the Northern Principality is like seeing a ghost. There are more talents among the civilians.

If you go on strike today, tomorrow there will be mud legs who just took off their sackcloth and happily take your place.

At first, you may do things in a mediocre way, but after a while, you will become an expert.

Not to mention that many people get promoted in this way. Strikes? ? They wish they could work all year round.

Facts have proved that involution can increase work efficiency.

Derek looked through the population statistics. Including the newly occupied provinces, the five and a half provinces have a population of nearly eight million, especially the two newly occupied provinces, which have contributed a total of three million people.

The 5% increase in adults is enough to form a legion.

Moreover, there are many immigrants every year. A better environment and more opportunities can always attract many people.

The population expansion, especially a large part of which comes from the newly occupied land, needs to be digested.

Otherwise, Derek will not agree to postpone the war.

The Kingdom of the Holy Cross will not either. They will not believe in begging for peace.

As soon as the internal integration is completed, they will take the initiative to go to war.

The so-called peace is just a rest between wars.

"In addition, continue to look for civilians willing to go to sea. This should be implemented as a long-term plan."

"Duke, now the principality has no worries about food and clothing, and not many people are willing to go to sea."

Derrick stared coldly at the guy who was talking, and the latter soon bowed his head under the pressure.

"I asked you to do the work, not to complain about the difficulties. If you can't do it, replace it with someone who can do it."

Derrick was ruthless. It was impossible for him to do it himself all the time. If this person couldn't do it, he would replace him with someone who could do it. With a population of eight million, he couldn't find someone to do the work?

Quickly finalizing some issues in the internal affairs, Derek adhered to letting the right people do the work, and he just had to grasp the general direction.

From top to bottom, driven by personal will, it was dispersed to countless individuals, layer by layer like a tree root.

The resources of the principality were also transported by this huge root system.

During the period, it was also full of up-down games and games at the same level, and finally it would be reflected in all aspects.

Sometimes, the seemingly stupid results are actually just errors after this screening mechanism.

Overall, it is good.

Sharif soon felt the huge and efficient operation system of the principality.

After the celebration day, they were not ignored because they were not recognized by the civilians.

The new infantry comes from the will of the upper echelons, and unless there is no future for it in the long term, it will not lose its attention easily.

With this kind of attention, it naturally brings a high concentration of resources.

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